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Will resetting help or harm this PCB

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Feb 17, 2004
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I am using an Instrument which is controlled by the attached circuit. It recievs commands from PC and sends singlas to preferal devices for cotrol purpose. It turns on RF generator for example. My problem is it sends commands to Zilog Z80180 processor for RF generator to be turned on but no signal coming out of zilog to the RF generator as I can monitor signals going to RF. Rf responds OK to commands from PC but does not recive any command from Zilog Z80180 processor. I have replaced Zilog processor and checked all PCB and found nothing is wrong. I relised there is a RESET signal connected to pin 7 of Z80180 and pin 11 of CE16v8h-25 gal chip. I think may be program inside CE16v8h has got stucked or some commnads inside zilog are stucked. Would reseting these two IC could help? Is there any risk of damaging PCB by connecting reset to ground using a 1K resistor as indicated in the attached file by a black filled resistor?


  • Reset.JPG
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I have attached a higher resolution schematic


data monitoring

I checked the reset. It si ok. Now I have another problem. Commands to RF should come out of pin 48 of Z80180 but checking with osilloscope indicate nothing come out. Command "SERIAL" (capital letters) is the first command should come out to tell RF it should listen via serial port. This "SERIAL" word should be stored in 16V8H-25 or 29F010 registers. By listening to these three ICs (or at least two of them) conversation I can find out where is the problem. I want to monitor conversation between Z80180, 16V8h-25 and 29F010. There is a 34 pin male connecter available on the board which could be used for this purpose but I know nothing about conversation monitoring. Anyone can commet how to do this? Or if there is any logger available for this purpose please advice. I really got stucked with this problem.

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