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use of IR2110 for three phase Full bridge IGBT driving

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Advanced Member level 2
Aug 27, 2013
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Hello,there could anyone help me by giving the circuit used for driving a three phase system with IGBTs?

I implemented a full bridge with IGBT for three phase asynchronous motor,the drivers I have are only those IR2110 ,could you help me by providing connection diagram for those IR2110?

Thank you!!


I´m not sure what you need.

There are lots of schematics of using IR2110 around.
--> read IR2110 datasheet
--> go to (or other manufacturers) and find IR2110 application notes
--> go to (or other manufacturers) and find "driving IGBT" application notes


Refer to my post regarding the controlling of three phase motor using three phase full bridge made using IGBTs I would like to use the IR2110 for controlling those IGBTs that is why I posted as you saw.the IR2110 has HIN and LIN but with microcontroller I have the signals all activated high I want to use IR2110 in place for example of IR21362 which is a three phase driver so I combine the three IR2110 for replacing one three phase driver.

Please help


still not clear.

for a three phase motor driver you need 6 controlling signals for 3 halfbridges.

If you have a driver with deadtime adjust, you could do with 3 phase signals and one enable signal --> 4 signals in total.

as so often:
A schematic could help to understand.
Still is unclear why you don´t use one of the many three phase example circuits.


Controlling AC induction motor with PIC16F1936 and IRG4PC50UD

Hello everybody I would like to control the speed of an induction motor but the control of a IGBT Full bridge is a proble I am not getting the 15V required for applying to the gate of the IGBT could anyone propose a good circuit from the PIn of the PIC to the gate of the IGBT i norder to step up the controlling signal up to 15V?I am using SPWM.

Please help
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Hello,Sunnyskyguy I understand but I used a logic inverter before applying the signal on HIN but still not output on HO,the signal applied on HIN has 500HZ and 1.2V ,
In order to get the 1.2V the two transistors (making up a darlington)were used for increasing the current and Referring to IR2110 datasheet they provide a chart showing the input voltage requirement but with my PIC I don`t really have the stated voltage (at the output of the PIC),what should be the error?

I also don`t understand why on LIN the same signal inverted and no inverted gives LO at all time!!

Please help.
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I think the problem is understanding what the IR2110 does. The HIN and LIN inputs are not alternatives and the high and low do not refer to logic levels, they refer to the top and bottom MOSFETS in the arm of the bridge. The HIN controls the top MOSFET and the LIN controls the bottom one. Both inputs are driven by logic level signals.

You need one IR2110 device feeding two MOSFETS on each phase. Three IR2100s and six MOSFETS to make the 3-phase driver.
Each MOSFET is individually controlled so you need six logic level signals to drive them.

You can generate the six signals from the MCU, using hardware assistance inside the MCU to generate the 'deadtime' or you can invert 3 single PWM signals between HIN and LIN and then add a delay between them to provide 'deadtime'.



the signal applied on HIN has 500HZ and 1.2V
Look into datasheet figure 12B and 13B.
For example at 5V supply voltage, you need about 3.3V signal input voltage to be recognised as "high" level.


Hello betwixt and KlausST; I configured my PIC for operating in Half bridge by setting CCP1CON,CCP2CON and CCP3CON each one equals to 0XBC,I used a darlington transstors (2 transistors BC337) for increasing the voltage level on Pin 11 and pin13 of the PIC16F1936 I ma receiveing the signal which passes through darlington transistor and then goes to the IR2110 but the signal from Pin 11 is not getting out from the IR2110,what should be the problem pin 9 of 16F1936 is at +5V and I used two types of darling ton transistors:

From pin 11:two PNP transistors make a darlington configuration
From pin13:Two NPN transistors make a darlington configuration when supplied to pin 10 of IR2110 I get around 10V at pin 7 of IR2110,what else should be done so that the voltage comes at 15V at least in order to fully be able to turn on the IGBT/MOSFET??

The voltages from pin 1(LO) and pin 7(Ho) of IR2110 has to be the same? I mean if at pin 7 the voltage is 10V is it necessary that at pin 1 also it has to be 10V?

Thank you!!

I think you should show a schematic to clarify about your darlington and level conversion problem.

Generally, IR2110 can be driven by 3.3V logic signals without additional level conversion. VDD should be connected to 3.3V logic supply in this case. 3.3V logic with 5V VDD will "typically work", but not guaranteed by Vih datasheet specification. The bad thing is that IR2110 is becoming a bit slow with 3.3V VDD, so it's not recommended for very fast PWM, but it should work for IGBT speed range.

I'm not sure what the darlingtons are for. The input logic levels are related to VSS and VDD which can be anything between 3V and 20V.

LO voltage is derived from VCC and should be between 10V and 20V.
HO voltage is derived from VB and should be no more than 500V.

If your darlington driver is needed (a schematic would be useful) are you taking into account it's higher saturation voltage? Vbe(ON) + Vce(sat) can be as much as 1.9V according to the BC337 data sheet.


Hello Betwixt,the main problem I do have is that the output of the PIC is not directly fed into IR2110 (because it does not attain the level of 3.3V as the datasheet describes)so I used the transistors to see if I can rise that level of voltage so that it is fed into IR2110.see the circuit here in attachment.

If you refer to this link you can see that the VB can`t be 500V and also how the circuit can be tested before applying the high voltage of 500V assume you realized a simple circuit on the board!!

Thank you


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does not attain the level of 3.3V as the datasheet describes
Particularly referring to which specification?

I'm no using Proteus (like other professionals, I guess) and would prefer a screenshot, pdf or whatsoever.


Please post your circuit as a picture.
( I'm using a tablet, no proteus...But I can see pictures)


Hello FvM, I mean the output of my PIC does not attain 3.3V which is a requirement for an IR2110 to consider voltage on HIN as High logic level "1",dear KlausSt here is the picture for the transistors I used at the output of my PIC,instead of BC337 I used BC547.



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A CMOS output without considerable load current reaches 3.3V with a few mV margin. Why do you think it doesn't?

I don't see a purpose of darlington circuit in case you want a 12V level conversion. But if you use it, there must be a base-emitter resistor for the second stage to achieve halfway acceptable switching behavior.

- - - Updated - - -

Forgot to mention that the second (PNP) circuit doesn't work at all.

A disadvantage of the inverting level converter is that it switches the output on during µC reset.

I concur with FvM. If you are saying the PIC can only achieve 3.3V as logic high I assume you are running it from a 3.3V VDD supply. As long as you run the IR2110 from the same supply it should work fine. If you are trying to increase the logic levels to 12V, you have to run the IR2110 on 12V as well.

I'm afraid Proteus files are of no use to many of us, if you have a full schematic please create an image from it and post that instead.


ha,the circuit has the same ground,only the L7805 is used for getting the +5V for the PIC but the 3rd pin of IR2110 is at +12V and pin9 at +5V and the pic of course get the supply from the regulator likewise the IR2110 (its +5V),I am drawing the circuit I post it soon!!Dear FvM the output of the pic is in terms of mv around 341mv at 20KHZ the system is operating.!!

Don't get your description, 3.3 or 5V PIC supply? But running IR2110 VDD from the same supply voltage as the PIC would be O.K. anyway.

I don't know what's the matter with 341mV, is it a multimeter reading? It would be in fact meaningless. You have been complaining about PIC not achieving 3.3V according to datasheet.

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