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what is the systhesis and timing models of a hard macro

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Dec 14, 2004
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what is the systhesis and timing models of a hard macro? How can I generate it for systhesis use later? Thanks

generally speaking, hard macro synthesis and timing model are from the third company.
or from the compiler, eg memory compiler.

Why to do synthesis on Hard-Macro? It is a GDSII, and is a IP for your design.

Hi tybhsl,

We need timing model in Synthesis because we need the hard block's timing info

for surronding blocks. We can get the timing_model from Primetime.

Can anyone comment that is it allowed to do over the block routing for all the hard macros

It depends. Some hard marcos are noise sensitive, e.g. specially tailored memory block, and you may not want any signal fly over it.

May be you should usr PT for hard block timing description

it is for convinence of chip level synthesis,
if IP provider don't provide the model, you can consider it as black box
and set timing constraint on boundary.

Thanks everyone!
One more question, if I want to synthesis a top Verilog file in which a hard macro IP is used as one of its submodules, how can I make the Eda tools---design compiler, to recognize this macro sucessfully although I can imagine it as a black box in my mind. Perhaps we need something like the standard cell library to tell the tool that this submodule should be treated as a blackbox. We call it the synthesis models of a hard macro. I mean, if I want design a hard macro for others, how can I generate such models so that others can synthesis it as a submodule? Thanks!

can you help me? I am puzzled at it for a long time. Thanks.

generally speaking, hard ip provider will give you timing model, when use DC, you include your hard ip in link_library

it' s a good subject and useful to me
my question is how to generate the models
just like tybhsl asked!

I have the some question as above. Who can help me? Thanks.

I have heard that you can use synopsys to extract the timming information of an already exisiting macro.

As for creating the timming model I guess the synopsys library compiler should be useful.

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