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PIC16F877A interface Sparkfun Bluetooth SMD Module WRL-08474

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Aug 7, 2008
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pic bluetooth module

PIC 16F877A interface Sparkfun Bluetooth SMD Module WRL-08474

Hello, I am an engineering student working on a project based on Remote Data Display System using bluetooth for wireless communication. Below, I have described the project contents and its working in precise.

My project consists of 2 parts; the transmitter side consists of PC or LAPTOP along with a Bluetooth DONGLE and the receiver side consists of a Bluetooth UART MODULE, Microcontroller and lcd. So, the aim of my project is to type the characters on PC using Hyperterminal and transmit it wirelessly to the receiver Bluetooth UART module and display it on the lcd with the help of microcontroller(PIC16F877A).

However i m having few doubts based on it as follows:-

1) I have seen the features of the above mentioned Bluetooth MODULE but would like to clarify whether it can be compatible with PIC16F877A microcontroller which i 'll be using as Host to control this module so as to detect remote devices and to receive data.

2) Can i directly interface my PIC to this Bluetooth MODULE at the receiver side?

3) Can i create or establish connectivity with the transmitter side USB Dongle from this receiver side Bluetooth MODULE via. PIC..?

4) Can i get an example of a command to be sent in C language via PIC to control this Bluetooth MODULE?

5) At transmitter side, can i use any Bluetooth USB dongle to transmit characters to WRL-08474 or do i hve to use Bluetooth Dongle v1.2 to be compatible with the receiver side?


bluetooth smd module

Hi i hope u completed your project sucessfully... Am also using the same WRL-08474 with pIC 16F877A in my project.. am unable to establish the connection between my module and PC.. if posible could u plz send me the circuit b/w WRL and PIC... In WRL i shorted pins 1,12,27,25,28,29 and are given to ground and pin 11 to VCC(3.3V) and TX, RX pins of WRL are connected to TX,RX of PIC.. And i powered up the circuit but no connection status is shown in the PC(Bluesoleil).. Am unable to rectify the problem can u plz help me in this.. Thanks in advance..

Thanks & Regards,


hey, check ur circuit of the sparkfun BT module......for eg. whether is it getting 3.3V or not, etc........ because it should get detected by ur PC/bluesoleil even if it is not connected to PIC......
.....also check out if u r using Bluesoleil properly.....; and if the BT module is within the range (i guess less than 10 metres for BT dongle) of the BT dongle.

pic16f877a discovery

Hi, thanx for your reply module is working fine now but the only problem is i need to reset the power regularly when i want to make new connection.. I guess the problem with current rating i mean WRL is working at 30mA and am providing 0.3mA of current from CMOS board does this effect?

pic 16f877a connection

hey lasya, i am not sure about the problem of the current rating..........but i think ur sparkfun module goes into data mode 60 seconds after power-on........check out its datasheet / user guide.......u can increase this timer of 60 seconds to infinity....try this out...

pic16f877a bluetooth

Hey thanks for the reply i will try it

smd module wrl-08474

My module is detecting but not able to search for the services.. how did you supply 3.3V to your module can you please tell since am doubting on the supply current.

smd bluetooth device


I need your help at this point. These days my module worked fine but today for detecting the device i need to give many power cycles. Every time i search for the device i need to give many power cycles. Once my device is detected i clicked for device search but it is showing service discovery failed whole day i tried for same module is responding the same way.. Plz help me in this since the same module will be used for a product for our company i need to fix all these as soon as possible..

Added after 15 seconds:


I need your help at this point. These days my module worked fine but today for detecting the device i need to give many power cycles. Every time i search for the device i need to give many power cycles. Once my device is detected i clicked for device search but it is showing service discovery failed whole day i tried for same module is responding the same way.. Plz help me in this since the same module will be used for a product for our company i need to fix all these as soon as possible..

bluetooth smd

hey, i m not too sure abt this.....i guess dkoolguy must be knowing abt this....

wrl 40 bluetooth

Hi jimnics

Regarding WRL-08474 (Philips BGB203) can any one tell me how to enter to command mode i mean can i send the commands through Hyperterminal by establishing bluetooth connection. I need to configure the baudrate. How do i know the default settings for the device? What is the default baudrate for this module.. And u said "dkoolguy" may help me in this how will i contact that person? Please help me in this.

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