4 bit processor vhdl code

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Newbie level 2
Nov 13, 2014
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Does anyone have VHDL code for simple processor with 4 4-bit registers and a 16- word memory with 8-bit words.

This seems like a homework assignment, where you are supposed to design a 4-bit processor, otherwise there would be absolutely no reason to use a processor as you've described. You should do your homework instead of asking for code.

If you already did it and wanted to compare then post your code and you're certain to get lots of critiquing. Otherwise take a look on open cores and look at some of the simple 8-bit processors and extrapolate a 4-bit one from that.

You are totally right. The assignment is about 8 bit processor. I'm trying to find 4 bit processor source code to make it 8 bit processor. My goal is to learn not to copy. I have read VHDL programming book, and it is kind hard for me as a beginner.

My goal is to learn not to copy. I have read VHDL programming book, and it is kind hard for me as a beginner.
Good for you! :grin: That is the attitude that will make you a success (unlike those nameless others that post here :wink.

Maybe you could look at the Intel 4040 or perhaps https://opencores.org/project,mcs-4 to get some inspiration.

Here is a project for the 4004

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