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Now I would like to send logic'1' ,when I press swich on one place via FMantenn to another anthen which will turn on LED?
The easyest example of code,and how to connect hardware? the easyest example,please (with hi-tech-c ) ty

use serial out data in pic and send and receive signals through RF sending receiving modeule like ARX34

I just need how to send logic"1" prom 1microcontroler to another,not with wire or microstrip,i would like to send it via some anthen,not to far only 10-30meters
question:-for example on 1microcontroler output i connect little fm transmitter,on second microcontroler input i connect fm reciver;
-when i send logic "1" to the transmitter,will be there on reciver logic "1" which could turn on LED on that second microcontrolers output?would this work?

I just need how to send logic"1" prom 1microcontroler to another,not with wire or microstrip,i would like to send it via some anthen,not to far only 10-30meters
question:-for example on 1microcontroler output i connect little fm transmitter,on second microcontroler input i connect fm reciver;
-when i send logic "1" to the transmitter,will be there on reciver logic "1" which could turn on LED on that second microcontrolers output?would this work?
definately work
you need to use IR remote encoder decoder technique for this purpose to recognize the signal sent by you on receiver
In my above post i am saying the same that use rf receiver and transmitter like ARX34 . Than make and 4 bit or 8 bit appropriate code like
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
you can use 1 to milisecods between this pulses sent to receiver
your receiver is connected with INT
when the signal receive on int it will check you sending code with appropritae time delays and compare it
if it is ok than do the function define
otherwise exit and wait for next interrupt

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

check this link for how to make serial out routine


---------- Post added at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Also check this for how to decode signals

Decoding the Sony IR protocol (SIRC) with a pic

Sorry,I am not good in transmitters and recivers,do you have any schematic of exacly that transmitter and reciver,and how to connect them on microcontrolers?

see decoding sony ir protocol above . in the last schematic u just need to change the ir receiver module pin on INT with RF reciver module pin.

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:55 ----------

PICRF module - Google Search

oh sorry arx 34 i can buy ? its reciver and transmitter ? I need nothing to build,just connect it to the microcontroler?
How do i connect it?

Thanks on everything,but I have more questions:
1.when I buy this arx 34 it has 5 pins transmitter,and 5 pins reciver ... there is DIN pin which i do not understand I think this pin is used for bit sending and reciving?is it? i connect RB0output on it,and on another reciver i connect RA0input on it?Am I wright,or?
2.And do i need to connect some coders and decoders on it,or they are there connected when i buy arx 34?

The DIN mean DATA IN Or DIGITAL INPUT It is on transmitter
THE DO or Data OUT or Digital OUT is on receiver u need to connect it on INT of PIC
If u want to use PIC MCU than u dont need coders and decoders becoz u will programme the pic mcu for coders and decoders
but if u just want to make some thing remote controlled but not interested in microcontroller programming than u dont need to connect them with microcontroller . U can get the remote of a cardoor . It contains the PT2272 or something like chip with 2 to four buttons with builtin transmitter.
u just need to purchase it from market it is in pair with remote and its decoder chip with ARX 34 RF receiver . You just need to read the data sheet of encoder and decoder chip . select encode pins from remote and put a cell in it. it is now ready. than simply make the decoder circuit usin RF receiver and decoderchip and u have made your own wireless remote control

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------


433MHz RF Remote Control System


Usually when you have a radio or IR link you never send a single bit, because it could be easily lost in the noise and it is a not good way to build communication protocol. Most protocols send a byte or several bytes to build a reliable protocol, i.e. your receiver will want to know who send the data, how much is the data that need to receive in order to reserve a buffer for it, some kind of protection to check that the data is received correctly, i.e. CRC or parity.

I would recommend you to find Rx and Tx pairs which have good documentation and application data. Good enough so that you can easy and well understand it. then you can try to build your software. The modules I tried were build by Radiometrix. Keep in mind that those modules usually need a kind of burst signal in the beginning to start receiving, I tried with 30 times "10101010" or similar before I really start to transmit the signal. This might look strange, but it is normal if you know how the rf superheat receiver and data slicer works :) .


Usually when you have a radio or IR link you never send a single bit, because it could be easily lost in the noise and it is a not good way to build communication protocol. Most protocols send a byte or several bytes to build a reliable protocol, i.e. your receiver will want to know who send the data, how much is the data that need to receive in order to reserve a buffer for it, some kind of protection to check that the data is received correctly, i.e. CRC or parity.

I would recommend you to find Rx and Tx pairs which have good documentation and application data. Good enough so that you can easy and well understand it. then you can try to build your software. The modules I tried were build by Radiometrix. Keep in mind that those modules usually need a kind of burst signal in the beginning to start receiving, I tried with 30 times "10101010" or similar before I really start to transmit the signal. This might look strange, but it is normal if you know how the rf superheat receiver and data slicer works :) .

Thank you so much!
You really define the matter thing clearly that i could not make in several above posts.

I did one application like this from scratch - 430 MHz remote switch working over 1km distance, and had a lot of troubles :) , so I try to help.
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Oh,I understand ... but I did not say what i wanted to say =) I supose to send logic '1' constantly when i press switch connected to first microcontroler;transmitter will send 1111111111..... for a very long time,until i press it again then transmitter will be sending 00000000... for a very long time ... on second microcontroler logic'1'will turn LED on...
so there wil not be only 1 logic'1'it will be manny of them comming serial...
second thing???question??? i need to programm coder & decoder to make this work???Iam using pic ,MPLAB&HI-tech-c .. ... .. .
How to programm coder and decoder???++++do I need to programm it or it would work without it?
Sorry because of my english,if you do not understand I will try to write it again;better ...

Well, I think your application is very simple, so you can try without coding and to see how it will work. I was using a ready library for asynchronous communication over Rf links. I will try to find the name and to post it here ... but later. Such library however is not for free ...

In any case having the transmitter operational all the time is not a good practice because :

1. Rf modules are working on the same frequency, and many share the same channel. If you transmit continuously you will occupy the channel.
2. The transmitter will require power to operate, if you are battery operated, your battery will go out very soon.

First try to operate it continuously to see how it is working, Than you can add more complexity by coding the signal and making it to transmit only when you press the button.

I will propose that you start with UART communication and transmitting 11001100 as 1 and 11110000 as 0 or opposite - it does not really matter. This is already a simple coding :) .
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The most basic peoblem is that
WHICH PIC you want to use or do u have?

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

Well, I think your application is very simple, so you can try without coding and to see how it will work. I was using a ready library for asynchronous communication over Rf links. I will try to find the name and to post it here ... but later. Such library however is not for free ...

In any case having the transmitter operational all the time is not a good practice because :

1. Rf modules are working on the same frequency, and many share the same channel. If you transmit continuously you will occupy the channel.
2. The transmitter will require power to operate, if you are battery operated, your battery will go out very soon.

First try to operate it continuously to see how it is working, Than you can add more complexity by coding the signal and making it to transmit only when you press the button.

I will propose that you start with UART communication and transmitting 11001100 as 1 and 11110000 as 0 or opposite - it does not really matter. This is already a simple coding :) .

What do u understand ?
he wants to send a pulses of 1 1 1 or he want to turn the led on until he release the button of the transmitter or he want the flip flop function
as i cant understand wot he actually wants?

answer:||||||microcontroler1=m1,microcontroler2=m2 =)
switch--->when is turned on gives logic 1,when turned off gives logic 0.
when I turn switch on,transmitter on m1 its transmitting logic '1' with frequency of xtal,reciver on m2 receiving this logic '1' and LED is on,but when I turn switch on m1 off,on m2 input there will be logic'0' and LED will be turned off ... the easyeest possible example it is i think =),i need it for dc motor,but when I learn with led with dc would be easy.
question:|||||Now when i red all of this i have another qouestion,what if i want to send two bits?1.from RA0(m1) to RB0(m2),and 2.from RA1(m1) to RB1(m2) its example with two LEDs on m2,then i need to use transmitter and reciever with two inputs and two outputs?am i wright=?
question:|||||I would like to have programmed coder and decoder because i must to learn it... i hope you have example in hi-tech-c ...
answer:|||||microcontrolers=probably 16f877 but not sure yet about it ....
answer:|||||transmitter=no battery ... reciever=battery

---------- Post added at 01:13 ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 ----------

question:||||| USART(its coding?)... when i turn switch on i say to program that he send some random code for example '10110011'= logic'1'
: this C coding an decoding is very strange to me :( i need the easyest examples badly...

OK, I see ...
So step by step :

1. first you make your boards and controllers work, have them, make some simple program in C - like blink project
2. read about UART and how to implement it, hi-tech c has examples, and there are example codes in Internet
3. make your UART connection works, just connect two boards with wire and make them work together
4. when all above is ready and working, then try with rf link

Post the results in the forum, so that everyone can benefit from your experience :)

Thank you so much,now when I learn how UART works Ill be ready
This will be not finished "soone or soon or not in a short time lol(my english xD"
,but when i finish my project i will post it here ...

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