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[SOLVED] Looking for SG3525 PROTEUS model file

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Aug 4, 2011
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I could not find SG3525 for Proteus. Proteus does not have any component SG3525. And I could not find one after searching Google. Does anyone here have one?

Re: SG3525 PROTEUS model file

I could not find SG3525 for Proteus. Proteus does not have any component SG3525. And I could not find one after searching Google. Does anyone here have one?

Unfortunately, there are numerous parts and devices without an appropriate model file. You may have to consider utilizing another part in your design.


I have found one for SG2525 after searching online. I've attached the .DSN file utilizing the SG2525 part. You can use this for simulation of SG3525 as the differences between SG3525 and SG2525 aren't too great, as you can see in the datasheet.


    14.9 KB · Views: 3,738
I have found one for SG2525 after searching online. I've attached the .DSN file utilizing the SG2525 part. You can use this for simulation of SG3525 as the differences between SG3525 and SG2525 aren't too great, as you can see in the datasheet.

already uploaded here contain some other chip as well

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Any one have PWM chip UC3842 for Proteus?
Here is a file which contains the UC3842 part.


    225.7 KB · Views: 2,124
This is a bit old thread but there seems one thing problematic: UC3842 datasheet says that duty cycle limit for the device is about 98% under given operating conditions Rt = 10k and Ct = 3n3. However the model does not output a pulse width as stated. It is limited much below and i cannot manage 1:2 boost conversion in simulation. Any ideas?

You should upload your DSN file.

I assume that by 1:2, you refer to the ratio of VIN:VOUT.

For a boost converter where VOUT = 2 * VIN, the duty cycle must be around 50%. Why are you trying to go as high as 98%?

I will post the design tomorrow hopefully.

The fact is that, it does not even go upto 50%. I thought it is due to the Rt/Ct ratio (which also limits max. duty cycle) but even if i try the values given in datasheet, it does not give 1:2 output.

Having read the related posts, i tried a similar circuit on LTSpice using LT1242 IC, which is said to be similar with UC 384x, it works as it is expected.

In fact i need a 1:4 boost ratio and the reason i am working so hard on UC3852 that it has cycle by cycle current limit. However, since i will be charging a li-po battery, the topology becomes unstable for such high boost ratios. Anyway it seems that i will be needing cascading converters to achieve a stable circuit.


Here is the schematic. The configuration is exactly same with the schematic given with the model files. I have changed components to meet my design settings.

Here Vout is required to be at least 24 (Output voltage divider is much higher in the schematic for test purpose only)

View attachment 83706

Here is the schematic. The configuration is exactly same with the schematic given with the model files. I have changed components to meet my design settings.

Here Vout is required to be at least 24 (Output voltage divider is much higher in the schematic for test purpose only)

I found that the duty cycle is limited to 20% only (instead of 50%). Plz ccheck.

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im Mapy
who star the model of uc 3842 the proteus he give uc3842.mdf he not running
any bady help please

im Mapy
who star the model of uc 3842 the proteus he give uc3842.mdf he not running
any bady help please

The same problem is encountered. When i upload tahmid's uc3842test2.dsn to proteus everything go expected. But, if i try to plug transformer or any other mosfet to it, proteus give me error " uc3842.mdf file is not found"

Help please

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