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Altium Designer Schematic Title Block.

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May 18, 2007
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altium title block

This may be a stupid question but How do I create a Title Block with my Custom Logo in Altium Designer.I know I have to save it as a template but How to actually create the title block.Thanks.

title block altium

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking about. Do you mean the schematic template sheet or a PCB template? Do you mean how do you draw the title block, or how do you fill in the data?

I have a attached a PDF describing how to make a custom schematic template.
altium designer title block

Thanks, This is exactly what I want.I clicked the helped me button.


    Points: 2
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altium schematic template

Hi HC,

do you have similar document explaining how to add test points and tear drops in altium designer 6.9.

Thanks and Regards,


altium template

It is not automatically adding the name and Address from the Document Properties

schematic template

Hi maheshkuruganti,

Did you put the special strings for those values in your template?

The Document Options dialog just passes the entries to the equivalent special string in the template. Also, to see those values on your schematic before printing, you have to check the box to "Convert Special Strings" in "Preferences>>Schematic>>Graphical Editing".

Added after 3 hours 45 minutes:

Anonymous_Ricky said:
do you have similar document explaining how to add test points and tear drops in @ltium designer 6.9.

The testpoint function in AD for a routed board is only a property of a pad or via, it isn't a physical testpoint. The autorouter will add vias to use as testpoints according to the design rules, but nothing is added to an already routed board.

Attached is a PDF describing testpoints and teardrops.

how to create a template in altium

Thanks HC,

test point is ok but i am not able to put teardrops as the attached pdf only explains the option but not the procedure as detailed for test points.
can you please help me on how to put teardrops.

Can you provide the link from where I can download these pdfs.It will be very grateful.


altium custom template

Anonymous_Ricky said:
test point is ok but i am not able to put teardrops as the attached pdf only explains the option but not the procedure as detailed for test points.
can you please help me on how to put teardrops.

Can you provide the link from where I can download these pdfs.It will be very grateful.

To place teardrops on specific pads or vias:
1. Select the pads and/or vias
2. Go to Tools>>Teardrops
3. On the Teardrops dialog, check the boxes for "All Pads", "All Vias", and "Selected Objects Only".
4. Check the boxes for "Add", and the style you want.
5. Click on "OK", and you're done.

If you want to teardrop the whole board, just leave the box for "Selected Objects Only" unchecked.

If you want to override the design rules and force teardrops - even if they violate the clearance rules, check the "Force Teardrops" box.

If you want a report of the number of teardrops placed, check the box "Create Report".

You can get info similar to what I posted by hovering your cursor over the menu command, and pressing "F1". More info can be found by using the search option at the bottom of the Knowledge Center Panel that pops up when you press "F1". Additional info can be found in old Protel99SE documentation. Some functions (like teardrops, and testpoints) haven't changed since that older version of the software.

The Protel99SE handbook can be downloaded directly from the Altim website ( ).
how to fill title block altium designer

Thanks HC,

I got it.




My question is similar to the one that started this thread. I have already made my schematic sheet templates with my company logo. I am now interested in finding out how to do the same thing for a PCB board sheet. Ideally, I would like to use the same titleblock templates I made for the schematics, (for the sake of sameness). I have trolled the help pages and I must be phrasing my question the wrong way... Can anyone offer any suggetions? I would be truly appreciative of any help.


I have created a schematic template but I would like to be able to have certain data display automatically across multiple pages. For example, for each project there may be schematics that require multiple pages, but each page should show the same thing in the "Title" section of the template.

Right now, I am using a document parameter to set the Title, but I cannot figure out how to create a new page without having to input the Title again. Can anybody help me on this?

Hello gr472445

Did you get the answer of your question? I have the same problem.




Hello Guys

I know how to change individual sheet size from A4 to A3 or whatever. But I want to change all of my sheets from A4 to A3 at once.

I explain again. I have 17 sheets of size A4. And, I want to change into A3. Is there any way that I can change all of them together. Should I have to go one by one sheet to change it?

I will appreciate your help




I'm trying to edit the schematic template. I've changed the .schdot to .schdoc like it said in the document. But can't pick the title block to edit it. How do I edit

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