Newbie level 3

Hi all, I'm now make a board to produce a sub-nanosecond pulse using avalanche transistor.
And I made it successfully.The second Fig is the waveform I tested using a 4GHZ bandwidth oscilloscope.

But when I want to produce a more narrow pulse, I don't know which parameter should be adjusted.
I had simulated this circuit with ADS, and it works well. But I doubt it's result because what I used transistor module in this circuit doesn't has parameters about avalanche.
I think it's only works as a simple switch, not contains avalanche breakdown.
Simulate model is download in

This show's that simulation model download from infineon is not contain parameter about avalanche.
In avalanche transistor Wikipedia page, says follows:
NXP Mextram home page A very rich repository of documents about the Mextram bipolar junction transistor SPICE model, capable of avalanche breakdown behavior simulation.
But I can't find specific transistor model in NXP Mextram page.
so,how can I find a transistor simulation model that contain avalanche parameter and the success simulate avalanche breakdown to produce a pulse?
Thanks a lot!
And I made it successfully.The second Fig is the waveform I tested using a 4GHZ bandwidth oscilloscope.

But when I want to produce a more narrow pulse, I don't know which parameter should be adjusted.
I had simulated this circuit with ADS, and it works well. But I doubt it's result because what I used transistor module in this circuit doesn't has parameters about avalanche.
I think it's only works as a simple switch, not contains avalanche breakdown.
Simulate model is download in

This show's that simulation model download from infineon is not contain parameter about avalanche.
In avalanche transistor Wikipedia page, says follows:
NXP Mextram home page A very rich repository of documents about the Mextram bipolar junction transistor SPICE model, capable of avalanche breakdown behavior simulation.
But I can't find specific transistor model in NXP Mextram page.
so,how can I find a transistor simulation model that contain avalanche parameter and the success simulate avalanche breakdown to produce a pulse?
Thanks a lot!