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start a beginner's RTOS group

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Member level 1
Oct 2, 2011
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I want to practice using an RTOS with a home project. After much searching I decided to try uC/OS. The book is on order along with the board. I am hoping to get a cadre of people together and work on a project as a group. My goal is to work the project together in an open source concept with several people working on the same project. I think that we will all learn much faster that way.
I have significant experience writing code, and very little writing for an RTOS.
I have created a page on my personal web site here: MOD link removed
Is anyone interested? If so, please respond.
Note: I expect to post code on my (or your) web site rather than consuming bandwidth here.
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The purpose of the forum is for the members to share their experience and help each other learn so your excuse about consuming bandwidth doesn't make sense.

In addition there are specific rules that don' allow advertising any external website

If you want to ask questions you are welcome but if you are just trying to find people to join your website group then you are in the wrong place.


When I clicked your link yesterday the page was not opening and I couldn't get an idea of what it was about so I may have overreacted.

Personal website links are not allowed so I have added your website link in your profile, anyone interested can access it from there but my suggestion would be to create a group in this forum where other members can join.

The group area can be accessed from Groups - Forum for Electronics


I understand. I rephrase.
Are any readers interested in working on some RTOS projects as a group? I wish to select a common RTOS and hopefully a common hardware setup. Then we can all get the same hardware working with the same software. I am thinking of starting with this uC/OS-ii (or -iii) and learn how to set everything up. Then maybe transfer that knowledge to a PC-104 stack (all kinds of I/O devices there).
I am not married to uC/OS, for several reasons it just seemed like a good place to start.
I would like to carry on conversations here and keep all the code posted on a web site somewhere. Maybe in "How To" articles here.
Thanks for your time.

I would like to join.. and we will try all sort of RTOS especially those which are open source or FREE

two participants

Hello nikhilele,
You are number two.
I have thought a bit more and concluded maybe we should think of ourselves as participants rather than members. That is, of course, open to discussion.
As noted in the OP I expect to have uC/OS-iii and the evaluation board soon. The primary goal is for as many participants as possible to have the same hardware and software, and where possible, we will work on the same projects.
What RTOS and hardware do you recommend or request.

I am fond of the idea of selecting CPUs that are found in PC-104 boards. That will provide all kinds of I/O capability.


Hi folks

i wanna join with you, i am very much interested in working with RTOS but not got oppertunity to work atleast like this i will start work. could you tell me how to start and go a head.

**broken link removed****broken link removed**
Hi folks
i wanna join with you, i am very much interested in working with RTOS but not got oppertunity to work atleast like this i will start work. could you tell me how to start and go a head.

Good Day To You,

First item is to select an RTOS and start reading up about it. As noted I have started with Micrium's uC/OS-iii. Look on the web site and you can find the software and a PDF of the book. There are about five versions of the book, each one targeted for a particular processor. I downloaded all five but am reading the one with STM32 in the title.

It will be almost essential to use the same OS. And it will be highly advantageous to have the same or similiar software.

From the Micrium site I followed links to the site and ordered a nice board there, but they cannot seem to ship it. After a bunch of searches I found two boards for the arm with various I/O attributes, three at the top of the list. The prices range from about $80 as I remember to over $200. I ordered one of these: ARM Cortex-M3 LCD AD/DA UART STM32F103Z Development board Kit via e-bay. Per an email it was shipped today. There are several similiar boards that can be had for about $120. They all have a color LCD for display, ethernet, USB, memory card, etc.

check this e-bay link:**broken link removed**

It says there are more than 10 available. the price has dropped some. I paid $119.

The next question is what development environment? Which compiler? I have another message posted about that and will look into those suggestions. See what you can find and post your comments.

For more info check my profile and my home page.
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blueboard is standard hardware for ARM just check that and give feed back..
as yours like little costly
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blueboard is standard hardware for ARM just check that and give feed back..
as yours like little costly
Hello nikhilele,
Thanks for the post.
Blueboard is new to me. I looked around a bit and found this web page:
NGX Technologies Online Store
There are a bunch of boards available there. If you are looking for a different architecture, go to their Products page and continue searching.

Are you going to purchase a board and give it a try? Let us know which one. I made my selection based on I/O capability. If you need to keep the cost down, I think we can still work as a team. Have you tried getting the software installed yet?


fist of all thanks for your reply, here i want one conformation that can i go for any board with ARM Cortex-M3 processor or not because i already have LM3s6432 development board with me can i port RTOS to that board other wise i have to buy some specific boards only.

---------- Post added at 04:49 ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 ----------

Hi Mr.nikhile,

i have lpc1768 blue board and some other luminary micro boards with me can i work wiht those boards to port RTOS suggest me in this.

Hello ravichandru,
I have not yet done much in the software and my board has not been delivered. I have been working overtime for my day job the last few days but expect to start really digging in this week. However, I do have experience writing code and believe that ports between ARM-Cortex board will be relatively easy. Depending of the specific code (turn on lights, read analog converter, etc) should be completely protable between implementations.
Do you have a board? Have you started preparing your OS? Any suggestions.
Check my profile and my web page.

I would like to join this group , I'm a newbie in this domain , hope that we will get the maximum of baggage right here :)

Hello maqteh,
What experience do you have? What do you want to create?
My first step is to get uC/OS-ii running on my Windows 7 PC as a task.
Go to my profile on this forum and check the home page. Or if the moderators will allow, here is a link:
**broken link removed**
Go tot he How To Page and I have started writing up my experiences.
My ARM evaluation board is due at the end of this week so I am trying the Windows tutorial for now. If a link shows up bad it may becasue I am working on the page.
I need your thoughts and ideas.
Thanks for the post.

Hello bkelly ;

I'm trying to work freeRTOS and micrµim OS III in the same time ; using my nxp LPC1786 , and my RENESAS RX62N which was delivered with an µC/OS-III prainted book. I have a big project "LAN networks Diagnostic with JAVA as application to view data on the pc and a big memory to store data on the device "; I'm trying to do my best , to design the application within papyrus mdt using uml marte profile v1.1 , and after that , I'll start coding my applications .

I have a question about the card that you just purchased , name , founder , Caracteristics ?

Hello maqtech,
I am also looking at freeRTOS. The reason is that I think I can get a TCP/IP stack and it will be more difficult with uC/OS. I want to keep my RTOS project small, but using UDP with a TCP stack is a good way to output a continuing status of what the RTOS is doing. That could also be done with RS-232 or USB.

Hello bkelly ;
... I have a big project "LAN networks Diagnostic with JAVA as application to view data on the pc and a big memory to store data on the device "; ...
That is a heck of a name for a project. I am guessing that you want an embedded system rather than an RTOS. My perspective is than an RTOS is not a user interface device and therefore will not have much to to with Java at all. It will generally not need big memory and minimal file I/O capabilities, if any.

I have a question about the card that you just purchased , name , founder , Caracteristics ?
Take a look at my web site, link is there a few messasges up. I have not received it yet. From your post I suggest you do some reading about PC-104 and EPIC. Those board have everything you can find on a PC. If you have any comments about the board you have that you want to share, write it up and send it to me. I can post it on my site.
Thanks for your post.

To All,
I have received the ARM evaluation board Open103Z. It has twelve modules to connect plus the 3.2 inch LCD. At least nine can all be connected at the same time. And thats not counting the connectes around the CPU that provide access to, maybe, all of its I/O pins.

I made some pictures before I found a bunch on the DVD and posted them here **broken link removed**

The DVD has about 4.5 Gig of data in some 12,000 files. Schematics and example code and helpful documents on the ARM processor and the available modules. There are many how to PDFs, such as a list of many common sources of A/D errors.

The Keil development library is there twice (exact same one). Note that a significanly later version can be downloaded. I have yet to find any instructions on setting up the first project. If you have any experience with this environment please reply here.

In the mean time, I will examine the Watcom project for uC/OS as a Windows task, try to figure out what the project must contain, and go from there.

To All,
Several people have responded, but no follow ups.
I have been working the Keil environment and the STM32 port found on Micrium's site. There is a lot of merging that must be done. I decided to just jump in with the code system, then as more files are needed, hunt them down in the port and add them to my project. My how to file has been updated here:
**broken link removed**
I have the board in hand and a JTAG down load module on order. It will be a little while before I am ready to download anything to the eval board.
Does anyone else have any progress or comments to report?

After working with Keil environment for a while I realized that the Micrium port for the STM32 was not really for the Keil environment. Many changes were needed, the assembly code syntax is not compatible with Keil. As this is early in my project, and really still exploratory, I downloaded and installed the IAR and was immediatly able to build the workspace. This says nothing about IAR versus Keil, just that the port is directed to the IAR environment. I think I will stick to that environment for now. Details about my work are here:
**broken link removed**
Look more toward the bottom and check the PDF files.
I have had no responses for a while. If anyone else is interested, please let me know.

I am not able to follow up as I have not started working on ARM....
See you soon when i start working on arm

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