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Accessing SRAM or SDRAM in Altera DE 1 Board

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Newbie level 5
Mar 14, 2008
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altera sram 사용 verilog

hi everyone...

am doin my final year project in Altera DE 1 board. The project in basically image processing. I hv converted the pixel values of the image into hexadecimal value.

There is a software that comes along with the kit called DE1 Control Panel which works only after v load the .sof file from Quartus 2 Software . Thru the control panel v can write/read data into/from the SRAM or SDRAM or even make the LEDs n & 7 segment display to glow according to our wish.

So i loaded the hexa values of the image into the SRAM using the software DE1 Control Panel.

The problem is how do i read de hexa values from de SRAM into the Verilog code?? wat is the syntax to invoke de data stored in SRAM into my Program??

I desperately need to complete my project and i ll be grateful to whoever gives me the idea...:cry:

altera de1 board image processing

Reading SRAM is very easy. Just put the address to the data bus, assert /CE, /OE, /LB and /UB and read the data one clock cycle later. SDRAM access is more complex and needs a controller. Terasic has included a Verilog SDRAM controller with demonstration projects.
how to use sdram on the de1 board

hi thanks for the reply.... but am new to the kit... if ther is any sample code in verilog to read data from SRAM can u please send it to me!!

Using which software can i access it?? i mean can i read the data in SRAM using Quartus 2 ??

how to use sdram in altera de1 board

Yes, you can read the data from a Quartus design. The question is, how do you generate the addresses and where do you need the data?
de1 sram

De address s generated by de software i said abt... A software called DE 1 control panel is given along wit de kit... Once v load de data into sram frm de software de address is generated by de software itself n de address s displayed! De data v actually loaded s an image file... V need to read de pixel values of image n apply discrete cosine transform on de image!

sdram verilog interface de1

Hi FvM,

Can u reply to my question?? I wud be grateful to know hte answers to those questions!!

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