+3Vdc and 2mA to +12Vdc and 2A

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Junior Member level 2
Sep 13, 2007
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How to get the output of +12Vdc and 2A from a +3Vdc ad 2mA.. pls give me the proper circuit

You'll need some magic lessons to do that.
3V * 0.002A = 0.006mW
12V * 2A = 24 W

You can't get power from where you don't have it.

As for continuous drive, as commented, it is impossible.

Neverthless is possible to have one single pulse of high power (non-continuous mode).

If you want a single pulse of high-energy, all you have to do is to pump a hug capacitor for time enough. The energy stored can be used to generate your high-power pulse. After the discharge, you have to wait again till the capacitor re-charge and so on.

I have circuit 5V to 12V DC Converter step up Voltage Regulator

**broken link removed**

I don't think the circuit momename
posted can solved this problem.
As Jonny mention, a charging solution might help
depending on what is the application.

Your posted circuit origin from the following website.
**broken link removed**

if anyone is interested in convert from a lower to higher voltage,
you can try the IC LM2577.
You can refer to the website link above for more information.

dmmahesh: You need for 3V atleast 10A, for an output of 12V, 2A. So if your source can withstand this. Then it will be possible. And by the way, are you an electronics person?

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