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Fixed volts ups kits by asif brothers lahore?

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May 28, 2011
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These kits only contains PIC16F72 MCU?
How these kits work for output fixed volt?
which function of the pic16f72 used in these kits?

i think the function if the Pic16F72 is only the generation of sine wave there must be some power amplifire also which amplifies the signal...

It changes duty cycle of 50 Hz wave.
This is kit under discussion
I've been doing mine not complete yet.
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It uses the CCP module to generate the sine/square wave and uses feedback to keep the output voltage constant. This is done by changing the duty cycle of the pulse width, increasing it to increase output voltage when required and decreasing it to decrease output voltage when required. Basically, the system works with pulse width modulation - PWM. For sine wave, that would be sinusoidal pulse width modulation - SPWM. This is a little different than that for square wave inverters.

Hope this helps.
View attachment 61197

It changes duty cycle of 50 Hz wave.
This is kit under discussion
View attachment 61198
I've been doing mine not complete yet.
View attachment 61199

Yes i am talking about the same kit u mentioned in the above post. this kit is the reason that a poor student of arts talking interest in mcu :p
Which charging method is used in this kit. trickle or floating?
can u please describe me the ccp module or any tutorial to do it?
any easy tutorial to understand ccp and pwm module?
Read these:
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

If you learn using the CCP module with any PIC, you can apply it to a PIC16F72.

Hope this helps.
One drawback of PIC16F72 is that it has only one CCP module. Althoug it can be used with some external ciircuit. It is not necessary to geneate sqarewave of 50Hz. It is done in software.
It can be done in this way.
Make a delay routine for 10 microseconds.
Set intrupt for 10 millisecond.
Take output voltge reading through ADC.
If it is above a set value increase a register for delay.
If it is below a set value decrese the register.
On interupt, toggle two compimentary outputs.Call delay number of times according to delay register in between setting one output off and turning other output on.`
retun to taking ADC reading
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But if that register overflows?
So i also need that the register didnot overflow?
What do u think the default value in the register?

Default value of register maybe set to 128 decimal.
In between interupts take 8 bit samples of output voltage. and store them in 8 bit regiter ADC

Test for Hi voltage:

Check ADC > 130
If not > 130, goto test for low voltage otherwise
Check for register value>254, don't increment otherwise inc register

test for low voltage;

Check ADC < 126 If not < 126 ,goto test for Hi voltage
Check for rgister value>2, don't decrement
dec register

Calling delay routine at least for one time is for deadtime

For faster respose you can check the difference between ADC vaue and and register. If differene is greater than 25,then add or subtract 20.Here again for not to overflow, you have to check register for less than225 and greater than 30. If not in thes range then goto inc oe dec ( +1 or -1) routines.
These values are just for example. Yu\ou have to see actual response and set them acordingly.
Mutiple samples of ADC will give better response. For example take 4 samples in each half cycle for 2 cycles( adding them in 16 bit location}. you have taken 16 samples. Divide them by 16 and store them in8 bit ADC register.
These sequene i thought of my own. there must better ways to do it.
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Hi Denny,
I see this type of kit in LUMINOUS inverter(ups).But not with LCD(only leds for display).
Now a day IMRAN & CO,designed a kit with PIC16F72 built in charge control with BTA16 etc.
IMRAN BROTHERS introduces A new kit almost same as INDIAN KIT with LCD Display.
I have used it with following Problems.
Ver 1.0 Messages "TRaic FAIL" " Check shunt Wire" etc .sensative to tripping. no protection for mains tripping

Ver 1.1 Messages "TRAIC FAIL" " check shunt wire" etc controlled. No protection for mains tripping.

IMRAN BROTHERS introduces A new kit almost same as INDIAN KIT with LCD Display.
I have used it with following Problems.
Ver 1.0 Messages "TRaic FAIL" " Check shunt Wire" etc .sensative to tripping. no protection for mains tripping

Ver 1.1 Messages "TRAIC FAIL" " check shunt wire" etc controlled. No protection for mains tripping.
Can you upload photo of that kit.
What is price of this kit?.
Triac we only use in series of mains live and transformer winding for battery charging current control.
Shunt means a dropped voltages in battery bus bar (battery lead).

Ver 1.0 Messages "TRaic FAIL" " Check shunt Wire" etc .sensative to tripping. no protection for mains tripping

Ver 1.1 Messages "TRAIC FAIL" " check shunt wire" etc controlled. No protection for mains tripping.
Did you connected current sensing lead to negative lead properly? (about six inches away to a point in battery negative lead)

can anyone help me how to assemble rest of Transformer inverter circuit with batteries connections on (FIXED VOLTS UPS KITS BY ASIF BROTHERS)

- - - Updated - - -

can anyone help me how to assemble rest of Transformer inverter circuit with batteries connections on (FIXED VOLTS UPS KITS BY ASIF BROTHERS)


  • bro.jpg
    355.9 KB · Views: 285

Can you upload photo of that kit.
What is price of this kit?.
Triac we only use in series of mains live and transformer winding for battery charging current control.
Shunt means a dropped voltages in battery bus bar (battery lead).

Here are pix of Digital Kit with LCD Display by Imran Brothers. Kit Model is i7 and other model with LEDs is i6.
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Bro Imran Bros i6 and i7 kits are available as box packed ready to install. I don't know about the availability in rawalpindi. if you want I will get the contact numbers of Imran Bros. for you and you can ask them directly about the kits.

Is the Imran & Co. kit available on College Road shops in Rawalpindi. I want to build it myself. Is it available as an un-assembled kit with programmed MCU.

Thanks in advance.


Bro Imran Bros i6 and i7 kits are available as box packed ready to install. I don't know about the availability in rawalpindi. if you want I will get the contact numbers of Imran Bros. for you and you can ask them directly about the kits.


I am indeed grateful. Telephone number will help greatly as I can enquire from them whether they have an outlet in Pindi.

Thank you again for your help.



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