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Advantages in motherboard usb3 port.

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Aug 27, 2010
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What is the advantages in motherboard usb3 port?.can it takes usb 2.0 devices automatically?.
Thank you.

What is USB 3.0?
It is a new standard for data transmission by cable. It is backward compatible with USB 2.0 standard equipment,

What are the Advantages?

Speed. It is at least three times quicker than USB 2.0 in practical applications with a potential to be ten times quicker.

It cuts transferring a 2 hour movie (24 GB) from around 11 minutes to less than 3 minutes.

As a device controller. A USB 3.0 port can control up to 127 peripherals.

As a power supply: Unlike Firewire, USB 3.0 can supply devices with power- a lot more than USB 2.0. Also USB 3.0 controlled devices are automatically moved into idle, suspend, or sleep states extending battery life for laptops (and cameras, mobile phones etc when they become available)

How it works

USB 3.0 uses four more wires than USB 2.0 in the data cable giving a total of six wires. There is full duplex communication, allowing data to be sent and received simultaneously.

USB Speed Comparison

USB 2.0 High Speed 480 MB/s
UBS 3.0 SuperSpeed 5.0 GB/s

In comparison, the new Firewire 3200 (yet to be released), has a maximum potential speed of 3.2 GB/s and the old Firewire 800 is only 800MB/s.
As far as hard drives are concerned, eSata has a max speed of 3GB/s- again well short of the 5 GB/s that USB 3.0 offers.

Of course, all transfers can be limited by system architecture but it looks good for a USB 3.0 dominated future.

Where is it Most Useful?

Wherever there is a need to move a lot of data. This means PC to external hardrive, PC flash drives and PC to printer.
For professionals manipulating large video or CAD files it is especially useful.
Expect a lot of interest when the first USB 3.0 digital cameras and camcorders become available.
DVD burners are already a lot more attractive now that Buffalo have a model that uses USB 3.0 to increase write speed to 12x.


Thank you for you post.
1.can it support USB 1.1 devices?.
2.if i connect USB 1.1 & USB 2.0 devices it's required any drivers ? you know pin out diagram USB 3.0.
4.what are the support 127 devices ?

The USB 3.0 architecture is fully compatible with prior generations of this technology, from software to clocking architecture to mechanical interfaces. That is to say USB 1.1 and 2.0 will seamlessly plug into USB 3.0-capable slots and operate at their highest performance levels. Similarly, all USB 3.0 will plug into USB 1.1 and 2.0 slots and operate at the highest performance levels supported by those configurations.

**broken link removed**

USB 3.0 maintains the extensive device class driver infrastructure of USB 2.0, and a USB 1.0 devices will work via a 3.0 connector

USB 3 pinout
Pin Color Signal name
1 Red VBUS
2 White D−
3 Green D+
4 Black GND
5 Blue StdA_SSRX−
6 Yellow StdA_SSRX+
7 Shield GND_DRAIN
8 Purple StdA_SSTX−
9 Orange StdA_SSTX+
Shell Shell Shield

USB3.0 can connect computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, digital cameras, printers, personal media players, flash drives, Network Adapters, and external hard drives.
so educational thank you very much! keep the knowledge sprinkle.

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