The loop bandwidth is typical a factor 5-100 lower than the reference frequency. In your example 2MHz to 100kHz.
The reason is that the PLL is a time-discrete but value-continuous system. Phase differences at the reference frequency are converted into charge steps. The update is only with the reference frequency. To filter the time-discrete charge packets you need some filter margin. Expensive implementations use higher order lowpass filters for the charge filtering.
The loop bandwidth could be quick estimated.
I assume that the chargepump delivers a current in proportion to the phase difference. For loop stability the proportional resistor in the loop filter define the transfer function around the loop unity gain.
Then the loop transfer around unity gain is:
KVCO=[MHz/V], KCHP=[uA/rad], R1=[kOhm]
The Bandwidth is then
Take an example 80MHz VCO and 10MHz reference
KVCO=20MHz/V, KCHP=200uA/(2*pi), R1=5kOhm, DIV=8