24 VAC splitter design or a doubler design help

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Newbie level 2
Mar 11, 2015
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Hi All, this is my first post.

So I'm working on my sprinkler system and I have a break in a buried wire somewhere between my control box and the solenoid valves. I'm looking to build a circuit that will either use one of my good wires and then splits the time evenly sending voltage to 2 to 4 valves or making what they call a doubler.
A doubler has two components, one on the control box side and one on the valve side. The one on the control box side is connected to two stations and then runs a signal (I'm guessing through a pulse) and voltage through one wire. The one on the valve side receives the signal and then deciphers which one of the valves to send the voltage to.

Thanks in advance!!

A simple analog method could be based on detecting a volt level within a 'window'.

To turn on one sprinkler, send 3V. At the other end is a comparator (or op amp) circuit, made to respond to a signal between 2V and 4V.

To turn on another sprinkler, send 5V. At the other end, have your comparator respond to a signal between 4V and 6V.

This method will not allow you to keep all sprinklers on, if the sprinklers must receive a continual signal. Therefore consider using this addition. After a sprinkler receives a turn-on signal, have it timed to stay on for a minute or two. This method will allow you to send two signals simultaneously (3V and 5V alternating).

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