2 to 4 decoder circuit patent

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 14, 2011
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I want to find patent of 2 to 4 decoder that shown on the attached picture below.
I made some key words for it, but didn't receive success with it on Google patent. What is possible key word for this circuit?
My key words:
2 bit Decoder
2-to-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer
two four decoder
n-to-2n Decoder
A two to four line decoder
decode circuit, decoding circuit
2-input decoder
tree type decoder
4-output demultiplexer
demultiplexer circuit
A 2-to-4 Binary Decoder


Why not? Such simple circuits doesn't have patents? May be there are patent of more complex system that include such decoder?

Such simple circuits doesn't have patents?
Very certainly not. In some cases, people succeeded in patenting things that have been considered as trivia or otherwise known prior arts. So you can't be exactly sure. But in this case I would be really surprized.

May be there are patent of more complex system that include such decoder?
May be, but you'll have difficulties to find it in a patent research.

If somebody needs it I found this structure in patent US6243319 B1 Fig. 13

If somebody needs it I found this structure in patent US6243319 B1 Fig. 13
In fact the 2-to-4 decoder is used as predecoder in the invention, not surprizingly, there are no claims related to the 2-to-4 decoder as such. It's explicitely quoted as prior arts.

Such simple circuits doesn't have patents?
Yes, even simple configurations like the Darlington transistor and Sziklai pair were patented when they were first invented. However, those patents expired years ago.

Similarly, if this decoder circuit was ever patented, that would have been done at least half a century ago so the patent would have expired long ago.

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