2363 ROM equivalent and reading

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Advanced Member level 6
Jan 5, 2008
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Hello I have a machine with 2363 ROM on it an I need to find an EPROM pin compatible replacement. I think it is the 2764, but I am not sure.

Also can I read the 2363 ROM like regular eproms and store it's program, so I can re-program a replacement chip?

It would raise the chances to get a meaningful answer if you give some more infos about the said "2363 ROM", e.g. pinning, manufacturer, etc.
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It would raise the chances to get a meaningful answer if you give some more infos about the said "2363 ROM", e.g. pinning, manufacturer, etc.

It is a Sharp LH236301, used on a vectrex system. I would like to clone this to a suitable EPROM for direct pin replacement.

any news on that?
The manual says that it is the: 2363 8K x 8 ROM
Although on the actual pcb the chip is the sharp 284001-1

Any reader for the 2363 rom? I need to replace it with asuitable eprom.

You might try a 2764A, although I have yet to find the datasheet for the Sharp LH236301 to compare the specs.

I managed to come across this reference to the Vectrex and a parts listing:

Vectrex Museum

Also the following an extensive list of resources, parts, emulation tips, etc:

VecFinder - Get Your Vectrex Information Efficiently...

I also found several legacy parts houses which stock the original Sharp/Toshiba part.

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Yes, I think you are right the 2764 eprom is said to be pin compatible with the 2363 rom, in some german forums I have read.

google translation:

"If I remember correctly, the ROM is socketed.
The block is a 2363 (8Kx8bit), seems to be pin-compatible with 2764/2864.
"the only pin not labeled on the 2764 what pin pinout 26, Which is the NC on the 2363rd The Vectrex HOWEVER ties this pin to +5 V.. dunno if that matters, but it's worth looking into."

Actually a 2364 only has 24 pins. If that was not a typo with the 2363 and it has 28 pins is to assume that all unused pins are defined as pins CS (Commodore has always done), these may be active HIGH or LOW. So I'd read at the pin 26 as an active HIGH CS. That would be the compatibility with the 2764 yet to be verified, then the ROMs were more compatible with the 25xx EPROMs and are easily configured differently ... So let's look from the CPU to which pins of the ROM A10 and A11 and then go with the occupancy of a 2764 and a 2564 compare."

The thing is, can I read the ordinary rom with an eprom reader configured for 2764, or I may blow up the rom?

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