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can anyone exlpain command to detach and attach a cell in encounter??

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Dec 10, 2011
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example consider a timing path has four buffers i need to dettach four buffers and attach 2 buffers.. So what i need is whats the exact command to detach cells and how i can attach with some other high drive strength instead of that???

Main thing i need to reduce the buffer cell count....

please help me out with some examples it would be more helpfull for me..

Thanks in advance:razz:

First of all find out why tool is adding buffers. This might be due to long net or high fanout. By the way you can use deleteInst to delete and addInst to add instance. For more details see man page of two commands.
Hai yadavvlsi,
I know its a flip through path (so its having long net)...

I tried using deleteInst.

Ex:- report_timing to x

i deleted a buffer in the X path

after deleting when i said report_timing to X... Its denoting as path unconstrained...

Also when i tried to using addInst

its adding but i think so its not adding where i deleted

Ex;- a -> b ->c ->d are consecutive buffers

i need to delete b and c and replace that with new buffer e

the output should be a->e->d

how can i do this...

if possible give some brief explantion

Thanks in advance:razz:
ecoAddRepeater is used for adding cells or instance but this wont be much efficient.,
any how we can use this for adding an new instance and not for connecting two floting cells or instace.

if we need to delete a some instance in the middle of level ie, if we have a filp through port connected by 7 buffers as BUF1, BUF2......
i want only BUF1 and BUF7 in that path what can i do ? here is the answer

we can use deleteInst and delete all the unwanted buffers, now we have BUF1 and BUF7 left, but
it is unconnected (if we go for report_timing it will show unconstrain path), so we need to connect those buffers.,

we can use the following command
attachTerm BUF1 I BUF7/Z/netname

BUF1 -> instance name
I -> it is the I pin of BUF1 (BUF/I)
BUF7/Z/netname -> this is the net connected to the BUF7/Z pin.

now go for report_timing you will find the path with two buffers.

good luck
Yes, attachTerm is correct way to do. It attaches a terminal to a net. If the terminal already connects to a different net, the software first detaches the terminal from the current net, then attaches it to the new net.
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you could also used ecoDeleteRepater/ecoAddRepeater.

---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

if you have many cell to not update the timing/placement automaticaly, you could used the following command sequence:

setEcoMode -batchMode true -refinePlace false -updateTiming false
# read a tcl-list which contains the pin&nbr of buffer to add (for example)
foreach {Pin NbrBuffers} [array get NbrPinBuffers] {
for {set nBuf 0} {$nBuf<$NbrBuffers} {incr nBuf} {
ecoAddRepeater -term $Pin -cell BUFFD0BWP7THVT -relativeDistToSink 0
refinePlace -preserveRouting true
setEcoMode -batchMode false -updateTiming false

globalDetailRoute (if you start from a routed design, like hold time fix done manually)
Hai rca,

ITs sounds good can you explain in detail... its nice but couldnt get it...... pls Help... Thanks in advance.......:razz:
with setECOMode -batchMode true, you avoid the tool to refresh the timing at each std-cell added/modified.
with ecoAddRepeater you add the buffer specified with -cell, connected to the pin define by -pin, the argument -relativeDistToSink indicate how far the new cell could be place. With 0, the cell will overlap the destination cell, and with refinePlace -preserveRouting true, the new cell will be place as close as possible.
this command exist at least on 10.1USR2 Encounter version
hai rca

hats off to u.............. Immense explanation.....
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