220v peak to peak to 310v dc using a rectifier

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Junior Member level 1
Dec 7, 2010
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can someone help me with a circuit or a part number that converts 220v peak to peak from a transformer to 310v dc

You need a bridge rectifier and a capacitor at the rectifier's output (take a look at this).

Just be carefull about what type of bridge will you use (it depends on the current) and you also need a capacitor of let's say 1000uF/400V. If you can't find the selected value or it is too expensive, you can place smaller capacitors in parallel (2x330uF will also do the job), but their maximum voltage rating must be at least 400V.

Hope that helped.

can someone help me with a circuit or a part number that converts 220v peak to peak from a transformer to 310v dc
first of all these are DANGEROUS VOLTAGES so be very very careful.
220 p-p is a strange voltage, you probably mean a 220v RMS which is about 311v peak and 622 p-p.
With a full bridge you will get a DC close to the peak voltage (311 DC from 220 rms AC).
A 220v p-p (assuming sinusoidal) will be about 78v rms AC and you will get about 110v DC (close to the peak voltage).

Again, be very careful with this kind of circuit.

Alexan_e is right you it should be 220V RMS. which is the general 220V electricity supplied to our homes....
you just need a Bridge rectifier with sufficient current and voltage rating....
and be careful while working with these voltage levels....

Thank you with your help, but is there a formula for calculating this capacitor value

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 17:02 ----------

Thank with all your replies, now i see light. What i am trying to achieve is to use a self oscillating bridge driver irs2453d to drive mosfets and get 12v p-p then step up using a transformer to 220v(rms as you suggested) and then comes the bridge rectifier so that i get 310v dc and finally i use another irs2453 so that i obtain 220v ac. Can you help me if you can

A sinusoidal voltage amplitude 15 V and frequency 50 Hz is applied to half wave rectifier using P-N diode. The load resistor is 500ohms.

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