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Voltage source design problem

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Apr 15, 2011
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Could anyone push me to the right direction with a following design?

I need to build an voltage source that has an output by conrollable percentage from a variable reference voltage.

I need to control the voltage source with a CPU (with PWM, DC voltage or external DAC), potentiometers are not the solution for controlling, except digital pots.

For example:
Vout = x * Vref
Vref constantly varies somewhere between 12 -14V (voltage from car battery with alternator on/off)
x = 0.25 to 0.75

I've simulated many kinds of op-amp diagrams and such with no solution.
The changing Vref is the problem, gain changes with it and suddenly 0.5*Vref isn't 0.5*Vref anymore...
(I'm not sure if there is an simple op-amp design for this kind of situation)

Could I use MCU+DAC to easily implement this kind of voltage source?

One solution I thought was to 'read Vref with ADC - process MCU - Output an correct voltage with DAC and buffer the output with OP-AMP' This seemed unnecessary complex...

I'm more familiar with digital bus systems/protocols and programming, but analog electronics is quite new to me.

Thanks for any advice!
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It's a high impedance load, draws current 0,25mA (Z at 0,5*Vref = 12K)

If you use Vref as one input of a OP-amp and Vout as the - input, the op-amp then drives the series power transistors. The circuit will stabilize with Vout = Vref. If you put your digital pot across Vref and take its output to the input instead of Vref. The circuit should then stabilize at K X Vref, K being set by your pot.

For a digital voltage regulator i would use a LM317 combined with Microchips digital pots; they're awsome. The LM317 is a Linear regulator and can provide only 1A of current with not so good efficiency, especially if your input voltage is high. If you want 80+ efficiency then look at some switching regulators like LM2576. They need few external components and are quite cheap.Everithing to set the output voltage is documented in the datasheet.Hope this helps.

You can use a digital potentiometer here.

The important point is to retain the ratios of the three resistances.

The output will be any value between 25 and 75% of Vref.

The voltage follower assures that the divider isn't loaded. You can scale the input and/or output as you see fit.

Thanks kak111 and Syncopator!!

That's a simple and working solution!

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