[SOLVED] 16F873A ,facing problem in proagraming..

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Nov 12, 2012
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i am using pic 16f873a and mikroc ..i am programing the pic with a jdm programmer,it detects the pic and programs it correctly ,the programmer software i used is winpic. It shows no error while programing,but when i put pic in the target board it is not working...i checked the board mclr pin is high vdd and vss are ok but program is not running waiting for your help...

0x3f7a its the config word used
Code protection off
In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
Data EEPROM code protection off
lvp disabled
BOR enabled
PWRT disabled
WDT disabled
HS oscillator

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if i want to use pickit 3 to program my circuit is it necessary to tie PGM pin to ground via a resistor of 10 k?


Have you programmed anything else ok with the JDM ?

They can be problematic, though as many people swear by them as much as they do at them !:-D

Masses on JDM info in this forum, as quick search shows all entries, though the programmer may be ok, it can equally be a problem with an incompatible pc serial port

I normally have PWRT On and BOR Off.

Never had to pull any lvp down to ground while programming, though again some folk say it does make a difference ..?

You say Mclre is High, but is it actually pulled up to +5v either direct or via 10K ?

How complex is your program code ? - have you tried just sending out a flashing led program to prove everything works ?

hi wp100,
Thank you for your reply ,MCLR pin is connected to 5 v via 10k resistor,its a simple program to glow leds on port pins...i tested the pic on a bread board it is working ..now the problem is with circuit....i checked pic voltages and it seems fine
mclr -5 v
vdd-5 v
and gnd ok
i think a port pin is making some trouble , i couldn't find out what pin is it...


.i tested the pic on a bread board it is working

If your simple glow led does not work then how did you test the pic ??

One possible problem, the crystal and cap leads are very thin and can loose the signals in the breadboard sockets.
Solder the crystal and caps to a bit of board and connect via three thicker wires to the breadboard.

If you still have problems better if you post your actual circuit and program code.
i put wrong capacitor in the circuit ,i didn't notice it...thanks to all...

i am using a pic uc 16f877a i downloaded a blinking led in it through a isp programmer verified and read on simulator and when i connect it my simple circuit wherein vdd vss and vpp are accordingly connected to 5v,0v,resistor+5v resp and 8mhz crystal oscillator with two 33pf caps i do not output on any of the ports i have simulated and verified the code in mplab but the led in the circuit is not blinking and so much so i do not any voltage reading on any of the port pins using dmm please suggesrt a debuging procedure or solution or what might have been the problem
pls reply asap
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