It depends on the switching frequency and rise/fall time requirements which depend on the MOSFET to be driven. In this case EL7457 can drive your IRF7380's happily.
It will work in theory but 70 Volts on a 80 Volt MOSFET is not good for reliability reasons. When you are switching high currents with a fast gate-drive then the MOSFET inductances will cause high voltage spikes and may damage them.
You should consider going through one of the many application notes for MOSFET gate drivers.
A modern FET as IRF7380 with integrated zener clamp shouldn't be damaged by voltage spikes.
But depending on the spike energy (respectively leakage inductance level), excessive loses may be observed.
A modern FET as IRF7380 with integrated zener clamp shouldn't be damaged by voltage spikes.
But depending on the spike energy (respectively leakage inductance level), excessive loses may be observed.