Jan 21, 2015 #1 digi001 Full Member level 5 Joined Apr 5, 2011 Messages 244 Helped 22 Reputation 44 Reaction score 21 Trophy points 1,298 Activity points 2,904 How do I design a 1st order filter with 2 second time constant? 1 / (s + ?) Once i have it in continuous form I can convert using BiLinear and design the digital filter I need.
How do I design a 1st order filter with 2 second time constant? 1 / (s + ?) Once i have it in continuous form I can convert using BiLinear and design the digital filter I need.
Jan 21, 2015 #2 T treez Guest first order means an RC filter.....so RC product should be 2 seconds. Put Z(r) = 1000 + j0 Put Z(c) = 0 + j. xc where xc = 1/2.pi.f.C Where C = 0.002 Farad Now you can work it through and get vin/vout in complex numbers, ie the s parameter relation
first order means an RC filter.....so RC product should be 2 seconds. Put Z(r) = 1000 + j0 Put Z(c) = 0 + j. xc where xc = 1/2.pi.f.C Where C = 0.002 Farad Now you can work it through and get vin/vout in complex numbers, ie the s parameter relation
Jan 21, 2015 #3 digi001 Full Member level 5 Joined Apr 5, 2011 Messages 244 Helped 22 Reputation 44 Reaction score 21 Trophy points 1,298 Activity points 2,904 I think i found now what I needed. Treez, i dont have any actual R's or C's so the problem is much simpler than that. The form for 1st order Low Pass transfer function is: 1 ---------- (1+s/wc) with wc being the 'cutoff frequency' in radians per second wc is the inverse of the time constant. So actually it is very simple and my transfer function is just: 1 ---------- (1+2s) Converting to bilinear, i will let matlab handle it and give me coefficients Thanks.
I think i found now what I needed. Treez, i dont have any actual R's or C's so the problem is much simpler than that. The form for 1st order Low Pass transfer function is: 1 ---------- (1+s/wc) with wc being the 'cutoff frequency' in radians per second wc is the inverse of the time constant. So actually it is very simple and my transfer function is just: 1 ---------- (1+2s) Converting to bilinear, i will let matlab handle it and give me coefficients Thanks.