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PIC16F877A and ENC28J60

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Jul 30, 2007
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16f877a enc28j60

I want to connect the PIC (5V) with ENC28J60 (3V3) without a buffer IC (like 74245...). what will happen?

3.3v to 5v enc28j60

Hi, at the start:

and signal's SO, INT and WOL need shift level tran.,

So, I think this is not working combination,

enc28j60 5v

The 16F877A doesn't have enough memory to run a proper TCP/IP stack, use an 18F4620 instead.
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pic16f877a output voltage 3.3v

meishun said:
I want to connect the PIC (5V) with ENC28J60 (3V3) without a buffer IC (like 74245...). what will happen?

Check this page out:

"The most frequently asked question about this controler is the voltage level adaptation. The controller operates at 3.3V and the PIC on the board operates at 5.0V.
So, the question is : how to adapt ENC voltage levels to PIC voltage level ?

We must consider both sides :

PIC output voltage for logical 1 is 5V : does ENC accepts 5V on its inputs, whereas it is 3.3V powered ?
The answer is yes, ENC inputs are 5V compliant, so that there is no risk for the controller to apply 5V on its inputs, and they will correspond to logical 1.

ENC output voltage for logical 1 is 3.3V : will the inputs of the PIC turn high or low when 3.3V coming from the ENC outputs is applied ?
The answer is : it depends on the inputs of the PIC. TTL inputs give logical 1 above 2.05V, and will not require voltage level shifting. Schmitt trigger inputs give logical 1 above 3.5V, and will require voltage level shifting.

In fact, we can consider that if we connect ENC outputs to PIC TTL inputs only, the voltage level adapter is... a wire.
Most of PICs have TTL inputs and integrated SPI on PORTC, so we will connect all ENC line to this port."

74hc125 -datasheet spi

well, thanks for all instructions. I have built a ENC board without any 74 series but I will try how it behaviours to the PIC. And, I also use another PIC (maybe 18F4550).

examples with enc28j60

you can use the 16F877A for some basic protocols like UDP etc. You could also implement ARP & PING...

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