120 volt battery charger

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M.Imran Ali

Member level 5
Sep 28, 2012
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friends i am working on 120 volt battery charger , it should be transformer less . Can any one suggest me any schematic ?
I am to charge 10 batteries bank in series ? It is urgent please


It is urgent please

then it is urgent to provide some more technical data:
It is totally different if you have a solar panel as power source or a 3 phase 400V 50Hz mains.
It is totally different if you want 100mA or 300A charging current.

Charger input power (voltage, current rating, frequency, one phase/three phase)
Battery chemistry, charging current charging time, Ah
What is it for?
Do you need trickle charge?
Do you need to draw power during charging or not?
And all other information. Don´t keep it as secret.


AC input voltage 220 - 240 V
Current rating 40 A maximum
frequency 50 - 60 Hz
batteries are lead acid , and power will be drawn from an inverter while charging batteries .
One thing more can i use half wave rectifier and than filter it using capacitors to take an average value dc ?


Please give more precise information.

Is the "40A" AC input current or charging currrent?

--> if AC input current then it is probably a 3 phase system
--> if charging currrent, then your charging power is 10 x 13.8V x 40A = about 5.5kW. Also this calls for a three phase input.

power will be drawn from an inverter while charging batteries
We have to guess how much?

One thing more can i use half wave rectifier and than filter it using capacitors to take an average value dc ?
Yes, you can. But what do you want to do with that?
Use it as _non_isolated_charging supply?

Don´t you need isolation?

Please: more detailed information, a schematic on how/what you want to do.


40 Amp is total (charging + load of power drawn) . It is single phase system . And isolation transformer is not available with me so is it dangerous to use a non-isolated supply ? I googled but did not find any circuit of 120 V battery bank charger ?

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you Klaus for your time please suggest me any idea that how can i do it?


And isolation transformer is not available with me so is it dangerous to use a non-isolated supply ?
WARNING: YES, it is definitely dangerous!
Dangerous, is even the 120V DC.
But way more dangerous is to work with 230V AC.
Without isolation touching a live wire or any connected device - even to the 120V DC - is definitely dangerous.
A transformer for 5.5kW charging power will be about 40 - 70kg in weight.
Do you have any experience in designing electronics? Especially battery charging, power electronics and saftey regulations?

If not, then don´t try to build that charger now. Take your time to read through all these things. You may harm yourself and/or others.


As calculated before 40A at 138V is about 5.5kW.
Please confirm that it is allowed to draw 5.5kW from a single phase mains.

You could do this with half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier or with contrelld SCRs as rectifier. Confirm that this is a allowed.

Building a charger for that Voltage and current is a relatively big task. Do you have a schedule for that?


Ya i have been working on electronics from 4 years , i have developed solar charge controllers , 12/24/48 volt battery charger and a lot more .... But this experience is very different from previous one ? First time dealing with transformer less power supply or switching mode power supply ?
I have made it using half wave rectifier and an LC filter but want to Analise it ? I mean is it how much dangerous if install it on site ? will it damage batteries or system ?
I Rectified AC using half wave rectifier and than filtered it to get average dc out put ?

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