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Ebook reader with wifi

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jun 14, 2011
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Does anyboby can tell me what's the difference between ebook readers with wifi and tablet computer.If ebooks with wifi we can surf online,but what about tablet computer?So I guess how to sell ebook readers compare to tablet computers?:?:

eBook readers started with idea to make it look as much as real paper as possible. Reading is much easier on e-Ink than on regular screen. And the battery on e-Ink screen lasts for ages (no backlight).

Well, that was the basic idea of book readers. Now manufacturers start to integrate stuff to have 'better' product. It wouldn't surprise me if next years model can run WoW on it.

but,but,but still didn't tell me the difference between ebook readers with wifi and tablet computer.........

Hmm. OK lets see.....

Some e-Book readers do have a basic web browser and maybe an MP3 player.
A Tablet can run apps, games, play video, music, capture video (even HD), has handwriting recognition for office apps, etc..

The basic functionality of an e-Book reader compared to that of a tablet also means that the price is around $100-200, compared to more than $500 for a tablet.

The e-Ink screen technology with no back-light with extremely low consumption will easily give you a month of battery life on an e-Book reader.
The tablet will run dry after a few hours of use.

If the reading is primary objective, an e-Books eInk provides a superior reading experience. For everything else, there's Tablet.
ennnnn,thanks bjuric,can I say that even though ebook readers can have wifi and surf online,but it can't install procedures like tablet computer,The brower of the ebook reader can only surf books online,but the tablet can do more things as you want?

Tablets are almost like a notebook without a keyboard.
I think WiFi was first introduced to e-Reader for easier book transfer and sharing, and they thought, "Well... As long as we have WiFi, why not put browser on it, and charge extra $100".
Now that I mentioned sharing... You can "lend" someone your e-book for 2 weeks. After a friend accepts a e-book, You can't read it after he "returns" it (or 2 weeks are up). Or share a book with up to 6 family members. I know that's for kindle.

I have played with kindle, and must say that I was amazed how 'real' the experience was. I have never 'learned' to read off screen. For me a book is a book. Even when I read an e-book on a notebook in bed, I find myself holding a screen as if it was a book.

haha,amazing and fun........but it's not good for our eyes when looking at the screen for long time.

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