The basic circuit isn't bad at all, if you can live with lack of overcurrent protection. Unfortunately, there's a certain risk that a breakdown of power transistors is triggered by an output short before the fuse blows.
What I meant with sloppy design are things like missing BE resistors and insufficient transformer rating, must be 16 A for 10 A continuous output current. The transistor heatsink requirements aren't mentioned at all.
If the DC input voltage is guaranteed not to exceed 60V, three 2N3055 can replace two 40411 for the present circuit, or recent "plastic" transistors like BD249.
P.S.: As the circuit has already emitter resistors with about 1.1 V voltage drop at rated current, it's quite easy to supplement a simple current limiting circuit. To allow lower current limits than about 6A, a current sense amplifier would be needed, for 6 to 10A, a one transistor circuit does the trick.