3 Phase motor operation with only 2 phase. Is any risk ?

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Newbie level 3
Mar 28, 2008
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Hi, everybody.

I m new here & I don't know if this is wrong place for putting my query. so sorry if this is.
Actualy I want to know if there is any adverse effect to three phase motor with operating in the presence of only 2 phases & 3rd one is created by splitting the one healthy phase with capacitors. this is common practice of farmers. They operate 3 phase submursible motor even in the abscence of 1 phase.
Please clear, if any harm for motor with this operation.
If any other proper method is available, please suggest.

in 1-to-3 phase [passive] conversion with caps motor is not 'harmed' but will operate at somewhere below 80% of the normal 3-phase power ..

as you said, it is pretty common practice, and here are more details on this issue:

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however, much better option is to use a proper ac drive, which is basically single-phase-to-three-phase inverter, and you can get them from, for example, ABB:

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these drives offer soft start, variable speed etc etc and are also manufactured by siemens, telemechanique, sunshine el, and 101 more companies around the world ..



    Points: 2
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Very Very thanks Mr. IanP for clearence.


3 phase motor run in 2 phase it is possible to no risk only you are putting VFD (AC drive) for motor control
if you are connect motor direct to 3 phase it run only 2 phase it may be very risk for motor and it will taken more current and motor jurk
so do not connect motor with out drive in 2 phase
if you have any doubt please mail me my mail id muruganshanjai@yahoo.com

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