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10 channel wireless switcher

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May 17, 2011
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hi froum.i need to 10 channel wireless switcher.plz help there dicoder and encoder 10 channel? :oops: tank you

i found it suitable for my need 8O .in datasheet descripted that rf800
is compatible to 200 series transmiter.does it mean that rf800 dosen't worke to
other transmiter for example 315 MHZ transmiter fm.plz help me :-(

The simple solution is that search for 200 series transmitter and receiver. The data sheet has everything i.e operating frequency and transmitter/receiver circuit or You can publish your question as a new post there are lots of guys who can really help you.

---------- Post added at 04:28 ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 ----------

Javad can you tell me what frequency do you want to use for transmission and reception.
hi guys..

can someone pls exaplain to me how to use this decoder incoder in some wireless application... I read about this but still not clear to me..

let me raise a question.. how do I control a device with this chip wirelessly ? I mean the transmitter transmits then the receiver receives fromt the transmitter but how will the transmitter identify that for example I will turn off load1, how will I transmit a data that will the receiver will know that I want to turn off load 1?

PLS FOrgive me I dont know how and what question I would ask.. I hope you guys got my vague question...

Romel this job is done by encoder,decoder,RF transmitter and RF receiver. Let me explain you with a simple example. Suppose we have a 4 bit encoder and decoder it mean that it can generate 16 signals i.e 2^4 = 16 from 0000 to 1111.
You can send signal to encoder from 0000 to 1111 because these signals are parallel and transmission is done serially therefore the encoder takes these parallel inputs and converts them into a serial data. Now encoder sends this serial data to RF transmitter. The RF transmitter receives this serial data and mix it with high frequency and transmits it.

On the receiving side the RF receiver receives this high frequency and demixes the high frequency from serial data and sends it to decoder. The decoder understands this serial data format so that it converts this serial data back to parallel data you have used in decoder.
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"Suppose we have a 4 bit encoder and decoder it mean that it can generate 16 signals i.e 2^4 = 16 from 0000 to 1111.
You can send signal to encoder from 0000 to 1111 because these signals are parallel and transmission is done serially therefore the encoder takes these parallel inputs and converts them into a serial data. Now encoder sends this serial data to RF transmitter. The RF transmitter receives this serial data and mix it with high frequency and transmits it.

On the receiving side the RF receiver receives this high frequency and demixes the high frequency from serial data and sends it to decoder. The decoder understands this serial data format so that it converts this serial data back to parallel data you have used in decoder."

wow thanks so much...100% I got it.. very well explained... now Im ready to make wireless projects.. thanks to you..
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The switches you are talking about is address.Because it is simple receiver transmitter so all are set to one position. Now I tell you what is their purpose. Suppose that you are using two wireless projects and you have same receiver transmitter for both projects because both have same frequency they will interfere with each other then what is the solution? yes the solution is address of the encoder and decoder.There are 8 address pins it means 256 addresses.
For example for one project I set the address of both encoder and decoder to 000000001. For other project I set the address of both encoder and decoder to 00000010. Note in mind that both projects frequency is same but their address is different it means the receiver of both projects will receive the frequency but the encoder will accept only those signal which has its address.
The simple solution is that search for 200 series transmitter and receiver. The data sheet has everything i.e operating frequency and transmitter/receiver circuit or You can publish your question as a new post there are lots of guys who can really help you.

---------- Post added at 04:28 ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 ----------

Javad can you tell me what frequency do you want to use for transmission and reception.
hi tahir. i use fm transmiter mudole 315MHZ.
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