4-20mA to 0-5V converter

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Jun 10, 2005
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4-20ma to 0-5v converter


I am looking for a circuit that converts 4-20mA to 0-5V.
the power that is available is +10V or +12V.

I also found this, rcv420 but it needs -15V to +15V so I can't use it.

Thus anyone know a circuit or something that can do this?

4-20 ma to 0-5v

Hi have a look at the following link
**broken link removed**

Also you can use a 250 Ohm resistor in series at the current output, and the drop voltage on the resistor oscillates to 1-5Volts. You can convert the 1 Volt to 0 by using comparator.

4-20ma 0-5v


And how do I convert the 1V to 0V with comparator?
Because I don't know much of analog electronics.
0-5v to 4-20ma

If I simulate this then the output of IC1A always goes to 10V.
Does anyone has a solution.

convert 4-20ma to 0-5v

What you have is "inverterting" configuration on non-inverting input and similar, but opposite story on the non-inverting input ..

If you connect 4-20mA to R5 (not R4) and R5/R6 to pin 3 (+), and R4 to R2/R3, and the other side of R4/R7 to pin 2 (-), you will have 0-4V for 4-20mA ..

Next, you need the gain of the second opamp of 1.25 (already there) and this should produce the output of 0-5V ..


0-5v 4-20ma

I am very sorry guys for the wrong schematic that i have already uploaded. I made the mistake by momentum.
The mistake is on the first amplifier.The whole circuit works as follows. The R1 converts the 4-20 mA to 1-5 Volts. The first amplifier works as subtracter. It substracts 1Volt (by the voltage divider of R3 and R2 for 10V power supply) from the range 1-5 Volts. So the voltage range after the subtraction is 0-4Volts. Next the voltage is amplified with 1.25 gain, and finally we have the desirasble range.
I will upload the new schematic.


  • 4-20ma_to_0-5volt_1473.jpg
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0-5v to 4-20ma converter

pls check the image:the sensor provide a 4-20mA signal to that module,you connect 12V power supply between PIN"4" and Pin"5",and PIN"8",PIN"9"can have 0-5V output.

4-20ma schematic

Candy8866 said:
pls check the image:the sensor provide a 4-20mA signal to that module,you connect 12V power supply between PIN"4" and Pin"5",and PIN"8",PIN"9"can have 0-5V output.

What is the block in the middle of the picture? Could you post a link to the datasheet?
4-20ma converter

**broken link removed**


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