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[SOLVED] Multi Pic Programmer 5V2

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Jan 30, 2007
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Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
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I have made a multipic programmer 5 V2, since I am a newbie I dont know how to check, it is working or not, I am using iCprog and using hardware setting to JDM, OS is WinXp Voltage measured on serial Port is approx 10.9, When I try to read Device 16F72, It seems all is successful, but verify after write fails, also programmer is detected successfully by picpgm. Also I am confused about OSCAL??? Experts Please Help.

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I got the same problem earlier and i had get the correct answer from these forum please check the threads you will be get .

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ----------

see these threads

I have made a multipic programmer 5 V2, since I am a newbie I dont know how to check, it is working or not, I am using iCprog and using hardware setting to JDM, OS is WinXp Voltage measured on serial Port is approx 10.9, When I try to read Device 16F72, It seems all is successful, but verify after write fails, also programmer is detected successfully by picpgm. Also I am confused about OSCAL??? Experts Please Help.

Ckt is attached

Sometimes icprog fails in some systems.... you can use winpic800..... i am using the same programmer and its working well.....this programmer works only in Windows Xp and old versions of windows..... and cannot be used in laptop cannot give 13.5v for programming.....

Here is the software link try works....

Download - Software programmators winpic800

Sometimes icprog fails in some systems.... you can use winpic800..... i am using the same programmer and its working well.....this programmer works only in Windows Xp and old versions of windows..... and cannot be used in laptop cannot give 13.5v for programming.....

Here is the software link try works....

Download - Software programmators winpic800

I think my problem is related to voltage level, not software, I had tried winpic800 also, voltage level I am getting is 10.9 v on pin 3 with respect to pin 5 and during programming approx 11.6V on pin 1 and pin 9 of Zif socket, you are right that laptop will not work (I measured only 5.6 VDC on my Dell E5500) hence i managed an old desktop. Is there any workout to raise VPP in this circuit???

thannara123 could you please provide me db9 connection pinout for this circuit. I have soldered a DB9 female connector but followed DB9 male pinout , Is it right??? and lastly please confirm value of D6 (See attached circuit), in your programmer, I have seen some circuits on the internet using 8.2v zener. however i have used 6.2 V.

Thanks a lot for replies. :smile:
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Hi! here is the db9 female connector pinout

I think my problem is related to voltage level, not software, I had tried winpic800 also, voltage level I am getting is 10.9 v on pin 3 with respect to pin 5 and during programming approx 11.6V on pin 1 and pin 9 of Zif socket, you are right that laptop will not work (I measured only 5.6 VDC on my Dell E5500) hence i managed an old desktop. Is there any workout to raise VPP in this circuit???

thannara123 could you please provide me db9 connection pinout for this circuit. I have soldered a DB9 female connector but followed DB9 male pinout , Is it right??? and lastly please confirm value of D6 (See attached circuit), in your programmer, I have seen some circuits on the internet using 8.2v zener. however i have used 6.2 V.

Thanks a lot for replies. :smile:

i dont think you have any problems related to voltage level... if there was then you may not read any voltage greater then 9V..... i think your problem is with the DB9 connection you made.... if you have used the female type then you must follow the pin diagram of the same.... i suggest you to check the connections once again...

what is your actual problem now .
did you changed the burning software .please use ponyprog PonyProg - Serial device programmer

In my circuit ,i didnt made db9 at programmer side taked wire and connected to the pc throgh a db9 female pin .

how did you made your pcb ,is it home made ? if yes you should check the connection by using multimeter ?

all doubts are discussed the i earlier mentiont threads

Thank you all for replies, sorry for the delay, as I am a site engineer some time it is difficult to manage spare time for hobby, will check and post result within 1 week, sorry once again.

Sorry for the delay friends, checked the circuit and found that one connection of 6.2 V zener was open, fixed that and now getting fixed VPP 14.5 V without 18F2550 installed, however with 18F2550 it is dropping to 10.0 v, also without device when I try to initialize programmer on interface tab(Winpic by DL4YHF), it is always successful however it always fails with pic in zif socket.

so as you are using a 28 pin PIC (18F2550) you need to place it in correct position.... just check the ic position.....

Sorry for being too late, demetal I searched net for device positions but found 1 no pin to be placed on 1 no pin of ZIF, I was trying to flash pickit 2 firmware on 18f2550 and got it done from one of my friend, completed the clone and it worked well, added 2 EEPROMS for PTG functionality and that worked too, now I am trying to read 24C64 EEPROM in S7 200 PLC from Siemens, to recover its password, Will post updates after success, Thanks to all of my friends for helping.

please check the pcb solder side for dry solder joints, hairline cracks in the tracks etc with an analog multimeter
then in the IC-Prog software first get the hardware check done as OK

I tried reading Atmel 24C512 EEPROM soldered on a veroboard using self made Pickit 2 clone , writing was ok reading was ok even verification was ok but when tried reading same eeprom on board, pickit reported that read eeprom is successful, but there were all zero in hex file, anyone had experience with reading eeprom please help.

I have made a multipic programmer 5 V2, since I am a newbie I dont know how to check, it is working or not, I am using iCprog and using hardware setting to JDM, OS is WinXp Voltage measured on serial Port is approx 10.9, When I try to read Device 16F72, It seems all is successful, but verify after write fails, also programmer is detected successfully by picpgm.

The ability to read, but not write is a clear indication of incorrect voltage levels, especially Vpp:

The PIC16F72 Programming Voltage Requirements:

The PIC16F72 requires two programmable power supplies, one for VDD (2.0V to 5.5V) and the other for VPP of 12.75V to 13.25V. Both supplies should have a minimum resolution of 0.25V.

PIC16F72 FLASH Memory Programming Specification

Thanks Bigguru as I had assembled a pickit 2 clone and it is working on my laptop i.e. no need of old desktop which only boots in 3 or 4 retries and swapping of ram slots, hence i was not concentrating over multi pic programmer, but as you have given your precious time to reply me i will surly check that in a day or 2 may be longer since it is a pain to start that old desktop.

I think you are using pickit 2 clone from palma's blog.... I think it cannot program atmel controllers....

Schematic attached above was modified by me and pin 6 of 18f2550 was connected to 6 pin female header through a 330 ohm resistor, then I made another board which has a Atmel 24C512 mounted as per connection given in readme file of Pickit 2 standalone application, then I tried reading and writing and it worked OK, but when I tried reading AT 24C512 on board (Siemens S7 200 PLC) was unable to read one time hex file contains some garbage and another time it shows all zero. Board's Image is attached


You can not read/write the SEEPROM while it is on board. There are a lot of influences by the surrounding electronics. Desolder the SEEPROM and make the adapter or solder the wires to the pins of the chip and read/write it.

Thanks Zasto but as I have no tools for SMD nor experience in desoldering SMD, I will leave it and take help from a professional who knows how to desolder SMD, however thanks to all of you who had given your precious time. will post result once it is done.

Sorry for the late reply, no progress in reading eeprom yet, but I was trying to get my Multi pic programmer working, as per my assessment my laptop serial port was not providing me enough voltage and my old PC was giving trouble in booting, I found serial port booster on Laptop Computer Serial Port Power Booster while searching and replaced MAX205 by 2 MAX232 and Caps (Ckt attached). and after soldering the circuit and testing it seems that voltage is now alright, Now I am getting 14.5 V VPP on no load, and 13.0 -13.5 when PIC is inserted, During reading/writin/verify VDD is between 5.2-5.9 V, however verify always failed, I have tried, is it necessary to connect pin 5 of sub-d to chassis?, may someone please guide me to a procedure of testing data and clock lines, I only have a DMM :-(
Thanks for all replies


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