Member level 3

I am trying to build an LLC converter with wide variable output voltage. I also read the following thread (see bottom) and made some enchancements regarding Lp/Lr ratio and duty cycle control of the variable frequency.
1-) First I designed a low Lp/Lr ratio.
So my magnetising inductance= 90uH, Leakage inductance= 115uH
This will give me a limited variable range between 10V and 6V for wide Qload.
Ex: Fr regultes between 110kHZ (near resonance) for 10V and a little bit far ex: 140kHZ for 6V , in dependance of Qload. (assuming that my Fr resonance freq for inductive region=100kHZ).
2-) In order to enlarge the output range down to 2V..10V. I am considering adding a duty cycle regulation between 6V..2V. So that I do not go much above 140kHZ, but hold the frequency constant and reduce the duty cycle to reach down to 2V for a wide range of Qload.
What do you think abaout it?
Will there be problems when I am a little bit far from resonance frequency and regulate the duty cycle to reduce the output voltage while holding the frequency at 140kHZ?
It is a half bridge topology. I may change it to full bridge and use the full bridge between 10V..5V and switch to half bridge for 5V..0V. But I want to implement it complety as half bridge topology.
Any ideas?
1-) First I designed a low Lp/Lr ratio.
So my magnetising inductance= 90uH, Leakage inductance= 115uH
This will give me a limited variable range between 10V and 6V for wide Qload.
Ex: Fr regultes between 110kHZ (near resonance) for 10V and a little bit far ex: 140kHZ for 6V , in dependance of Qload. (assuming that my Fr resonance freq for inductive region=100kHZ).
2-) In order to enlarge the output range down to 2V..10V. I am considering adding a duty cycle regulation between 6V..2V. So that I do not go much above 140kHZ, but hold the frequency constant and reduce the duty cycle to reach down to 2V for a wide range of Qload.
What do you think abaout it?
Will there be problems when I am a little bit far from resonance frequency and regulate the duty cycle to reduce the output voltage while holding the frequency at 140kHZ?
It is a half bridge topology. I may change it to full bridge and use the full bridge between 10V..5V and switch to half bridge for 5V..0V. But I want to implement it complety as half bridge topology.
Any ideas?