Junior Member level 3
Hi All,
I'm wondering about which Monte Carlo setup will accurately represents statistical distribution in silicon on mass production.
There are 2 cases that I'm considering:
Case-1: Global Corner + Local MC
Case-2: Global MC + Local MC (total MC)
If I were to look at 3-sigma statistical distribution, which case would you say more realistically represents silicon?
If I want to be very safe Case-1 would give me worst results but I want to argue that Case-2 is in fact the one that more accurately represents silicon distribution and covering Case-1 is over-design anyone agrees with me on this?
I'm wondering about which Monte Carlo setup will accurately represents statistical distribution in silicon on mass production.
There are 2 cases that I'm considering:
Case-1: Global Corner + Local MC
In this case I vary the Corner manually (ie. Typ, Fast, Slow, FS, SF) and run Local MC with each of them
Case-2: Global MC + Local MC (total MC)
In this case both the corner and the local mismatch are using Monte Carlo approach
If I were to look at 3-sigma statistical distribution, which case would you say more realistically represents silicon?
If I want to be very safe Case-1 would give me worst results but I want to argue that Case-2 is in fact the one that more accurately represents silicon distribution and covering Case-1 is over-design anyone agrees with me on this?