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time domain vs frequency domain

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Oct 17, 2011
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i dont know what are meant by time domain and frequency domain.

what is the difference between these things.

can any explain with examples please...

time domain means you have taken time on x axis and frequency domain means you have taken frequency on x axis.

if you have a signal in time domain and you represent this signal in frequency domain then you will see all the frequency components present in the signal.

hope it helps

Time domain shows how the signal looks to your eyes if you see it (in an oscilloscope.). Frequency domain gives you info about the frequency content that the signal carries. eg, if you have a 1khz single tone wave(only one frequency), you will see it as a sine wave on the oscilloscope (i.e. in time domain.) In frequency domain, you'll see an impulse at 1khz.
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u can perceive time domain signal. like speech signal its amplitude vary with respect to time domain u try tro give information of amplitude of signal with respect to its understand frequency domain u must know what is frequency component of signal. Frequency component of signal is variation of signal with respect to time. and their can be variation of different frequency. In frequency domain u try to find these different variation with and their amplitude. u can take example of analog signal like audio and speech or purely electrical analog signal and explore this. their is still lot to explain.
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"In frequency domain u try to find these different variation with and their amplitude."

This is the basic idea of Fourier Transforms. Fourier series or transforms basically finds what strength of sine and cosine signals are effectively needed to approximate any L_1 integrable signal only using sines and cosines. Hail Fourier ! :) :)
Time Domain

Time domain is a method used to analyze data.
Vaguely speaking, time domain analysis is analyzing the data over a time period. Functions such as electronic signals, market behaviors, and biological systems are some of the functions that are analyzed using time domain analysis.
For an electronic signal, the time domain analysis is mainly based on the voltage – time plot or the current – time plot. In a time domain analysis, the variable is always measured against time.The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is the most common device when analyzing electrical signals on a time domain. Other computer instrumentation, graphs and raw numerical data can be used to analyze data on a time domain.

Frequency Domain

Frequency domain is a method used to analyze data.
This refers to analyzing a mathematical function or a signal with respect to the frequency. Frequency domain analysis is widely used in fields such as control systems engineering, electronics and statistics.
Frequency domain analysis is mostly used to signals or functions that are periodic over time. This does not mean that frequency domain analysis cannot be used in signals that are not periodic.
The most important concept in the frequency domain analysis is the transformation. Transformation is used to convert a time domain function to a frequency domain function and vice versa. The most common transformation used in the frequency domain is the Fourier transformations. Fourier transformation is used to convert a signal of any shape into a sum of infinite number of sinusoidal waves. Since analyzing sinusoidal functions is easier than analyzing general shaped functions, this method is very useful and widely used.

What is the difference between Frequency Domain and Time Domain?

• Frequency domain analysis is used in conditions where processes such as filtering, amplifying and mixing are required.

• Time domain analysis gives the behavior of the signal over time. This allows predictions and regression models for the signal.

• Frequency domain analysis is very useful in creating desired wave patterns such as binary bit patterns of a computer.

• Time domain analysis is used to understand data sent in such bit patterns over time.

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