Howdy all and what a great resource I've stumbled upon here thank you in advance. So, I am living off grid and have wondered for some time that since I have my t105 6volts wired in series parallel and putout 705 amp hours and recharge with 50 amp charger well then why couldn't I take my 3500w generator and my 4800w generator and wire them up parallel and run both legs of my panel to the house. Two hot legs from one gen and two hot legs from other gen, neutrals tied, grounds tied and thus have a 9kw genset. Seems to me that it could work just not sure how but learning along the way. Quite similarly I have a six bank t105 battery set up going to an inverter hotting up one leg of my house panel and am considering another bank of the same with another inverter to hot up the other leg of my panel (why not) Oh, at some point in the near future I will be going to wind and solar power with a more efficient 70 amp charge controller. Any thoughts suggestions greatly appreciated thank you