Advanced Member level 6

Here's an old favourite not seen for a open loop Half Bridge SMPS. (Vout 42-62V), Max power 833W.
Looking at 107us on the LTspice, due to these kind of shoot through events, would you agree this converter is best done with SiC FETs?
The shoot through is caused by the high leakage L.....causing current flow in the lower FET's intrinsic diode...then the top FET turns on, with the massive shoot through current, which could indeed kill the FETs.
(PDF schem and LTspice sim attached)
Here's an old favourite not seen for a open loop Half Bridge SMPS. (Vout 42-62V), Max power 833W.
Looking at 107us on the LTspice, due to these kind of shoot through events, would you agree this converter is best done with SiC FETs?
The shoot through is caused by the high leakage L.....causing current flow in the lower FET's intrinsic diode...then the top FET turns on, with the massive shoot through current, which could indeed kill the FETs.
(PDF schem and LTspice sim attached)