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[SOLVED] long range wireless communication between multiple 89c52s

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Aug 22, 2011
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hello all,

i am building an application where i am going to send and recieve data wirelessly between 2 or more microcontrollers. i have tested my code with 2 mcus, and it is working fine. Now i need help in the "wireless" part, i want a component which i can interface with 8051's serial port. and it will take care of my wireless communication automatically, it must be cheap and available online. i have already bought APC220, but i cannot find any helping material on how should i use it.

the question is can i use APC220 component for this usage, and can it be able to communicate between many other mcu's configured with same setup. ie. apc220 connected to 8051 serial port. And if not then which Wireless Chip can handle such communication without much hassle.

Thanks all in advance.:p

i am building an application where i am going to send and recieve data wirelessly between 2 or more microcontrollers. i have tested my code with 2 mcus, and it is working fine. Now i need help in the "wireless" part, i want a component which i can interface with 8051's serial port. and it will take care of my wireless communication automatically

Does this mean you have successfully established serial communications between the two 8051s using a hardwired connection?

If so, it appears your problems are in the setup of the APC220 units. Have you ran the RF-Magic utility and ensured that each devices parameter are set correctly?

it must be cheap and available online. i have already bought APC220, but i cannot find any helping material on how should i use it.

the question is can i use APC220 component for this usage, and can it be able to communicate between many other mcu's configured with same setup. ie. apc220 connected to 8051 serial port. And if not then which Wireless Chip can handle such communication without much hassle.

The link Ckshivaram posted provides everything you need to effective setup the pair for a virtual serial cable replacement.

The another option would be a pair of Digi ZigBee XBee Series 1 which use the 802.15.4 standard. A pair of them will almost always link together right out of the box, usually no setup required.

However, they are 3.3v devices and would require a 3.3v voltage source either a voltage regulator or breakout board with voltage regulator installed.

XBee Series 1

XBee adapter 5V

They can be directly connected to the UARTs of the 8051, 5v tolerant I/0. and can be purchased at numerous online parts houses.

I would suggest giving your ACP220 another shot, using the procedure outline in their User Manual.

I just wanted to know before starting the PCB design that if i connect APC220 (stock- just out of the box) RX and TX pins to my 8051 TX and RX pins running at 9600 baud rate; would it be sufficient enough to communicate to the other 8051; and i have tested that on the breadboard today, and it worked. Thanks all for the help, ill consider the suggestions and tips as the design evolves. TY


For future reference. The APC220s did establish a communications link out of the box? No setup required?

The information maybe important regarding future questions concerning the APC220s.


yes it did, well i checked on bread board and configured both mcus to blink some leds at 9600 baud rate via APC220's wireless configuration, both were working fine, ie sending and receiving data. but one of the mcu wasnt blinking the leds, that might be fault of loose wiring.

So to answer ur question, yes they do work by default at 9600 baud rate and 9600 air rate. Plug and Play as a matter of fact.
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just finished the product, the APC220's work superbly, it is an elegant solution for RF communication. But it is semi-duplex, one can use 2 for full duplex communication with a MCU with 2 serial ports.

the range was b/w 400m - 500m, in clear area, the antenna's facing each other. when hidden behind a building the apc's stopped communicating after 400m approx , there might be a problem with battery voltages, cause i designed the power-supply to work at 8-30v DC, and i had to use 9v batteries when took the PCB outside. and no i didnt try other baud-rates, but the range would be better for 4800,2400 bauds. the air rate was 9600 bauds.

PS. as the distance increased the data rate became slow.

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