22" LCD monitor resolution in linux

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Dec 26, 2005
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22 lcd horizontal sync range

i just don't understand why the 22" lcd are all widescreen? it is only good for watching movie in general.

1. but anyway, i got one today, the max (default) resolution is 1680*1050. that is what i use in windows. but in linux (RHEL 3 update 8 ), this resolution is not supported. if i use 1280*1024, there is significant distortion; if i use 1600*1200, which is perfect, but there are letter boxes on both side, it is equivalent to use a 19" widescreen. anyone have any idea to solve this issue? by the way, , i use universal video driver, because that is the only that could support my ATI X 300 video card.

aticonfig vertical different resolution

Two method.
1. Go to AMD/ATI web site to download the linux driver. Please read the installation guide carefully,
and you can set the resolution by ATI software.

2.I think you can force the resolution.
Please find the file, xorg.conf or Xfree86.conf in /etc/X11. (I is not familiar with RHEL 3, I use RHEL 4.4) Assuming the file is Xorg.conf,
You can find the Monitor section and modify the
Sync frequency/vertical frequency range according to the specification of the 22' LCD.
Then in the screen section, you can add the 1680*1050 in the mode section.
Restart the computer.

You can try and good luck .


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force monitor resolution

by configure the file you mentioned in method 2, i was be able to bring up the "1680*1050" option in the display option, however, it won't work even i select.
I guess that is probably because generic diver. so I down load the ati linux driver for x300 and installed without problem, but i was not be able to boot up with this driver, and at the end, i still have to use generic driver. do you any other idea?

how to set lcd monitor linux

could anyone share their experience to use 22" lcd with correct resolution? i installed ati's linux driver, but don't know how to open it's graphical control panel, also don't know how to configure the "aticonfigure".

ati linux clone same resolution

I had the same problem with my monitor.

I followed the solution in this article

It can be summarized as following:

if you have any problems refer to the original article as it contains some details about debugging

Best regards,


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linux 22 lcd

Because My card is ATI7500 and ATI don't provide the linux driver.
You can search some paper to read how to use aticonfig to set the display mode.

I forget that there is a command to calculate the display frequency band if you input resolution and vertical frequency that you want.

The above paper shows the method I said.
Good luck for you.


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aticonfig hsync vrefresh lcd

To Sakr:

Thanks for your information, but it still not working, here is part of the code copied from configuration file, could you take a llook for me?

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "LCD Panel 1680x1050"
DisplaySize 470 300
HorizSync 31.5 - 90.0
VertRefresh 60.0 - 60.0
ModeLine "1680x1050" 149.0 1680 1760 1944 2280 1050 1050 1052 1089
Option "dpms"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "radeon"
VendorName "Videocard vendor"
BoardName "ATI Radeon (generic)"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1680x1050" "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1680x1050" "1400x1050" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "DRI"
Group 0
Mode 0666

linux aticonfig resolution

The VertRfresh is 60.0-60.0 Hz?
Please modify this item according to specification of the 22' LCD.
I find a 22' LCD of ViewSonice, VX2235wm, and the
HorizSync is 30-82 kHz, VertRfresh 50-85 Hz.

Added after 10 minutes:

Also , you can use aticonfig command.
These options are below,
aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
aticonfig --resolution=0,1152x864,1024x768
aticonfig --hsync=0,30-70
aticonfig --vrefresh=0,50-160

The horizSync and VertRfresh according to your
LCD spec. Your must read the help for aticonfig.
It is convenient.


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22 lcd possible resolutions linux

aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
aticonfig --resolution=0,1152x864,1024x768
aticonfig --hsync=0,30-70
aticonfig --vrefresh=0,50-160

so, should i put the above code in the configuration file, but in which part?

linux big lcd screen refresh

why buy an expensive monitor that doesn't work !

aticonfig custom modeline

asueee0 said:
aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
aticonfig --resolution=0,1152x864,1024x768
aticonfig --hsync=0,30-70
aticonfig --vrefresh=0,50-160

so, should i put the above code in the configuration file, but in which part?
If you install ATI driver downloaded from AMD/ATI website, you can execute aticonfig command with option in terminal not add to a config file.
I think you must know the hsync and vrefresh spec of 22' LCD.
Then you can try,
aticonfig --hsync=......
aticonfig --vrefresh=....
aticonfig --resolution=0, 1650x1050....
in the command terminal.

Added after 25 minutes:

If you install ati driver download from AMD/ATI website.
Please run aticonfig in the terminal, then you can see the help content.
You must run this with su or root user.

[root@localhost ~]# aticonfig
Usage: aticonfig [OPTION] ...
Parses an existing X-Server configuration file and modifies it to operate with
ATI products.

The following command-line options can be invoked as parameters:

ATI Initial Configuration:
Generate a default ATI device section in the configuration file which
is capable of loading the fglrx driver.
Same as '--initial' but generate a basic dual head configuration file.

TV Options:
--tvf, --tv-format-type=STRING
Change the TV signal format. STRING can be one of:
--tvs, --tv-standard-type=STRING
Change the TV standard for TV output. STRING can be one of:

FireGL Workstation Board Features:
--app, --use-app-profile=STRING
Change the application profile for a FireGL workstation board.
STRING can be one of:
--dw, --disable-workstation=STRING
Disable a FireGL workstation board feature. STRING can be one of:

FSAA Options:
Enable/disable full scene anti-aliasing. Enable this option to enhance
photo-realism in 3D rendering. Disable it to get the most accurate 3D
--fs, --fsaa-samples={off,0,2,4,6}
Set the number of FSAA samples per pixel or 2, 4, 6. off is the same
as setting 0 samples.
--fsg, --fsaa-gamma={on|off}
Enable/disable FSAA gamma.
--fmsp, --fsaa-ms-positions=x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5
Change the FSAA Multi-Sample Positions for x0,y0 to x5,y5. You must
specify exactly 12 real number values separated by commas.

Screen-Related Options:
--ovt, --overlay-type=STRING
Change the overlay for the X server. STRING can be one of:
--ovon, --overlay-on={0|1}
Choose which head the hardware overlay should be visible on. The
hardware overlay can be used for either OpenGL, video, pseudo-color
or stereo.
--lcd, --lcd-mode=STRING
Change the LCD mode. STRING can be one of:
--dtop, --desktop-setup=STRING
Change the desktop setup for multiple display adapters.
STRING can be one of:
single 1 screen, second dark
mirror 2 screens - same content, identical
refresh rate/resolution
clone 2 screens - same content, allows for
different refresh rates/resolutions
horizontal 2 screens - one framebuffer,
screen 1 right of screen 0
horizontal,reverse 2 screens - one framebuffer,
screen 1 left of screen 0
vertical 2 screens - one framebuffer,
screen 1 above of screen 0
vertical,reverse 2 screens - one framebuffer,
screen 1 below of screen 0
Note: This option is not valid if '--initial=dual-head' is specified.
--vs, --sync-vsync={on|off}
Enable/disable sync buffer swaps with vsync. Enable this option to
prevent tearing during 3D rendering.
--psc, --pseudo-color={on|off}
Enable/disable pseudo-color visuals. Enable this option to get 16-bit
color support.
Enable/disable quad-buffer stereo support. Enable this option only for
using applications that support the use of hardware 3D shutter glasses.
--ss, --stereo-sync={on|off}
Enable/disable quad-buffer stereo sync. Enable this option to get 3D
glasses to synchronize with the infrared transmitter.
Set the modes for the first screen. You may specify several
resolutions separated by commas.
Change the horizontal sync range of the first monitor. Make sure you
know the capabilities of your monitor before changing this option.
Change the vertical refresh range of the first monitor. Make sure you
know the capabilities of your monitor before changing this option.
Change the modes for the second screen for dual head. You may specify
several resolutions separated by commas.
Note: The secondary screen must exist.
Change the horizontal sync range of the second display. Make sure you
know the capabilities of your monitor before changing this option.
Change the vertical refresh range of the second display. Make sure you
know the capabilities of your monitor before changing this option.
Change the modes for the second display. You may specify several
resolutions separated by commas. Only valid for clone and big desktop
Set the secondary screen position for dual head.
Set the screen overlap region in big desktop mode to be NUM pixels.
Describe all displays that are to be enabled and/or disabled regardless
of physical connection. STRING can be one or more of the following
set, separated by commas:

POWERplay Options:
--lsp, --list-powerstates
Print information about power states and exit.
Set a power state listed by --list-powerstates.

Advanced Options:
Enable/disable fast thread local storage. Disable this option when
virtual machines or WineX fail to work properly.
--sb, --signal-block={on|off}
Enable/disable signal blocking. Disable this option when debugging a
multi-threaded OpenGL application.
--iagp, --internal-agp={on|off}
Enable/disable internal AGP gart. Enable this option to use the ATI
AGP GART module. Disable it to use the module included with the Linux
kernel. Changing this option may help resolve display-related issues.
--agpl, --agp-locked-userpages={on|off}
Enable/disable AGP locked user pages. Disable this option if the system
hangs when running fgl_glxgears.
--gcpu, --generic-cpu={on|off}
Enable/disable generic CPU. Use this option if the CPU is being
reported improperly. For example: If you have an AMD cpu that is
being reported as Intel.

Miscellaneous Options:
-v, --verbose
Show what aticonfig is doing.
-q, --quiet
Disable all information output except for errors.
Choose when the requested changes should take effect.
now: Immediately. This change will affect the running X
session if applicable. Only 'set-powerstate' and
'overlay-on' are applicable for now.
startup: On future X server startups. This change will modify the
X server configuration file if applicable.
The default is 'now,startup', i.e., do both as applicable.
-i, --input=FILE
Select a FILE to input as the configuration file. Set FILE to '-' to
pipe from standard input. Without this option, aticonfig will search
/etc/X11 for the default configuration file.
-o, --output=FILE
Select a FILE to output the new configuration file to. Set FILE to '-'
to print to standard output. Without this option, aticonfig will
replace the input file with the newly generated file.
-h, --help
Display this help screen.
-f, --force
Only valid with 'initial' option. Force aticonfig to generate default
Monitor, Device, and Screen sections even if the original configuration
file has invalid settings in these sections.

1. Setting up fglrx for the first time.
Single head : aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
Dual head : aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=above
This command will generate a dual head configuration
file with the second screen located above the first
2. Setting up big desktop to horizontal and set overlay on secondary display.
aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1
3. Setting up modes for primary display.
aticonfig --resolution=1600x1200,1280x1024,1024x768
4. Force primary CRT on and TV-out off.
aticonfig --force-monitor=crt1,notv

I think you can try the below,

[root@localhost ~]# aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
( I think this will setup the modification which file will be saved in)
aticonfig --hsync=Low-High (Please replace Low-High will value of 22' LCD spec)
aticonfig --vrefresh=Low-High
aticonfig --resolution=1680x1050, 1280x1024, 1024x768 (and so on)

Restart the computer.
If the installation is sucessful, you can run glxinfo in the terminal and the message

direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Display adaptor version number
OpenGL version string: OpenGL version numbe

Good luck for you!


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