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What are the differences between Signal ground, Chasis ground and Earth??

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Sep 29, 2010
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hi, i am new to circuit design.
Can anyone explain for me what what are the differences between Signal ground, Chasis ground and Earth?? I have read quite a number of articles online but still not really understand.

They are all connections to the same place, a point of zero voltage but with different purposes:

Signal Ground is a reference point from which that signal is measured, due to the inevitable voltage drops when current flows within a circuit, some 'ground' points will be slightly different to others. There may be several signal grounds in a circuit. Imagine if you had an amplifier with a voltage gain of 100 and you were amplifying a tiny signal, if the ground for the signal was elevated by just 0.01V the output would be wrong by 1V. Typically a signal ground would be a connection to the same stage of the circuit as the signal was connected.

Chassis ground is the box or frame in which a circuit is built. Typically, it is ground to make a barrier between the user and the circuits inside to prevent electric shock or to shield against interference pick up or radiation. In some high current applications, it is used as a conductor to carry current, for example in a vehicle where running many thick wires to the battery would be impractical but making connection to the chassis is easy almost anywhere. Chassis ground should be connected to the other grounds, usually it is done at a point close to where the power source arrives.

Earth ground is a theoretical zero. It is the potential of perfectly conducting Earth beneath your feet but obviously it varies widely depending on where you are. I live on a mountain where there is solid rock a few cm below the surface, in dry weather I have a very poor Earth, in wet weather it isn't too bad. The connection to Earth is normally along your power providers cables or by a rod driven into the ground or sometimes both. It is supposed to be a return path for current in the event of a short circuit on your AC power lines but it is also used in radio applications as a 'zero' reference to read antenna signals against.

Thanks Brian! Your explanation help me a lot.
By the way, I would like to know is these 3 type of grounds will be in a same plane when convert to PCB or in 3 separated plane??
You would not normally have chassis ground or 'Earth' on a PCB. In some cases, the PCB may form part of a larger chassis assembly in which case it is possible to class the PCB as chassis but this is not normal.
On a PCB there may be one or more ground plane layers but these will usually be signal grounds or power distribution grounds.

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