220Vac to 5vCC without transformer

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source without transformer

I have used FET in a similar project...
It solves the prupose...converting 220Vac without a transformer...
However, the saftey remains an issue...

the ncp1200a

In the first post, in schemat it would be better if you insted that 1Mohm put two 0.5M in series. The resistance the same but resistors are highly nonelinear in voltages above 100V. Doing this you will divide the voltage half on two of them.

simple charging with out transfomer schematic

it is not too hard to get 5v/100ma from 220v for that u use a bridge to ac suply
and then 1m ohm resistor and a boost capacitor then a znner diode between +ve and gnd u'll get desired voltage and is shock proof................

charge without transformer

are this same as usb ac/dc adapter?

ic used in nokia mobile charger circuit

Added after 8 minutes:


220vac voltage divider

elector 2004/12 with IRF730
elector 2005/7-8 page 77 IRF730 (current source with zener diode)
Radio 1999/11 parallel stabiliser with capacitor 5-46V (2 transistors


220ac to 5vdc without transformer

Hi Friend,

Use a rectifier & inverter Setup. You can bring it down by varying its Firing Angle α.

I think you can achieve. And I am not Sure.


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