290vcc in 230v ac converter

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Full Member level 3
Jun 4, 2012
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Hello guys, I have an inverter Tronic 300w with some problems. the h bridge who convert the 290v cc in 230v ac 50Hz on the secondary side doesn`t work. I think i gone the microcontroller. . So I need a simple circuit that convert the 290vcc in alternativ current (220-230v)at 50 hz. The devices with smps work verry good with 290v cc on input, but the transforms and bulb`s doesn`t work. I think I can make something with tl494, but I don`t know how to start. Regards.

Dear Vlad.
At first you will need a section with High frequency transformer , ( H bridge ) ( to create 330Vdc) . and then another H bridge without transformer and with SMPS . first you should design first section to create 330VDC .
By the way , because your required power is not very high , (300w) you can use a push pull converter instead of H bridge as your first stage , or even a forward converter .
Best Wishes

Hi, I have 290v dc ,all I need is a schematic with H bridge who convert the 290c dc in 230v ac.

Hi, I have 290v dc ,all I need is a schematic with H bridge who convert the 290c dc in 230v ac.
Humm , if you have 290 volts DC , it is simpler to do .
I think you know about H bridge . you won't need TL494 . you will need two IR2113 or 2110 or 2130 or .... etc . but before that you should create SPWM , with carrier frequency around 15KHZ . can you do it ?

sorry I know about H bridge but I dont know how to start. I prefer tl494 because I donţ have now IR2113 or other(I can buy from online magazine) but I what to do it with component`s that I have at my home. I have tl494, SG3525, uc 3844 etc.

Unfortunately you can't do that ! i think you need a sine wave not a square wave in your out put , right ? if yes do you know difference between PWM and SPWM ?

I need a sine wave but I think will be good with square wave(for that i want to use tl494). I work a lot with PWM control, it`s the first time when I hear about SPWM(Synchronized Pulse-Width Modulation). I think the devices like tv, computer, laptops(wih smps), and bulb`s will work good with square wave. And the transformers will be fine but with a lower eficciency.

Did you understand the performance of those chips really ?
Listen : those chips have a feed back or two feedback loop . will change the D.C according tot he fed signal . the didn't design for Sine wave converter . they designed to achieve a SMPS . i think you are a bit confused . you didn't ask my question . i have to repeat it : do you know difference between PWM and SPWM ? ( their spectrum ?)

Thanks for links, I read that and I see that SPWM(sinusoidal PWM) it`s from high frequency bands, and PWM is from Dc component. I will read more about this and I will try to answer you.

I think vlad didn't have an idea on micro controllers and how to program them, therefore he prefer using his normal pwm chips which is simpler to build but he has to make a choice of what type of output signal he want,that what determine the either to use micro controller or normal component for square wave signal.

I said on the top that i want to use tl494 for square wave signal. It`s simple. All i want is an schematic for my problem. Regards.

Hi again
Let me clarify a thing for you : you need a Sine wave with low frequency . ok ? then consider that you have a low frequency square wave and then you want take it's first harmonic via a filter to achieve a sine wave . yes ? is that your idea ? if yes , i have to disappoint you ! this way is not practical . because of a big filter ( at leas you will need a 5th order filter !!!!! , it means it is complicated to design too , and it has many other disadvantages too )
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So sad. thanks for you`re help. I understand. I think i will use this inverter whit 290v cc ouptup because the computer or laptop or phone charger or other with smps will work verry good.

If you create a simple SPWM signal and SPWM' and create a bit dead time between these signals , then you can use IR21xx as driver and then give these signals as Hin and Lin . and then a simple butter worth filter . it is the simplest way for you . it is all thing that i could say as a guidance for you .
Good luck
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    Points: 2
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Thanks for all you`re time guys this was helpful. I will study SPWM and I will try to make something. Have a nice day.

Have you considered that sometimes it’s more simpler to repair instead of start designing a complete new circuit? Are you sure the microcontroller doesn’t work anymore? :wink:

Hi, yes because he don`t control the gates of mosfet`s from H bridge. I see with a scope.

OK, you know better the situation, I just wondering to get some additional details for.

- - - Updated - - -

Such device need additional feedback from the circuits for proper control of the power MOSFETs, and many small problems not related to the main controller may lead to a faulty situation.

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