I need to design 16-bit registers to drive MDACs as per following specs: One requirement is the registers must have linear scales.
Register A: 100 usec to 10 msec [Resolution of 0.1 msec, accuracy of 20 usec]
Register B: 0 to 50 V [Resolution of 1 V, accuracy of 0.2 V]
Register C: 0 to 10 V [Resolution of 0.1 V, accuracy of <0.1 V]
Register D: 0 to 10 msec [Resolution of 0.1 msec, accuracy of <0.1 msec]
Register E: 0 to 5 msec [Resolution of 0.05 msec, accuracy of <0.05 msec]
Register F: 0 to 10 msec [Resolution of 0.1 msec, accuracy of 0.1 msec]
Register G: 0 to 50 msec [Resolution of 0.1 msec, accuracy of <0.1 msec]
Register H: 0 to 10 V [Resolution of 0.1 V, accuracy of <0.1 V]
Register I: 0 to 10 V [Resolution of 0.1 V, accuracy of <0.1 V]
Register J: 0 to 50 V [Resolution of 1 V, accuracy of 0.2 V]
Would appreciate if someone can point me to some documents or links to get more information on this type of work.