40 Mhz crytsal IQXo-350B connections with the PIC18f452

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Sep 10, 2010
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I have a 4 pin crystal named IQXO-350B. I wish to use it as the crystal oscillator. In the data sheet, the 4 pins are named 1, 7 8 and 14. & and 14 pins are for Vcc and ground leaving two pins.

now i am not sure how to connect pin8 and 14 with my PIC osc pins.

can i connect this crystal with my PIC 18f452 like pin8 with osc1 of PIC and pin14 with osc2 of PIC.

or the other way.



It is not a Crystal, it is a complete crystal based Oscillator.

If you look at the PIC 452 Datasheet it shows you how to connect the single output to the OSC pin.
You also need to change your Config to _EC_OSC

As I read it, pin7 to 0v, pin14 to +5v, with a 100nf across pin 7and 14.
Pin 8 to the OSC input on the pic.
If it if does not work you might need to add a 15pf to pin 8 output, as shown in the datasheet.
Oh! i get it now, thats why its is so sophisticated.
But, how do i change the config to _EC_OSC?
Do you mean in the programmer settings: there is only LP,XT,HS and RC options.
pls see the settings of my programmer software below(and I use CCS compiler):
I could not find the EC_OSC setting in the compiler.

Or may be i just write this in my compiler=> setup_oscillator( OSC_40MHZ ); //?


The chip you have selected in that picture is the 16F84 which does not have the EC function.

If you change the chip to 18F452 you will see EC is there.

However, I personally prefer to specify all the Confiuration options in the program code, otherwise when you program the chip in future times where have you got the details of what config paramenters to use ?

WinPic Prog automatically picks up these Cofig parameters from your program code, so no need to re-enter them again.

I do not code in C , but think you set you Config Parameters something like this - #pragma config OSC=EC or #pragma config _OSC_EC

There are several config parameter, most are set off by default but your suggest as well as the OSC you also put these on your code.

A simple Google and you should soon find a lot more detail about the Config usage in your complier.


Even with a pic16F84, or 16F628 or 18F252
you can use an external clock
for 16F8x use HS osc for configuration ( but in fact you don't use the internam Pic Oscillator ! )
and connect output of External oscillator to the pin OSC1/ClkIN
ISC2/Clkout keept unused

i used this kind of oscillateur EPSON 25MHz on 16F84 for DDS application
you can see schematic on my webpage section DDS.
and 40MHz on 16F628-20 ( but no garantie for all 16F628 because over spec!)
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