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[SOLVED] Which Microcontroller is the best Microchip, Atmel or Intel

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Full Member level 4
Full Member level 4
Nov 29, 2010
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There are many companies manufacturing different series of microcontrollers.I want to know reasons to choose specific company microcontrollers. What areas which should consider in selecting microcontrollers.For example an 8 bit microcontroller of above mentioned companies will have almost functions. Then what are the reasons?
Is it the speed?
Is it the number of instructions
Is it more memory space?
Is it processor architecture?
Is it library functions?
Is it code simplicity?
Is it easy hardware interface?
Is it more hardware devices support?

it cannot be compared like that ... each companiy designs the controller keeping a points in mind along with other more important parameters...
library functions and code simplicity is a feature of compiler...

Memory is different for different controllers as the companies keep improving their product in every release.... thats the reason you find reserved memory in many controllers...

So this question stands invalid as each controller is good or best in its own way......
The question about the best mcu can't be answered, it is like asking which drink is best whiskey, vodka or gin.
The best mcu depends on the specific task where it will be used, it can be the cost, the speed, the memory, the peripheral number, the size, the power consumption, there are too many factors.

you need to think not only the hardware (IO facilities, flexibility, power, cost, etc) but support in terms of documentation, APIs to drive the IO devices (CANBUS, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, etc) and support applications (motor control, FFTs, graphics, etc), example code, etc.
Is the development environment free or do you have to buy an expensive IDE and compiler?
Thank you guys for you great help but I ask a question to Sir Ckshivaram. Is my question really invalid?

i think atmel because they have small controller with 4 pin .but controllers used according to our requirment
Hi tahir,

I dont know who asked you this question? but i cant say its invalid question ,but there is no proper justification answer for these trivial questions as at some point of time or at some feature comparison one will be better than other and viceversa....

More the advancement in 8 bit controller, more the complexity of architecture, registers, instruction set, and area of application are diversified.

In a way it stands invalid as no proper justification can be reached.. if it hurts you, i would put it in other words that " this is a trivial question with no answer"....
micro controllers production today are very competitive. every company try to develop new product better than others
but base on particular feature, one micro controller should be better than other
it isn't ethical to express in like this forum, which micro controller is better without proper justification
but one micro controller not identical to another micro controller
so you don't mention your requirement
this is another one of those topics that has no definite answer, there was a similar topic some time back and it ran into pages and pages of useless information.

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