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[SOLVED] how to tackle the XST ....Warning XST<646>

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Dec 29, 2010
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how to tackle the XST ....Warning XST<647>

THe Exact message is

"Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved."

the top module port list is

aux_test_synth test_cpu_pram (

this happens because the Input <reset> is never used. As a result, This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block. This allows the unused input to be connected to an IOB, allowing translate/MAP/PAR to continue.

Most likely, you either never connect reset to anything that actually uses it, or you connect a net called "Reset" or "rst" or "aclr" etc... to everything in the top level module. Verilog has a "default net-type" of a 1b wire, so mis-named signals don't always cause syntax errors. you can specify "`default_nettype none" to prevent this behavior, though it can break code written by other developers.
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      inst <= 12'h000;

the reset is used at 7 locations in the code in this manner .....
so what might be the possible source of this warning

Post the complete code or else its hard to say why XST gives this warning.

If your are not using "reset" pin internally or your FF's are getting trimmed off, then this warning makes sense.

Better place the complete code, so that we can confirm whether its a genuine warning from XST.
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module cpu (

// Basic Core I/O.
input		clk;
input		wire reset;

// Program memory interface
output [10:0]	paddr;
input  [11:0]	pdata;

// Basic I/O Ports
input  [7:0]	portain;
output [7:0]	portbout;//changing here 1
output [7:0]	portcout;

// Expansion Interface
input [7:0]	   expdin;		// Data from expansion circuits TO the PIC Core
output [7:0]	expdout;	// Data to the expansion circuits FROM the PIC Core
output [6:0]	expaddr;	// File address
output		    expread;	// Active high read signal (read FROM expansion circuit)
output		    expwrite;	// Active high write signal (write TO expansion circuit)

// Debugging
output [7:0]	debugw;
output [10:0]	debugpc;
output [11:0]	debuginst;
output [7:0]	debugstatus;
output [3:0]   debugstacklevel;

// Register declarations for outputs
reg [10:0]	paddr;
reg [7:0]	portbout;
reg [7:0]	portcout;
reg [7:0]	expdout;
reg [6:0]	expaddr;
reg		expread;
reg		expwrite;

parameter RESET_VECTOR = 11'h7FF;

parameter	INDF_ADDRESS	= 3'h0,
		TMR0_ADDRESS	= 3'h1,
		PCL_ADDRESS	= 3'h2,
		FSR_ADDRESS	= 3'h4,

// *********  Special internal registers

// Instruction Register
reg  [11:0]	inst;

// Program Counter
reg  [10:0]	pc, pc_in;

// Stack Registers and Stack "levels" register.
reg [ 2:0]	stacklevel;
reg [10:0]	stack1;
reg [10:0]	stack2;
reg [10:0]  stack3;
reg [10:0]  stack4;
reg [10:0]  stack5;
reg [10:0]  stack6;
reg [10:0]  stack7;

// W Register
reg [ 7:0]	w;

// The STATUS register (#3) is 8 bits wide, however, we only currently use 2 bits
// of it; the C and Z bit.
// bit 0  -  C
// bit 2  -  Z
// bit 7  -  P  
reg [ 7:0]	status;

// The FSR register is the pointer register used for Indirect addressing (e.g. using INDF).
reg  [ 7:0]	fsr;

// Timer 0
reg  [ 7:0]	tmr0;
reg  [ 7:0]	prescaler;

// Option Register
reg [7:0]	option;//synthesis attribute keep of option is true 

// Tristate Control registers. We do not neccessarily support bidirectional ports, but
//    will save a place for these registers and the TRIS instruction.  Use for debug.
reg [7:0]	trisa;// synthesis attribute keep of trisa is true 
reg [7:0]	trisb;// synthesis attribute keep of trisb is true 
reg [7:0]	trisc;// synthesis attribute keep of trisc is true 

// I/O Port registers
reg [7:0]	porta;	// Input PORT
reg [7:0]	portb;	// Output PORT
reg [7:0]	portc;	// Output PORT

// ********** Instruction Related signals ******

reg 		skip;  // When HI force a NOP (all zeros) into inst

// Derive special sub signals from inst register
wire [ 7:0]	k;
wire [ 4:0]	fsel;
wire		d;
wire [ 2:0]	b;

// ********** File Address ************
// This is the 7-bit Data Address that includes the lower 5-bit fsel, the
// FSR bits and any indirect addressing.
// Use this bus to address the Register File as well as all special registers, etc.
reg [6:0]	fileaddr;

// Address Selects
reg		specialsel;
reg		regfilesel;
reg		expsel;

// ******  Instruction Decoder Outputs **************

// Write enable for the actual ZERO and CARRY bits within the status register.
// Generated by the Instruction Decoder.
wire [1:0]	aluasel;
wire [1:0]	alubsel;
wire [3:0]	aluop;

wire		zwe;
wire		cwe;

wire		isoption;
wire		istris;

wire		fwe;	// High if any "register" is being written to at all.
wire		wwe;	// Write Enable for the W register.  Produced by Instruction Decoder.

// *************  Internal Busses, mux connections, etc.  ********************

// Bit decoder bits.  
reg [7:0]	bd;	// Final decoder value after any polarity inversion.
reg [7:0]	bdec;	// e.g. "Bit Decoded"
wire		bdpol;	// Polarity bit for the bit test operations.

// Data in and out of the and out of the register file
reg [7:0]	regfilein;	// Input into Register File, is connected to the dbus.
wire [7:0]	regfileout;	// Path leaving the register file, goes to SBUS Mux
reg		regfilewe;	// Write Enable
reg		regfilere;	// Read Enable

// The dbus (Destination Bus) comes out of the ALU.  It is available to all
// writable registers.
// The sbus (Source Bus) comes from all readable registers as well as the output
// of the Register File.  It is one of the primary inputs into the ALU muxes.
// The (Expansion Bus) is another potential source.  See the 'exp' signals.
reg  [7:0]	dbus;
reg  [7:0]	sbus;

// ALU Signals
reg  [7:0]	alua;
reg  [7:0]	alub;
wire [7:0]	aluout;
wire		alucout;
wire       	aluz;
wire        alup;

// ALU A and B mux selects.
parameter [1:0]	ALUASEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUASEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUASEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUASEL_BD	= 2'b11;
parameter [1:0]	ALUBSEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUBSEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUBSEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUBSEL_1	= 2'b11;

// ALU Operation codes.
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ADD  = 4'b0000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SUB  = 4'b1000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_AND  = 4'b0001;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_OR   = 4'b0010;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_XOR  = 4'b0011;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_COM  = 4'b0100;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROR  = 4'b0101;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROL  = 4'b0110;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;

// Instantiate each of our subcomponents
regs  regs (
   .clk		(clk), 
   .reset	(reset),
   .we  	(regfilewe),
   .re		(regfilere),
   .bank	(fileaddr[6:5]), 
   .location	(fileaddr[4:0]),
   .din		(regfilein), 
   .dout	(regfileout)

// Instatiate the ALU.
alu alu  (
   .op         (aluop), 
   .a          (alua), 
   .b          (alub),
   .y          (aluout),
   .cin        (status[0]), 
   .cout       (alucout), 
   .zout       (aluz),
	.pout       (alup)

// Instantiate the Instruction Decoder.  This is really just a lookup table.
// Given the instruction, generate all the signals we need.  
// For example, each instruction implies a specific ALU operation.  Some of
// these are obvious such as the ADDW uses an ADD alu op.  Less obvious is
// that a mov instruction uses an OR op which lets us do a simple copy.
// Data has to funnel through the ALU, which sometimes makes for contrived
// ALU ops.
wire		idecwwe;
wire		idecfwe;
wire		ideczwe;
wire		ideccwe;

idec idec (
   .inst     (inst),
   .aluasel  (aluasel),
   .alubsel  (alubsel),
   .aluop    (aluop),
   .wwe      (idecwwe),
   .fwe      (idecfwe),
   .zwe      (ideczwe),
   .cwe      (ideccwe),
   .bdpol    (bdpol),
   .option   (isoption),
   .tris     (istris)

// Wire decoder enables to enables in at this module.  I did this because at
// one time I had another global 'enable' that was ANDed in, but I removed that.
assign wwe = idecwwe;
assign fwe = idecfwe;
assign zwe = ideczwe;
assign cwe = ideccwe;

// *********** Debug ****************
assign	debugw = w;
assign	debugpc = pc;
assign	debuginst = inst;
assign	debugstatus = status;
assign   debugstacklevel=stacklevel;

// *********** REGISTER FILE Addressing ****************
// We implement the following:
//    - The 5-bit fsel address is within a "BANK" which is 32 bytes.
//    - The FSR bits 6:5 are the BANK select, so there are 4 BANKS, a 
//      total of 128 bytes.  Minus the 8 special registers, that's 
//      really 120 bytes.
//    - The INDF register is for indirect addressing.  Referencing INDF
//      uses FSR as the pointer.  Therefore, using INDF/FSR you address
//      7-bits of memory.
// We DO NOT currently implement the PAGE for program (e.g. STATUS register
// bits 6:5)
// The fsel address *may* be zero in which case, we are to do indirect
// addressing, using FSR register as the 8-bit pointer.
// Otherwise, use the 5-bits of FSEL (from the Instruction itself) and 
// 2 bank bits from the FSR register (bits 6:5).
always @(fsel or fsr or status) begin
   if (fsel == INDF_ADDRESS) begin
      // The INDEX register is addressed.  There really is no INDEX register.
      // Use the FSR as an index, e.g. the FSR contents are the fsel.
      fileaddr = fsr[6:0];
   else begin
      // Use FSEL field and status bank select bits
      fileaddr = {status[6:5], fsel};

// Write Enable to Register File.  
// Assert this when the general fwe (write enable to *any* register) is true AND Register File
//    address range is specified.
always @(regfilesel or fwe)
   regfilewe = regfilesel & fwe;

// Read Enable (this if nothing else, helps in debug.)
// Assert if Register File address range is specified AND the ALU is actually using some
//    data off the SBUS.
always @(regfilesel or aluasel or alubsel)
   regfilere = regfilesel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

// *********** Address Decodes **************
// Generate 3 selects: specialsel, regfilesel and expsel
// ** NOTE:	Must change this whenever more or few expansion addresses are
//		added or removed from the memory map.  Otherwise, the dbus mux
// 		won't be controlled properly!
always @(fileaddr) begin
   casex (fileaddr) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
      // This shouldn't really change.
      7'bXX00XXX: // The SPECIAL Registers are lower 8 addresses, in ALL BANKS
            specialsel	= 1'b1;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b0;
      // Adjust this case as EXPANSION locations change!
      7'b11111XX: // EXPANSION Registers are the top (4) addresses
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b1;
      // Assume everything else must be the Register File..
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b1;
            expsel	= 1'b0;

// *********** Expansion Interface **************

always @(dbus)
   expdout = dbus;
always @(fileaddr)
   expaddr = fileaddr;

always @(expsel or aluasel or alubsel)
   expread = expsel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

always @(expsel or fwe)
   expwrite = expsel & fwe;

// *********** SBUS **************
// The sbus (Source Bus) is the output of a multiplexor that takes
// inputs from the Register File, and all other special registers
// and input ports.  The Source Bus then, one of the inputs to the ALU

// First MUX selects from all the special regsiters
always @(fsel or fsr or tmr0 or pc or status
         or porta or portb or portc or regfileout or expdin
         or specialsel or regfilesel or expsel) begin
   // For our current mix of registers and peripherals, only the first 8 addresses
   // are "special" registers (e.g. not in the Register File).  As more peripheral
   // registers are added, they must be muxed into this MUX as well.
   // We currently prohibit tristates.
   if (specialsel) begin
      // Special register
      case (fsel[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
         3'h0:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h1:	sbus = tmr0;
         3'h2:	sbus = pc[7:0];
         3'h3:	sbus = status;
         3'h4:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h5:	sbus = porta; // PORTA is an input-only port
         3'h6:	sbus = portb; // PORTB is an output-only port
         3'h7:	sbus = portc; // PORTC is an output-only port
   else begin
      // Put whatever address equation is neccessary here.  Remember to remove unnecessary
      // memory elements from Register File (regs.v).  It'll still work, but they'd be
      // wasted flip-flops.
      if (expsel) begin
         sbus = expdin;
      else begin
         if (regfilesel) begin
            // Final Priority is Choose the register file
            sbus = regfileout;
         else begin
            sbus = 8'h00;

// ************** DBUS ******
//  The Destination bus is just the output of the ALU.
always @(aluout)
   dbus = aluout;

always @(dbus)
   regfilein = dbus;
// Drive the ROM address bus straight from the PC_IN bus
always @(pc_in)
   paddr = pc_in;

// Define sub-signals out of inst
assign k =     inst[7:0];
assign fsel  = inst[4:0];
assign d     = inst[5];//synthesis attribute keep of d is true 
assign b     = inst[7:5];

// Bit Decoder.
// Simply take the 3-bit b field in the PIC instruction and create the
// expanded 8-bit decoder field, which is used as a mask.

always @(b) begin
   case (b) // synopsys parallel_case
      3'b000: bdec = 8'b00000001;
      3'b001: bdec = 8'b00000010;
      3'b010: bdec = 8'b00000100;
      3'b011: bdec = 8'b00001000;
      3'b100: bdec = 8'b00010000;
      3'b101: bdec = 8'b00100000;
      3'b110: bdec = 8'b01000000;
      3'b111: bdec = 8'b10000000;

always @(bdec or bdpol)
   bd = (bdpol) ? ~bdec : bdec;

// Instruction regsiter usually get the ROM data as its input, but
// sometimes for branching, the skip signal must cause a NOP.
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      inst <= 12'h000;
   else begin
      if (skip == 1'b1) begin
         inst <= 12'b000000000000; // FORCE NOP
      else begin
         inst <= pdata;

// SKIP signal.
// We want to insert the NOP instruction for the following conditions:
//    GOTO,CALL and RETLW instructions (All have inst[11:10] = 2'b10
//    BTFSS instruction when aluz is HI  (
//    BTFSC instruction when aluz is LO
always @(inst or aluz) begin
   casex ({inst, aluz}) // synopsys parallel_case
      13'b10??_????_????_?:    // A GOTO, CALL or RETLW instructions
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0110_????_????_1:    // BTFSC instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0111_????_????_0:    // BTFSS instruction and aluz == 0
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0010_11??_????_1:    // DECFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0011_11??_????_1:    // INCFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
         skip = 1'b0;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alua
always @(aluasel or w or sbus or k or bd) begin
   case (aluasel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alua = w;
      2'b01: alua = sbus;
      2'b10: alua = k;
      2'b11: alua = bd;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alub
always @(alubsel or w or sbus or k) begin
   case (alubsel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alub = w;
      2'b01: alub = sbus;
      2'b10: alub = k;
      2'b11: alub = 8'b00000001;

// W Register
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      w <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (wwe) begin
         w <= dbus;

// ************ Writes to various Special Registers (fsel between 0 and 7)

// INDF Register (Register #0)
//    Not a real register.  This is the Indirect Addressing mode register.
//    See the regfileaddr logic.

// TMR0 Register (Register #1)
//    Timer0 is currently only a free-running timer clocked by the main system clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      tmr0 <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == TMR0_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         tmr0 <= dbus;
      else begin
         if (~option[5]) begin
            // OPTION[3]  -  Assigns prescaler to either WDT or TIMER0.  We don't implement WDT.
            //               If this bit is 0, then use the prescaler.  If 1 then increment.
            // Mask off the prescaler value based on desired divide ratio.
            // Whenever this is zero, then that is our divided pulse.  Increment
            // the final timer value when it's zero.
            casex (option[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
               4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0000: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000001)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0001: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000011)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0010: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0011: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00001111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0100: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00011111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0101: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0110: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b01111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0111: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b11111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;

// The prescaler is always counting from 00 to FF whenever OPTION[5] is cleared (e.g. T0CS)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      prescaler <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (~option[5]) begin
         prescaler <= prescaler + 1;

// PCL Register (Register #2)
//    PC Lower 8 bits.  This is handled in the PC section below...

// STATUS Register (Register #3)
parameter STATUS_RESET_VALUE = 8'h18;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      status <= STATUS_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == STATUS_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         status <= dbus;
      else begin
         // Update status register on a bit-by-bit basis.
         // For the carry and zero flags, each instruction has its own rule as
         // to whether to update this flag or not.  The instruction decoder is
         // providing us with an enable for C and Z.  Use this to decide whether
         // to retain the existing value, or update with the new alu status output.
         status <= {
            (zwe)? alup:status[7],			// BIT 7:P
            status[6],			// BIT 6: Program Page, HI bit
            status[5],			// BIT 5: Program Page, LO bit
            status[4],			// BIT 4: Time Out bit (not implemented at this time)
            status[3],			// BIT 3: Power Down bit (not implemented at this time)
            (zwe) ? aluz : status[2],	// BIT 2: Z
            status[1],			 // BIT 1: DC
            (cwe) ? alucout : status[0]	// BIT 0: C

// FSR Register  (Register #4)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      fsr <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == FSR_ADDRESS)) begin
         fsr <= dbus;

// OPTION Register
// The special OPTION instruction should move W into the OPTION register.
parameter OPTION_RESET_VALUE = 8'h3F;
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      option <= OPTION_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      if (isoption)
         option <= dbus;

// PORTA Input Port   (Register #5)
// Register anything on the module's porta input on every single clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset==1'b1) porta <= 8'h00[/COLOR];
   else       porta <= portain;

// PORTB Output Port  (Register #6)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      portb <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portb <= dbus;


// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portb)
   portbout = portb;
// PORTC Output Port  (Register #7)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      portc <= 8'h00;[/COLOR]
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portc <= dbus;

// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portc)
   portcout = portc;
// TRIS Registers
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisa <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTA_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisa <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisb <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisb <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisc <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisc <= dbus;

// ********** PC AND STACK *************************
// There are 4 ways to change the PC.  They are:
//    GOTO  101k_kkkk_kkkk
//    CALL  1001_kkkk_kkkk
//    RETLW 1000_kkkk_kkkk
//    MOVF  0010_0010_0010  (e.g. a write to reg #2)
//    MOVWF 0000_0010_0010  (write from W to reg #2)
// Remember that the skip instructions work by inserting
// a NOP instruction or not into program stream and don't
// change the PC.

// Implmenent PC
// Seperate the PC_IN input bus into PC from the sequential register so that we
// can feed the PC_IN bus into the PRAM address input.

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset) pc <= RESET_VECTOR;[/COLOR]
   else       pc <= pc_in;

always @(inst or stacklevel or status or stack1 or stack2 or stack2
 or stack3 or stack4 or stack5 or stack6 or stack7
 or pc or dbus) begin
   casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
      15'b101?_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5],       inst[8:0]};	// GOTO
      15'b1001_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5], 1'b0, inst[7:0]};	// CALL
      15'b1000_????_????_000: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_001: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_010: pc_in = stack2;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_011: pc_in = stack3;				// RETLW
		15'b1000_????_????_100: pc_in = stack4;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_101: pc_in = stack5;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_110: pc_in = stack6;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_111: pc_in = stack7;				// RETLW
      15'b00?0_0010_0010_???: pc_in = {pc[10:8], dbus};		// MOVF or MOVWF where f=PC
         pc_in = pc + 1;

// Implement STACK1 and STACK2 registers
// The Stack registers are only fed from the PC itself!
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      stack1 <= 10'h000;
   else begin
      // CALL instruction
      if (inst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
         case (stacklevel) // synopsys parallel_case
               // No previous CALLs 
                  stack1 <= pc;
               // ONE previous CALL 
                  stack2 <= pc;
               // TWO previous CALLs -- This is illegal on the 16C5X! 
                  $display ("Too many CALLs 3!!");
                  $display ("Too many CALLs4!!");
							$display("Too Many CALLS 5 ");
						$display("Too Many Calls 6");
                 $display("Too Many Calls 7");
							$display("Illegal Call /Ignoring");

// Write to stacklevel
// The stacklevel register keeps track of the current stack depth.  On this
// puny processor, there are only 2 levels (you could fiddle with this and
// increase the stack depth).  There are two stack registers, stack1 and stack2.
// The stack1 register is used first (e.g. the first time a call is performed),
// then stack2.  As CALLs are done, stacklevel increments.  Conversely, as
// RETs are done, stacklevel goes down. 

always @(posedge clk) begin
  [COLOR="blue"] if (reset == 1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // On reset, there should be no CALLs in progress
   else begin
      casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
         // Call instructions
         15'b1001_????_????_000: stacklevel <= 3'b001;  // Record 1st CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_001: stacklevel <= 3'b010;  // Record 2nd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_010: stacklevel <= 3'b011;  // Record 3rd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_011: stacklevel <= 3'b100;  // Record 4th CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_100: stacklevel <= 3'b101;  // Record 5th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_101: stacklevel <= 3'b110;  // Record 6th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_110: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // Record 7th  CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_111: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // INGNORE 
         // Return instructions
         16'b1000_????_????_0000: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // {shouldn't happen}
         16'b1000_????_????_0001: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // Go back to no CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0010: stacklevel <= 4'b0001;  // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0011: stacklevel <= 4'b0010;  // Go Back to 2 CALL in progress 
         16'b1000_????_????_0100: stacklevel <= 4'b0011;  // Go Back to 3 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0101: stacklevel  <=4'b0100;  // Go Back to 4 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0110: stacklevel  <=4'b0101;  // Go Back to 5 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0111: stacklevel  <=4'b0110;  // Go back to 6 CALL  in progress
            stacklevel <= stacklevel;

// *******  Debug Stuff  ******** //
// The following is NOT synthesizable.  This code simply allows you to see the ASCII name
// for the instruction in the INST register while in a waveform viewer.
// synopsys translate_off
reg [8*8-1:0] inst_string;

always @(inst) begin
   casex (inst)
      12'b0000_0000_0000: inst_string = "NOP     ";
      12'b0000_001X_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVWF   ";
      12'b0000_0100_0000: inst_string = "CLRW    ";
      12'b0000_011X_XXXX: inst_string = "CLRF    ";
      12'b0000_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SUBWF   ";
      12'b0000_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECF    ";
      12'b0001_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORWF   ";
      12'b0001_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDWF   ";
      12'b0001_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORWF   ";
      12'b0001_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ADDWF   ";
      12'b0010_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVF    ";
      12'b0010_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "COMF    ";
      12'b0010_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCF    ";
      12'b0010_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECFSZ  ";
      12'b0011_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RRF     ";
      12'b0011_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RLF     ";
      12'b0011_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SWAPF   ";
      12'b0011_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCFSZ  ";

      // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
      12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BCF     ";
      12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BSF     ";
      12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSC   ";
      12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSS   ";

      // *** Literal and Control Operations
      12'b0000_0000_0010: inst_string = "OPTION  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0011: inst_string = "SLEEP   ";
      12'b0000_0000_0100: inst_string = "CLRWDT  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0101: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0110: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0111: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "RETLW   ";
      12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "CALL    ";
      12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "GOTO    ";
      12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVLW   ";
      12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORLW   ";
      12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDLW   ";
      12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORLW   ";

      default:            inst_string = "-XXXXXX-";
// synopsys translate_on


The Highlighted portions show where the reset has been used .

^^ Just curious is this MiniRISC project from

module cpu (

// Basic Core I/O.
input		clk;
input		wire reset;

// Program memory interface
output [10:0]	paddr;
input  [11:0]	pdata;

// Basic I/O Ports
input  [7:0]	portain;
output [7:0]	portbout;//changing here 1
output [7:0]	portcout;

// Expansion Interface
input [7:0]	   expdin;		// Data from expansion circuits TO the PIC Core
output [7:0]	expdout;	// Data to the expansion circuits FROM the PIC Core
output [6:0]	expaddr;	// File address
output		    expread;	// Active high read signal (read FROM expansion circuit)
output		    expwrite;	// Active high write signal (write TO expansion circuit)

// Debugging
output [7:0]	debugw;
output [10:0]	debugpc;
output [11:0]	debuginst;
output [7:0]	debugstatus;
output [3:0]   debugstacklevel;

// Register declarations for outputs
reg [10:0]	paddr;
reg [7:0]	portbout;
reg [7:0]	portcout;
reg [7:0]	expdout;
reg [6:0]	expaddr;
reg		expread;
reg		expwrite;

parameter RESET_VECTOR = 11'h7FF;

parameter	INDF_ADDRESS	= 3'h0,
		TMR0_ADDRESS	= 3'h1,
		PCL_ADDRESS	= 3'h2,
		FSR_ADDRESS	= 3'h4,

// *********  Special internal registers

// Instruction Register
reg  [11:0]	inst;

// Program Counter
reg  [10:0]	pc, pc_in;

// Stack Registers and Stack "levels" register.
reg [ 2:0]	stacklevel;
reg [10:0]	stack1;
reg [10:0]	stack2;
reg [10:0]  stack3;
reg [10:0]  stack4;
reg [10:0]  stack5;
reg [10:0]  stack6;
reg [10:0]  stack7;

// W Register
reg [ 7:0]	w;

// The STATUS register (#3) is 8 bits wide, however, we only currently use 2 bits
// of it; the C and Z bit.
// bit 0  -  C
// bit 2  -  Z
// bit 7  -  P  
reg [ 7:0]	status;

// The FSR register is the pointer register used for Indirect addressing (e.g. using INDF).
reg  [ 7:0]	fsr;

// Timer 0
reg  [ 7:0]	tmr0;
reg  [ 7:0]	prescaler;

// Option Register
reg [7:0]	option;//synthesis attribute keep of option is true 

// Tristate Control registers. We do not neccessarily support bidirectional ports, but
//    will save a place for these registers and the TRIS instruction.  Use for debug.
reg [7:0]	trisa;// synthesis attribute keep of trisa is true 
reg [7:0]	trisb;// synthesis attribute keep of trisb is true 
reg [7:0]	trisc;// synthesis attribute keep of trisc is true 

// I/O Port registers
reg [7:0]	porta;	// Input PORT
reg [7:0]	portb;	// Output PORT
reg [7:0]	portc;	// Output PORT

// ********** Instruction Related signals ******

reg 		skip;  // When HI force a NOP (all zeros) into inst

// Derive special sub signals from inst register
wire [ 7:0]	k;
wire [ 4:0]	fsel;
wire		d;
wire [ 2:0]	b;

// ********** File Address ************
// This is the 7-bit Data Address that includes the lower 5-bit fsel, the
// FSR bits and any indirect addressing.
// Use this bus to address the Register File as well as all special registers, etc.
reg [6:0]	fileaddr;

// Address Selects
reg		specialsel;
reg		regfilesel;
reg		expsel;

// ******  Instruction Decoder Outputs **************

// Write enable for the actual ZERO and CARRY bits within the status register.
// Generated by the Instruction Decoder.
wire [1:0]	aluasel;
wire [1:0]	alubsel;
wire [3:0]	aluop;

wire		zwe;
wire		cwe;

wire		isoption;
wire		istris;

wire		fwe;	// High if any "register" is being written to at all.
wire		wwe;	// Write Enable for the W register.  Produced by Instruction Decoder.

// *************  Internal Busses, mux connections, etc.  ********************

// Bit decoder bits.  
reg [7:0]	bd;	// Final decoder value after any polarity inversion.
reg [7:0]	bdec;	// e.g. "Bit Decoded"
wire		bdpol;	// Polarity bit for the bit test operations.

// Data in and out of the and out of the register file
reg [7:0]	regfilein;	// Input into Register File, is connected to the dbus.
wire [7:0]	regfileout;	// Path leaving the register file, goes to SBUS Mux
reg		regfilewe;	// Write Enable
reg		regfilere;	// Read Enable

// The dbus (Destination Bus) comes out of the ALU.  It is available to all
// writable registers.
// The sbus (Source Bus) comes from all readable registers as well as the output
// of the Register File.  It is one of the primary inputs into the ALU muxes.
// The (Expansion Bus) is another potential source.  See the 'exp' signals.
reg  [7:0]	dbus;
reg  [7:0]	sbus;

// ALU Signals
reg  [7:0]	alua;
reg  [7:0]	alub;
wire [7:0]	aluout;
wire		alucout;
wire       	aluz;
wire        alup;

// ALU A and B mux selects.
parameter [1:0]	ALUASEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUASEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUASEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUASEL_BD	= 2'b11;
parameter [1:0]	ALUBSEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUBSEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUBSEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUBSEL_1	= 2'b11;

// ALU Operation codes.
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ADD  = 4'b0000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SUB  = 4'b1000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_AND  = 4'b0001;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_OR   = 4'b0010;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_XOR  = 4'b0011;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_COM  = 4'b0100;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROR  = 4'b0101;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROL  = 4'b0110;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;

// Instantiate each of our subcomponents
regs  regs (
   .clk		(clk), 
   .reset	(reset),
   .we  	(regfilewe),
   .re		(regfilere),
   .bank	(fileaddr[6:5]), 
   .location	(fileaddr[4:0]),
   .din		(regfilein), 
   .dout	(regfileout)

// Instatiate the ALU.
alu alu  (
   .op         (aluop), 
   .a          (alua), 
   .b          (alub),
   .y          (aluout),
   .cin        (status[0]), 
   .cout       (alucout), 
   .zout       (aluz),
	.pout       (alup)

// Instantiate the Instruction Decoder.  This is really just a lookup table.
// Given the instruction, generate all the signals we need.  
// For example, each instruction implies a specific ALU operation.  Some of
// these are obvious such as the ADDW uses an ADD alu op.  Less obvious is
// that a mov instruction uses an OR op which lets us do a simple copy.
// Data has to funnel through the ALU, which sometimes makes for contrived
// ALU ops.
wire		idecwwe;
wire		idecfwe;
wire		ideczwe;
wire		ideccwe;

idec idec (
   .inst     (inst),
   .aluasel  (aluasel),
   .alubsel  (alubsel),
   .aluop    (aluop),
   .wwe      (idecwwe),
   .fwe      (idecfwe),
   .zwe      (ideczwe),
   .cwe      (ideccwe),
   .bdpol    (bdpol),
   .option   (isoption),
   .tris     (istris)

// Wire decoder enables to enables in at this module.  I did this because at
// one time I had another global 'enable' that was ANDed in, but I removed that.
assign wwe = idecwwe;
assign fwe = idecfwe;
assign zwe = ideczwe;
assign cwe = ideccwe;

// *********** Debug ****************
assign	debugw = w;
assign	debugpc = pc;
assign	debuginst = inst;
assign	debugstatus = status;
assign   debugstacklevel=stacklevel;

// *********** REGISTER FILE Addressing ****************
// We implement the following:
//    - The 5-bit fsel address is within a "BANK" which is 32 bytes.
//    - The FSR bits 6:5 are the BANK select, so there are 4 BANKS, a 
//      total of 128 bytes.  Minus the 8 special registers, that's 
//      really 120 bytes.
//    - The INDF register is for indirect addressing.  Referencing INDF
//      uses FSR as the pointer.  Therefore, using INDF/FSR you address
//      7-bits of memory.
// We DO NOT currently implement the PAGE for program (e.g. STATUS register
// bits 6:5)
// The fsel address *may* be zero in which case, we are to do indirect
// addressing, using FSR register as the 8-bit pointer.
// Otherwise, use the 5-bits of FSEL (from the Instruction itself) and 
// 2 bank bits from the FSR register (bits 6:5).
always @(fsel or fsr or status) begin
   if (fsel == INDF_ADDRESS) begin
      // The INDEX register is addressed.  There really is no INDEX register.
      // Use the FSR as an index, e.g. the FSR contents are the fsel.
      fileaddr = fsr[6:0];
   else begin
      // Use FSEL field and status bank select bits
      fileaddr = {status[6:5], fsel};

// Write Enable to Register File.  
// Assert this when the general fwe (write enable to *any* register) is true AND Register File
//    address range is specified.
always @(regfilesel or fwe)
   regfilewe = regfilesel & fwe;

// Read Enable (this if nothing else, helps in debug.)
// Assert if Register File address range is specified AND the ALU is actually using some
//    data off the SBUS.
always @(regfilesel or aluasel or alubsel)
   regfilere = regfilesel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

// *********** Address Decodes **************
// Generate 3 selects: specialsel, regfilesel and expsel
// ** NOTE:	Must change this whenever more or few expansion addresses are
//		added or removed from the memory map.  Otherwise, the dbus mux
// 		won't be controlled properly!
always @(fileaddr) begin
   casex (fileaddr) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
      // This shouldn't really change.
      7'bXX00XXX: // The SPECIAL Registers are lower 8 addresses, in ALL BANKS
            specialsel	= 1'b1;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b0;
      // Adjust this case as EXPANSION locations change!
      7'b11111XX: // EXPANSION Registers are the top (4) addresses
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b1;
      // Assume everything else must be the Register File..
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b1;
            expsel	= 1'b0;

// *********** Expansion Interface **************

always @(dbus)
   expdout = dbus;
always @(fileaddr)
   expaddr = fileaddr;

always @(expsel or aluasel or alubsel)
   expread = expsel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

always @(expsel or fwe)
   expwrite = expsel & fwe;

// *********** SBUS **************
// The sbus (Source Bus) is the output of a multiplexor that takes
// inputs from the Register File, and all other special registers
// and input ports.  The Source Bus then, one of the inputs to the ALU

// First MUX selects from all the special regsiters
always @(fsel or fsr or tmr0 or pc or status
         or porta or portb or portc or regfileout or expdin
         or specialsel or regfilesel or expsel) begin
   // For our current mix of registers and peripherals, only the first 8 addresses
   // are "special" registers (e.g. not in the Register File).  As more peripheral
   // registers are added, they must be muxed into this MUX as well.
   // We currently prohibit tristates.
   if (specialsel) begin
      // Special register
      case (fsel[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
         3'h0:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h1:	sbus = tmr0;
         3'h2:	sbus = pc[7:0];
         3'h3:	sbus = status;
         3'h4:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h5:	sbus = porta; // PORTA is an input-only port
         3'h6:	sbus = portb; // PORTB is an output-only port
         3'h7:	sbus = portc; // PORTC is an output-only port
   else begin
      // Put whatever address equation is neccessary here.  Remember to remove unnecessary
      // memory elements from Register File (regs.v).  It'll still work, but they'd be
      // wasted flip-flops.
      if (expsel) begin
         sbus = expdin;
      else begin
         if (regfilesel) begin
            // Final Priority is Choose the register file
            sbus = regfileout;
         else begin
            sbus = 8'h00;

// ************** DBUS ******
//  The Destination bus is just the output of the ALU.
always @(aluout)
   dbus = aluout;

always @(dbus)
   regfilein = dbus;
// Drive the ROM address bus straight from the PC_IN bus
always @(pc_in)
   paddr = pc_in;

// Define sub-signals out of inst
assign k =     inst[7:0];
assign fsel  = inst[4:0];
assign d     = inst[5];//synthesis attribute keep of d is true 
assign b     = inst[7:5];

// Bit Decoder.
// Simply take the 3-bit b field in the PIC instruction and create the
// expanded 8-bit decoder field, which is used as a mask.

always @(b) begin
   case (b) // synopsys parallel_case
      3'b000: bdec = 8'b00000001;
      3'b001: bdec = 8'b00000010;
      3'b010: bdec = 8'b00000100;
      3'b011: bdec = 8'b00001000;
      3'b100: bdec = 8'b00010000;
      3'b101: bdec = 8'b00100000;
      3'b110: bdec = 8'b01000000;
      3'b111: bdec = 8'b10000000;

always @(bdec or bdpol)
   bd = (bdpol) ? ~bdec : bdec;

// Instruction regsiter usually get the ROM data as its input, but
// sometimes for branching, the skip signal must cause a NOP.
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      inst <= 12'h000;
   else begin
      if (skip == 1'b1) begin
         inst <= 12'b000000000000; // FORCE NOP
      else begin
         inst <= pdata;

// SKIP signal.
// We want to insert the NOP instruction for the following conditions:
//    GOTO,CALL and RETLW instructions (All have inst[11:10] = 2'b10
//    BTFSS instruction when aluz is HI  (
//    BTFSC instruction when aluz is LO
always @(inst or aluz) begin
   casex ({inst, aluz}) // synopsys parallel_case
      13'b10??_????_????_?:    // A GOTO, CALL or RETLW instructions
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0110_????_????_1:    // BTFSC instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0111_????_????_0:    // BTFSS instruction and aluz == 0
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0010_11??_????_1:    // DECFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0011_11??_????_1:    // INCFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
         skip = 1'b0;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alua
always @(aluasel or w or sbus or k or bd) begin
   case (aluasel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alua = w;
      2'b01: alua = sbus;
      2'b10: alua = k;
      2'b11: alua = bd;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alub
always @(alubsel or w or sbus or k) begin
   case (alubsel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alub = w;
      2'b01: alub = sbus;
      2'b10: alub = k;
      2'b11: alub = 8'b00000001;

// W Register
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      w <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (wwe) begin
         w <= dbus;

// ************ Writes to various Special Registers (fsel between 0 and 7)

// INDF Register (Register #0)
//    Not a real register.  This is the Indirect Addressing mode register.
//    See the regfileaddr logic.

// TMR0 Register (Register #1)
//    Timer0 is currently only a free-running timer clocked by the main system clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      tmr0 <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == TMR0_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         tmr0 <= dbus;
      else begin
         if (~option[5]) begin
            // OPTION[3]  -  Assigns prescaler to either WDT or TIMER0.  We don't implement WDT.
            //               If this bit is 0, then use the prescaler.  If 1 then increment.
            // Mask off the prescaler value based on desired divide ratio.
            // Whenever this is zero, then that is our divided pulse.  Increment
            // the final timer value when it's zero.
            casex (option[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
               4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0000: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000001)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0001: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000011)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0010: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0011: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00001111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0100: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00011111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0101: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0110: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b01111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0111: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b11111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;

// The prescaler is always counting from 00 to FF whenever OPTION[5] is cleared (e.g. T0CS)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      prescaler <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (~option[5]) begin
         prescaler <= prescaler + 1;

// PCL Register (Register #2)
//    PC Lower 8 bits.  This is handled in the PC section below...

// STATUS Register (Register #3)
parameter STATUS_RESET_VALUE = 8'h18;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      status <= STATUS_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == STATUS_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         status <= dbus;
      else begin
         // Update status register on a bit-by-bit basis.
         // For the carry and zero flags, each instruction has its own rule as
         // to whether to update this flag or not.  The instruction decoder is
         // providing us with an enable for C and Z.  Use this to decide whether
         // to retain the existing value, or update with the new alu status output.
         status <= {
            (zwe)? alup:status[7],			// BIT 7:P
            status[6],			// BIT 6: Program Page, HI bit
            status[5],			// BIT 5: Program Page, LO bit
            status[4],			// BIT 4: Time Out bit (not implemented at this time)
            status[3],			// BIT 3: Power Down bit (not implemented at this time)
            (zwe) ? aluz : status[2],	// BIT 2: Z
            status[1],			 // BIT 1: DC
            (cwe) ? alucout : status[0]	// BIT 0: C

// FSR Register  (Register #4)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      fsr <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == FSR_ADDRESS)) begin
         fsr <= dbus;

// OPTION Register
// The special OPTION instruction should move W into the OPTION register.
parameter OPTION_RESET_VALUE = 8'h3F;
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      option <= OPTION_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      if (isoption)
         option <= dbus;

// PORTA Input Port   (Register #5)
// Register anything on the module's porta input on every single clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset==1'b1) porta <= 8'h00[/COLOR];
   else       porta <= portain;

// PORTB Output Port  (Register #6)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      portb <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portb <= dbus;


// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portb)
   portbout = portb;
// PORTC Output Port  (Register #7)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      portc <= 8'h00;[/COLOR]
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portc <= dbus;

// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portc)
   portcout = portc;
// TRIS Registers
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisa <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTA_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisa <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisb <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisb <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisc <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisc <= dbus;

// ********** PC AND STACK *************************
// There are 4 ways to change the PC.  They are:
//    GOTO  101k_kkkk_kkkk
//    CALL  1001_kkkk_kkkk
//    RETLW 1000_kkkk_kkkk
//    MOVF  0010_0010_0010  (e.g. a write to reg #2)
//    MOVWF 0000_0010_0010  (write from W to reg #2)
// Remember that the skip instructions work by inserting
// a NOP instruction or not into program stream and don't
// change the PC.

// Implmenent PC
// Seperate the PC_IN input bus into PC from the sequential register so that we
// can feed the PC_IN bus into the PRAM address input.

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset) pc <= RESET_VECTOR;[/COLOR]
   else       pc <= pc_in;

always @(inst or stacklevel or status or stack1 or stack2 or stack2
 or stack3 or stack4 or stack5 or stack6 or stack7
 or pc or dbus) begin
   casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
      15'b101?_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5],       inst[8:0]};	// GOTO
      15'b1001_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5], 1'b0, inst[7:0]};	// CALL
      15'b1000_????_????_000: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_001: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_010: pc_in = stack2;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_011: pc_in = stack3;				// RETLW
		15'b1000_????_????_100: pc_in = stack4;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_101: pc_in = stack5;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_110: pc_in = stack6;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_111: pc_in = stack7;				// RETLW
      15'b00?0_0010_0010_???: pc_in = {pc[10:8], dbus};		// MOVF or MOVWF where f=PC
         pc_in = pc + 1;

// Implement STACK1 and STACK2 registers
// The Stack registers are only fed from the PC itself!
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      stack1 <= 10'h000;
   else begin
      // CALL instruction
      if (inst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
         case (stacklevel) // synopsys parallel_case
               // No previous CALLs 
                  stack1 <= pc;
               // ONE previous CALL 
                  stack2 <= pc;
               // TWO previous CALLs -- This is illegal on the 16C5X! 
                  $display ("Too many CALLs 3!!");
                  $display ("Too many CALLs4!!");
							$display("Too Many CALLS 5 ");
						$display("Too Many Calls 6");
                 $display("Too Many Calls 7");
							$display("Illegal Call /Ignoring");

// Write to stacklevel
// The stacklevel register keeps track of the current stack depth.  On this
// puny processor, there are only 2 levels (you could fiddle with this and
// increase the stack depth).  There are two stack registers, stack1 and stack2.
// The stack1 register is used first (e.g. the first time a call is performed),
// then stack2.  As CALLs are done, stacklevel increments.  Conversely, as
// RETs are done, stacklevel goes down. 

always @(posedge clk) begin
  [COLOR="blue"] if (reset == 1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // On reset, there should be no CALLs in progress
   else begin
      casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
         // Call instructions
         15'b1001_????_????_000: stacklevel <= 3'b001;  // Record 1st CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_001: stacklevel <= 3'b010;  // Record 2nd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_010: stacklevel <= 3'b011;  // Record 3rd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_011: stacklevel <= 3'b100;  // Record 4th CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_100: stacklevel <= 3'b101;  // Record 5th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_101: stacklevel <= 3'b110;  // Record 6th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_110: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // Record 7th  CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_111: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // INGNORE 
         // Return instructions
         16'b1000_????_????_0000: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // {shouldn't happen}
         16'b1000_????_????_0001: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // Go back to no CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0010: stacklevel <= 4'b0001;  // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0011: stacklevel <= 4'b0010;  // Go Back to 2 CALL in progress 
         16'b1000_????_????_0100: stacklevel <= 4'b0011;  // Go Back to 3 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0101: stacklevel  <=4'b0100;  // Go Back to 4 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0110: stacklevel  <=4'b0101;  // Go Back to 5 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0111: stacklevel  <=4'b0110;  // Go back to 6 CALL  in progress
            stacklevel <= stacklevel;

// *******  Debug Stuff  ******** //
// The following is NOT synthesizable.  This code simply allows you to see the ASCII name
// for the instruction in the INST register while in a waveform viewer.
// synopsys translate_off
reg [8*8-1:0] inst_string;

always @(inst) begin
   casex (inst)
      12'b0000_0000_0000: inst_string = "NOP     ";
      12'b0000_001X_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVWF   ";
      12'b0000_0100_0000: inst_string = "CLRW    ";
      12'b0000_011X_XXXX: inst_string = "CLRF    ";
      12'b0000_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SUBWF   ";
      12'b0000_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECF    ";
      12'b0001_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORWF   ";
      12'b0001_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDWF   ";
      12'b0001_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORWF   ";
      12'b0001_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ADDWF   ";
      12'b0010_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVF    ";
      12'b0010_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "COMF    ";
      12'b0010_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCF    ";
      12'b0010_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECFSZ  ";
      12'b0011_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RRF     ";
      12'b0011_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RLF     ";
      12'b0011_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SWAPF   ";
      12'b0011_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCFSZ  ";

      // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
      12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BCF     ";
      12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BSF     ";
      12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSC   ";
      12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSS   ";

      // *** Literal and Control Operations
      12'b0000_0000_0010: inst_string = "OPTION  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0011: inst_string = "SLEEP   ";
      12'b0000_0000_0100: inst_string = "CLRWDT  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0101: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0110: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0111: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "RETLW   ";
      12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "CALL    ";
      12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "GOTO    ";
      12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVLW   ";
      12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORLW   ";
      12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDLW   ";
      12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORLW   ";

      default:            inst_string = "-XXXXXX-";
// synopsys translate_on


The Highlighted portions show where the reset has been used .

I have synthesized the above code in 12.4, i havent got any warning related to reset input pin.

I have made the three instantiated modules as black-boxes.

provide me more details so that i can help you like version u have used and also provide the remaining three instantiated modules as well along with synthesis report
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Reactions: blooz


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
aux_test_synth test_cpu_pram (
module cpu (

-- perhaps the issue lies in between these two lines.
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Reactions: blooz


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
module cpu (

// Basic Core I/O.
input		clk;
input		wire reset;

// Program memory interface
output [10:0]	paddr;
input  [11:0]	pdata;

// Basic I/O Ports
input  [7:0]	portain;
output [7:0]	portbout;//changing here 1
output [7:0]	portcout;

// Expansion Interface
input [7:0]	   expdin;		// Data from expansion circuits TO the PIC Core
output [7:0]	expdout;	// Data to the expansion circuits FROM the PIC Core
output [6:0]	expaddr;	// File address
output		    expread;	// Active high read signal (read FROM expansion circuit)
output		    expwrite;	// Active high write signal (write TO expansion circuit)

// Debugging
output [7:0]	debugw;
output [10:0]	debugpc;
output [11:0]	debuginst;
output [7:0]	debugstatus;
output [3:0]   debugstacklevel;

// Register declarations for outputs
reg [10:0]	paddr;
reg [7:0]	portbout;
reg [7:0]	portcout;
reg [7:0]	expdout;
reg [6:0]	expaddr;
reg		expread;
reg		expwrite;

parameter RESET_VECTOR = 11'h7FF;

parameter	INDF_ADDRESS	= 3'h0,
		TMR0_ADDRESS	= 3'h1,
		PCL_ADDRESS	= 3'h2,
		FSR_ADDRESS	= 3'h4,

// *********  Special internal registers

// Instruction Register
reg  [11:0]	inst;

// Program Counter
reg  [10:0]	pc, pc_in;

// Stack Registers and Stack "levels" register.
reg [ 2:0]	stacklevel;
reg [10:0]	stack1;
reg [10:0]	stack2;
reg [10:0]  stack3;
reg [10:0]  stack4;
reg [10:0]  stack5;
reg [10:0]  stack6;
reg [10:0]  stack7;

// W Register
reg [ 7:0]	w;

// The STATUS register (#3) is 8 bits wide, however, we only currently use 2 bits
// of it; the C and Z bit.
// bit 0  -  C
// bit 2  -  Z
// bit 7  -  P  
reg [ 7:0]	status;

// The FSR register is the pointer register used for Indirect addressing (e.g. using INDF).
reg  [ 7:0]	fsr;

// Timer 0
reg  [ 7:0]	tmr0;
reg  [ 7:0]	prescaler;

// Option Register
reg [7:0]	option;//synthesis attribute keep of option is true 

// Tristate Control registers. We do not neccessarily support bidirectional ports, but
//    will save a place for these registers and the TRIS instruction.  Use for debug.
reg [7:0]	trisa;// synthesis attribute keep of trisa is true 
reg [7:0]	trisb;// synthesis attribute keep of trisb is true 
reg [7:0]	trisc;// synthesis attribute keep of trisc is true 

// I/O Port registers
reg [7:0]	porta;	// Input PORT
reg [7:0]	portb;	// Output PORT
reg [7:0]	portc;	// Output PORT

// ********** Instruction Related signals ******

reg 		skip;  // When HI force a NOP (all zeros) into inst

// Derive special sub signals from inst register
wire [ 7:0]	k;
wire [ 4:0]	fsel;
wire		d;
wire [ 2:0]	b;

// ********** File Address ************
// This is the 7-bit Data Address that includes the lower 5-bit fsel, the
// FSR bits and any indirect addressing.
// Use this bus to address the Register File as well as all special registers, etc.
reg [6:0]	fileaddr;

// Address Selects
reg		specialsel;
reg		regfilesel;
reg		expsel;

// ******  Instruction Decoder Outputs **************

// Write enable for the actual ZERO and CARRY bits within the status register.
// Generated by the Instruction Decoder.
wire [1:0]	aluasel;
wire [1:0]	alubsel;
wire [3:0]	aluop;

wire		zwe;
wire		cwe;

wire		isoption;
wire		istris;

wire		fwe;	// High if any "register" is being written to at all.
wire		wwe;	// Write Enable for the W register.  Produced by Instruction Decoder.

// *************  Internal Busses, mux connections, etc.  ********************

// Bit decoder bits.  
reg [7:0]	bd;	// Final decoder value after any polarity inversion.
reg [7:0]	bdec;	// e.g. "Bit Decoded"
wire		bdpol;	// Polarity bit for the bit test operations.

// Data in and out of the and out of the register file
reg [7:0]	regfilein;	// Input into Register File, is connected to the dbus.
wire [7:0]	regfileout;	// Path leaving the register file, goes to SBUS Mux
reg		regfilewe;	// Write Enable
reg		regfilere;	// Read Enable

// The dbus (Destination Bus) comes out of the ALU.  It is available to all
// writable registers.
// The sbus (Source Bus) comes from all readable registers as well as the output
// of the Register File.  It is one of the primary inputs into the ALU muxes.
// The (Expansion Bus) is another potential source.  See the 'exp' signals.
reg  [7:0]	dbus;
reg  [7:0]	sbus;

// ALU Signals
reg  [7:0]	alua;
reg  [7:0]	alub;
wire [7:0]	aluout;
wire		alucout;
wire       	aluz;
wire        alup;

// ALU A and B mux selects.
parameter [1:0]	ALUASEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUASEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUASEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUASEL_BD	= 2'b11;
parameter [1:0]	ALUBSEL_W	= 2'b00,
		ALUBSEL_SBUS	= 2'b01,
		ALUBSEL_K	= 2'b10,
		ALUBSEL_1	= 2'b11;

// ALU Operation codes.
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ADD  = 4'b0000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SUB  = 4'b1000;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_AND  = 4'b0001;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_OR   = 4'b0010;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_XOR  = 4'b0011;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_COM  = 4'b0100;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROR  = 4'b0101;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_ROL  = 4'b0110;
parameter  [3:0] ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;

// Instantiate each of our subcomponents
regs  regs (
   .clk		(clk), 
   .reset	(reset),
   .we  	(regfilewe),
   .re		(regfilere),
   .bank	(fileaddr[6:5]), 
   .location	(fileaddr[4:0]),
   .din		(regfilein), 
   .dout	(regfileout)

// Instatiate the ALU.
alu alu  (
   .op         (aluop), 
   .a          (alua), 
   .b          (alub),
   .y          (aluout),
   .cin        (status[0]), 
   .cout       (alucout), 
   .zout       (aluz),
	.pout       (alup)

// Instantiate the Instruction Decoder.  This is really just a lookup table.
// Given the instruction, generate all the signals we need.  
// For example, each instruction implies a specific ALU operation.  Some of
// these are obvious such as the ADDW uses an ADD alu op.  Less obvious is
// that a mov instruction uses an OR op which lets us do a simple copy.
// Data has to funnel through the ALU, which sometimes makes for contrived
// ALU ops.
wire		idecwwe;
wire		idecfwe;
wire		ideczwe;
wire		ideccwe;

idec idec (
   .inst     (inst),
   .aluasel  (aluasel),
   .alubsel  (alubsel),
   .aluop    (aluop),
   .wwe      (idecwwe),
   .fwe      (idecfwe),
   .zwe      (ideczwe),
   .cwe      (ideccwe),
   .bdpol    (bdpol),
   .option   (isoption),
   .tris     (istris)

// Wire decoder enables to enables in at this module.  I did this because at
// one time I had another global 'enable' that was ANDed in, but I removed that.
assign wwe = idecwwe;
assign fwe = idecfwe;
assign zwe = ideczwe;
assign cwe = ideccwe;

// *********** Debug ****************
assign	debugw = w;
assign	debugpc = pc;
assign	debuginst = inst;
assign	debugstatus = status;
assign   debugstacklevel=stacklevel;

// *********** REGISTER FILE Addressing ****************
// We implement the following:
//    - The 5-bit fsel address is within a "BANK" which is 32 bytes.
//    - The FSR bits 6:5 are the BANK select, so there are 4 BANKS, a 
//      total of 128 bytes.  Minus the 8 special registers, that's 
//      really 120 bytes.
//    - The INDF register is for indirect addressing.  Referencing INDF
//      uses FSR as the pointer.  Therefore, using INDF/FSR you address
//      7-bits of memory.
// We DO NOT currently implement the PAGE for program (e.g. STATUS register
// bits 6:5)
// The fsel address *may* be zero in which case, we are to do indirect
// addressing, using FSR register as the 8-bit pointer.
// Otherwise, use the 5-bits of FSEL (from the Instruction itself) and 
// 2 bank bits from the FSR register (bits 6:5).
always @(fsel or fsr or status) begin
   if (fsel == INDF_ADDRESS) begin
      // The INDEX register is addressed.  There really is no INDEX register.
      // Use the FSR as an index, e.g. the FSR contents are the fsel.
      fileaddr = fsr[6:0];
   else begin
      // Use FSEL field and status bank select bits
      fileaddr = {status[6:5], fsel};

// Write Enable to Register File.  
// Assert this when the general fwe (write enable to *any* register) is true AND Register File
//    address range is specified.
always @(regfilesel or fwe)
   regfilewe = regfilesel & fwe;

// Read Enable (this if nothing else, helps in debug.)
// Assert if Register File address range is specified AND the ALU is actually using some
//    data off the SBUS.
always @(regfilesel or aluasel or alubsel)
   regfilere = regfilesel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

// *********** Address Decodes **************
// Generate 3 selects: specialsel, regfilesel and expsel
// ** NOTE:	Must change this whenever more or few expansion addresses are
//		added or removed from the memory map.  Otherwise, the dbus mux
// 		won't be controlled properly!
always @(fileaddr) begin
   casex (fileaddr) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
      // This shouldn't really change.
      7'bXX00XXX: // The SPECIAL Registers are lower 8 addresses, in ALL BANKS
            specialsel	= 1'b1;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b0;
      // Adjust this case as EXPANSION locations change!
      7'b11111XX: // EXPANSION Registers are the top (4) addresses
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b0;
            expsel	= 1'b1;
      // Assume everything else must be the Register File..
            specialsel	= 1'b0;
            regfilesel	= 1'b1;
            expsel	= 1'b0;

// *********** Expansion Interface **************

always @(dbus)
   expdout = dbus;
always @(fileaddr)
   expaddr = fileaddr;

always @(expsel or aluasel or alubsel)
   expread = expsel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));

always @(expsel or fwe)
   expwrite = expsel & fwe;

// *********** SBUS **************
// The sbus (Source Bus) is the output of a multiplexor that takes
// inputs from the Register File, and all other special registers
// and input ports.  The Source Bus then, one of the inputs to the ALU

// First MUX selects from all the special regsiters
always @(fsel or fsr or tmr0 or pc or status
         or porta or portb or portc or regfileout or expdin
         or specialsel or regfilesel or expsel) begin
   // For our current mix of registers and peripherals, only the first 8 addresses
   // are "special" registers (e.g. not in the Register File).  As more peripheral
   // registers are added, they must be muxed into this MUX as well.
   // We currently prohibit tristates.
   if (specialsel) begin
      // Special register
      case (fsel[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
         3'h0:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h1:	sbus = tmr0;
         3'h2:	sbus = pc[7:0];
         3'h3:	sbus = status;
         3'h4:	sbus = fsr;
         3'h5:	sbus = porta; // PORTA is an input-only port
         3'h6:	sbus = portb; // PORTB is an output-only port
         3'h7:	sbus = portc; // PORTC is an output-only port
   else begin
      // Put whatever address equation is neccessary here.  Remember to remove unnecessary
      // memory elements from Register File (regs.v).  It'll still work, but they'd be
      // wasted flip-flops.
      if (expsel) begin
         sbus = expdin;
      else begin
         if (regfilesel) begin
            // Final Priority is Choose the register file
            sbus = regfileout;
         else begin
            sbus = 8'h00;

// ************** DBUS ******
//  The Destination bus is just the output of the ALU.
always @(aluout)
   dbus = aluout;

always @(dbus)
   regfilein = dbus;
// Drive the ROM address bus straight from the PC_IN bus
always @(pc_in)
   paddr = pc_in;

// Define sub-signals out of inst
assign k =     inst[7:0];
assign fsel  = inst[4:0];
assign d     = inst[5];//synthesis attribute keep of d is true 
assign b     = inst[7:5];

// Bit Decoder.
// Simply take the 3-bit b field in the PIC instruction and create the
// expanded 8-bit decoder field, which is used as a mask.

always @(b) begin
   case (b) // synopsys parallel_case
      3'b000: bdec = 8'b00000001;
      3'b001: bdec = 8'b00000010;
      3'b010: bdec = 8'b00000100;
      3'b011: bdec = 8'b00001000;
      3'b100: bdec = 8'b00010000;
      3'b101: bdec = 8'b00100000;
      3'b110: bdec = 8'b01000000;
      3'b111: bdec = 8'b10000000;

always @(bdec or bdpol)
   bd = (bdpol) ? ~bdec : bdec;

// Instruction regsiter usually get the ROM data as its input, but
// sometimes for branching, the skip signal must cause a NOP.
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      inst <= 12'h000;
   else begin
      if (skip == 1'b1) begin
         inst <= 12'b000000000000; // FORCE NOP
      else begin
         inst <= pdata;

// SKIP signal.
// We want to insert the NOP instruction for the following conditions:
//    GOTO,CALL and RETLW instructions (All have inst[11:10] = 2'b10
//    BTFSS instruction when aluz is HI  (
//    BTFSC instruction when aluz is LO
always @(inst or aluz) begin
   casex ({inst, aluz}) // synopsys parallel_case
      13'b10??_????_????_?:    // A GOTO, CALL or RETLW instructions
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0110_????_????_1:    // BTFSC instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0111_????_????_0:    // BTFSS instruction and aluz == 0
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0010_11??_????_1:    // DECFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
      13'b0011_11??_????_1:    // INCFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
         skip = 1'b1;
         skip = 1'b0;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alua
always @(aluasel or w or sbus or k or bd) begin
   case (aluasel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alua = w;
      2'b01: alua = sbus;
      2'b10: alua = k;
      2'b11: alua = bd;

// 4:1 Data MUX into alub
always @(alubsel or w or sbus or k) begin
   case (alubsel) // synopsys parallel_case
      2'b00: alub = w;
      2'b01: alub = sbus;
      2'b10: alub = k;
      2'b11: alub = 8'b00000001;

// W Register
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      w <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (wwe) begin
         w <= dbus;

// ************ Writes to various Special Registers (fsel between 0 and 7)

// INDF Register (Register #0)
//    Not a real register.  This is the Indirect Addressing mode register.
//    See the regfileaddr logic.

// TMR0 Register (Register #1)
//    Timer0 is currently only a free-running timer clocked by the main system clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      tmr0 <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == TMR0_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         tmr0 <= dbus;
      else begin
         if (~option[5]) begin
            // OPTION[3]  -  Assigns prescaler to either WDT or TIMER0.  We don't implement WDT.
            //               If this bit is 0, then use the prescaler.  If 1 then increment.
            // Mask off the prescaler value based on desired divide ratio.
            // Whenever this is zero, then that is our divided pulse.  Increment
            // the final timer value when it's zero.
            casex (option[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
               4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0000: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000001)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0001: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000011)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0010: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0011: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00001111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0100: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00011111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0101: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0110: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b01111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
               4'b0111: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b11111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;

// The prescaler is always counting from 00 to FF whenever OPTION[5] is cleared (e.g. T0CS)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      prescaler <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (~option[5]) begin
         prescaler <= prescaler + 1;

// PCL Register (Register #2)
//    PC Lower 8 bits.  This is handled in the PC section below...

// STATUS Register (Register #3)
parameter STATUS_RESET_VALUE = 8'h18;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      status <= STATUS_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == STATUS_ADDRESS)) begin
         // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
         status <= dbus;
      else begin
         // Update status register on a bit-by-bit basis.
         // For the carry and zero flags, each instruction has its own rule as
         // to whether to update this flag or not.  The instruction decoder is
         // providing us with an enable for C and Z.  Use this to decide whether
         // to retain the existing value, or update with the new alu status output.
         status <= {
            (zwe)? alup:status[7],			// BIT 7:P
            status[6],			// BIT 6: Program Page, HI bit
            status[5],			// BIT 5: Program Page, LO bit
            status[4],			// BIT 4: Time Out bit (not implemented at this time)
            status[3],			// BIT 3: Power Down bit (not implemented at this time)
            (zwe) ? aluz : status[2],	// BIT 2: Z
            status[1],			 // BIT 1: DC
            (cwe) ? alucout : status[0]	// BIT 0: C

// FSR Register  (Register #4)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      fsr <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      // See if the status register is actually being written to
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == FSR_ADDRESS)) begin
         fsr <= dbus;

// OPTION Register
// The special OPTION instruction should move W into the OPTION register.
parameter OPTION_RESET_VALUE = 8'h3F;
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      option <= OPTION_RESET_VALUE;
   else begin
      if (isoption)
         option <= dbus;

// PORTA Input Port   (Register #5)
// Register anything on the module's porta input on every single clock.
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset==1'b1) porta <= 8'h00[/COLOR];
   else       porta <= portain;

// PORTB Output Port  (Register #6)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      portb <= 8'h00;
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portb <= dbus;


// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portb)
   portbout = portb;
// PORTC Output Port  (Register #7)
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      portc <= 8'h00;[/COLOR]
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
         portc <= dbus;

// Connect the output ports to the register output.
always @(portc)
   portcout = portc;
// TRIS Registers
[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisa <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTA_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisa <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisb <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTB_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisb <= dbus;

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      trisc <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
   else begin
      if (fwe & specialsel & (fileaddr[2:0] == PORTC_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
         trisc <= dbus;

// ********** PC AND STACK *************************
// There are 4 ways to change the PC.  They are:
//    GOTO  101k_kkkk_kkkk
//    CALL  1001_kkkk_kkkk
//    RETLW 1000_kkkk_kkkk
//    MOVF  0010_0010_0010  (e.g. a write to reg #2)
//    MOVWF 0000_0010_0010  (write from W to reg #2)
// Remember that the skip instructions work by inserting
// a NOP instruction or not into program stream and don't
// change the PC.

// Implmenent PC
// Seperate the PC_IN input bus into PC from the sequential register so that we
// can feed the PC_IN bus into the PRAM address input.

[COLOR="blue"]always @(posedge clk)
   if (reset) pc <= RESET_VECTOR;[/COLOR]
   else       pc <= pc_in;

always @(inst or stacklevel or status or stack1 or stack2 or stack2
 or stack3 or stack4 or stack5 or stack6 or stack7
 or pc or dbus) begin
   casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
      15'b101?_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5],       inst[8:0]};	// GOTO
      15'b1001_????_????_???: pc_in = {status[6:5], 1'b0, inst[7:0]};	// CALL
      15'b1000_????_????_000: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_001: pc_in = stack1;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_010: pc_in = stack2;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_011: pc_in = stack3;				// RETLW
		15'b1000_????_????_100: pc_in = stack4;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_101: pc_in = stack5;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_110: pc_in = stack6;				// RETLW
      15'b1000_????_????_111: pc_in = stack7;				// RETLW
      15'b00?0_0010_0010_???: pc_in = {pc[10:8], dbus};		// MOVF or MOVWF where f=PC
         pc_in = pc + 1;

// Implement STACK1 and STACK2 registers
// The Stack registers are only fed from the PC itself!
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset==1'b1) begin
      stack1 <= 10'h000;
   else begin
      // CALL instruction
      if (inst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
         case (stacklevel) // synopsys parallel_case
               // No previous CALLs 
                  stack1 <= pc;
               // ONE previous CALL 
                  stack2 <= pc;
               // TWO previous CALLs -- This is illegal on the 16C5X! 
                  $display ("Too many CALLs 3!!");
                  $display ("Too many CALLs4!!");
							$display("Too Many CALLS 5 ");
						$display("Too Many Calls 6");
                 $display("Too Many Calls 7");
							$display("Illegal Call /Ignoring");

// Write to stacklevel
// The stacklevel register keeps track of the current stack depth.  On this
// puny processor, there are only 2 levels (you could fiddle with this and
// increase the stack depth).  There are two stack registers, stack1 and stack2.
// The stack1 register is used first (e.g. the first time a call is performed),
// then stack2.  As CALLs are done, stacklevel increments.  Conversely, as
// RETs are done, stacklevel goes down. 

always @(posedge clk) begin
  [COLOR="blue"] if (reset == 1'b1) begin[/COLOR]
      stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // On reset, there should be no CALLs in progress
   else begin
      casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case
         // Call instructions
         15'b1001_????_????_000: stacklevel <= 3'b001;  // Record 1st CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_001: stacklevel <= 3'b010;  // Record 2nd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_010: stacklevel <= 3'b011;  // Record 3rd CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_011: stacklevel <= 3'b100;  // Record 4th CALL
         15'b1001_????_????_100: stacklevel <= 3'b101;  // Record 5th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_101: stacklevel <= 3'b110;  // Record 6th CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_110: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // Record 7th  CALL
			15'b1001_????_????_111: stacklevel <= 3'b111;  // INGNORE 
         // Return instructions
         16'b1000_????_????_0000: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // {shouldn't happen}
         16'b1000_????_????_0001: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // Go back to no CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0010: stacklevel <= 4'b0001;  // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
         16'b1000_????_????_0011: stacklevel <= 4'b0010;  // Go Back to 2 CALL in progress 
         16'b1000_????_????_0100: stacklevel <= 4'b0011;  // Go Back to 3 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0101: stacklevel  <=4'b0100;  // Go Back to 4 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0110: stacklevel  <=4'b0101;  // Go Back to 5 CALL  in progress
			16'b1000_????_????_0111: stacklevel  <=4'b0110;  // Go back to 6 CALL  in progress
            stacklevel <= stacklevel;

// *******  Debug Stuff  ******** //
// The following is NOT synthesizable.  This code simply allows you to see the ASCII name
// for the instruction in the INST register while in a waveform viewer.
// synopsys translate_off
reg [8*8-1:0] inst_string;

always @(inst) begin
   casex (inst)
      12'b0000_0000_0000: inst_string = "NOP     ";
      12'b0000_001X_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVWF   ";
      12'b0000_0100_0000: inst_string = "CLRW    ";
      12'b0000_011X_XXXX: inst_string = "CLRF    ";
      12'b0000_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SUBWF   ";
      12'b0000_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECF    ";
      12'b0001_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORWF   ";
      12'b0001_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDWF   ";
      12'b0001_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORWF   ";
      12'b0001_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "ADDWF   ";
      12'b0010_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVF    ";
      12'b0010_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "COMF    ";
      12'b0010_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCF    ";
      12'b0010_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "DECFSZ  ";
      12'b0011_00XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RRF     ";
      12'b0011_01XX_XXXX: inst_string = "RLF     ";
      12'b0011_10XX_XXXX: inst_string = "SWAPF   ";
      12'b0011_11XX_XXXX: inst_string = "INCFSZ  ";

      // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
      12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BCF     ";
      12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BSF     ";
      12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSC   ";
      12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "BTFSS   ";

      // *** Literal and Control Operations
      12'b0000_0000_0010: inst_string = "OPTION  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0011: inst_string = "SLEEP   ";
      12'b0000_0000_0100: inst_string = "CLRWDT  ";
      12'b0000_0000_0101: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0110: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b0000_0000_0111: inst_string = "TRIS    ";
      12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "RETLW   ";
      12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "CALL    ";
      12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "GOTO    ";
      12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "MOVLW   ";
      12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "IORLW   ";
      12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "ANDLW   ";
      12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: inst_string = "XORLW   ";

      default:            inst_string = "-XXXXXX-";
// synopsys translate_on


The Highlighted portions show where the reset has been used .

Xilinx Ise 12.3 (M.53d) is used

---------- Post added at 00:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:54 ----------

The other Instantiated modules are


timescale 1ns/1ps

module alu (

input  [3:0]	op;	// ALU Operation
input  [7:0]	a;	// 8-bit Input a
input  [7:0]	b;	// 8-bit Input b
output [7:0]	y;	// 8-bit Output
input		cin;
output		cout;
output		zout;
output      pout;

// Reg declarations for outputs
reg		cout;
reg		zout;
reg     pout;
reg [7:0]	y; 
//reg [7:0]	temp;

// Internal declarations
reg		addercout; // Carry out straight from the adder itself.
parameter ALUOP_ADD  = 4'b0000;
parameter ALUOP_SUB  = 4'b1000;
parameter ALUOP_AND  = 4'b0001;
parameter ALUOP_OR   = 4'b0010;
parameter ALUOP_XOR  = 4'b0011;
parameter ALUOP_COM  = 4'b0100;
parameter ALUOP_ROR  = 4'b0101;
parameter ALUOP_ROL  = 4'b0110;
parameter ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;

always @(a or b or cin or op) begin
   case (op) // synopsys parallel_case
      ALUOP_ADD:  {addercout,  y}  = a + b;
      ALUOP_SUB:  {addercout,  y}  = a - b; // Carry out is really "borrow"
      ALUOP_AND:  {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, a & b};
      ALUOP_OR:   {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, a | b};
      ALUOP_XOR:  {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, a ^ b};
      ALUOP_COM:  {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, ~a};
      ALUOP_ROR:  {addercout,  y}  = {a[0], cin, a[7:1]};
      ALUOP_ROL:  {addercout,  y}  = {a[7], a[6:0], cin};
      ALUOP_SWAP: {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, a[3:0], a[7:4]};
      default:    {addercout,  y}  = {1'b0, 8'h00};

always @(y)
   zout = (y == 8'h00);

always @(addercout or op)
   if (op == ALUOP_SUB) cout = ~addercout; // Invert adder's carry to get borrow
   else                 cout =  addercout;

module idec (

input  [11:0]	inst;

output [1:0]	aluasel;
output [1:0]	alubsel;
output [3:0]	aluop;
output		wwe;
output		fwe;
output		zwe;
output		cwe;
output		bdpol;
output		option;
output		tris;

reg [14:0] decodes;

// For reference, the ALU Op codes are:
//   ADD  0000
//   SUB  1000
//   AND  0001
//   OR   0010
//   XOR  0011
//   COM  0100
//   ROR  0101
//   ROL  0110
//   SWAP 0111

assign {	aluasel,	// Select source for ALU A input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11=BD
		alubsel,	// Select source for ALU B input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11="1"
		aluop,		// ALU Operation (see comments above for these codes)
		wwe,		// W register Write Enable
		fwe,		// File Register Write Enable
		zwe,		// Status register Z bit update
		cwe,		// Status register Z bit update
		bdpol,		// Polarity on bit decode vector (0=no inversion, 1=invert)
		tris,		// Instruction is an TRIS instruction
		option		// Instruction is an OPTION instruction
	} = decodes;

// This is a large combinatorial decoder.
// I use the casex statement.

always @(inst) begin
	casex (inst) // synopsys parallel_case
		// *** Byte-Oriented File Register Operations
		//                                 A  A  ALU  W F Z C B T O
		//                                 L  L   O   W W W W D R P
		//                                 U  U   P   E E E E P I T
		//                                 A  B               O S
		//                                                    L
		12'b0000_0000_0000: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // NOP
		12'b0000_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVWF
		12'b0000_0100_0000: decodes = 15'b00_00_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRW
		12'b0000_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_00_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRF
		12'b0000_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_00_1000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=0)
		12'b0000_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_00_1000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=1)
		12'b0000_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF  (d=0)
		12'b0000_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF  (d=1)
		12'b0001_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=0)
		12'b0001_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=1)
		12'b0001_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=0)
		12'b0001_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0001_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=1)
		12'b0001_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=0)
		12'b0001_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=1)
		12'b0001_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=0)
		12'b0001_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=1)
		12'b0010_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF  (d=0)
		12'b0010_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF  (d=1)
		12'b0010_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0100_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF  (d=0)
		12'b0010_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0100_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF  (d=1)
		12'b0010_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF  (d=0)
		12'b0010_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF  (d=1)
		12'b0010_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=0)
		12'b0010_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=1)
		12'b0011_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0101_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF   (d=0)
		12'b0011_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0101_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF   (d=1)
		12'b0011_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0110_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF   (d=0)
		12'b0011_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0110_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF   (d=1)
		12'b0011_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0111_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=0)
		12'b0011_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0111_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=1)
		12'b0011_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=0)
		12'b0011_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=1)

		// *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
		//                                 A  A  ALU  W F Z C B T O
		//                                 L  L   O   W W W W D R P
		//                                 U  U   P   E E E E P I T
		//                                 A  B               O S
		//                                                    L
		12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_1_0_0_1_0_0; // BCF
		12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // BSF
		12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSC
		12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSS

		// *** Literal and Control Operations
		//                                 A  A  ALU  W F Z C B T O
		//                                 L  L   O   W W W W D R P
		//                                 U  U   P   E E E E P I T
		//                                 A  B               O S
		//                                                    L
		12'b0000_0000_0010: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_1; // OPTION
		12'b0000_0000_0011: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SLEEP
		12'b0000_0000_0100: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CLRWDT
		12'b0000_0000_0101: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 5
		12'b0000_0000_0110: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 6
		12'b0000_0000_0111: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 7
		//                                 A  A  ALU  W F Z C B T O
		//                                 L  L   O   W W W W D R P
		//                                 U  U   P   E E E E P I T
		//                                 A  B               O S
		//                                                    L
		12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // RETLW
		12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CALL
		12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // GOTO
		12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVLW
		12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORLW
		12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDLW
		12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORLW

			decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0;


---------- Post added at 01:01 ---------- Previous post was at 00:59 ----------


// Memory Map:
// PIC Data Memory addressing is complicated.  See the Data Book for full explanation..
// Basically, each BANK contains 32 locations.  The lowest 16 locations in ALL Banks
// are really all mapped to the same bank (bank #0).  The first 8 locations are the Special
// registers like the STATUS and PC registers.  The upper 16 words in each bank, really are
// unique to each bank.  The smallest PIC (16C54) only has the one bank #0.
// So, as a programmer, what you get is this.  No matter what bank you are in (FSR[6:5])
// you always have access to your special registers and also to registers 8-15.  You can
// change to a 1 of 4 banks by setting FSR[6:5] and get 4 different sets of registers
// 16-31.
//   bank location 
//     XX 00rrr  -  The special registers are not implemented in this register file.
//     XX 01rrr  -  The 8 common words, just above the Special Regs, same for all Banks
//     00 1rrrr  -  The 16 words unique to Bank #0
//     01 1rrrr  -  The 16 words unique to Bank #1
//     10 1rrrr  -  The 16 words unique to Bank #2
//     11 1rrrr  -  The 16 words unique to Bank #3
//  So, 
//     Special Regs are location[4:3] == 00
//     Common Regs are  location[4:3] == 01
//     Words in banks   location[4]   == 1
//  Remap to a new single memory space.  Remap in chunks of 8 words.  The PIC words
//  will get remapped to the RAM in a contiguous manner.  The Common registers are
//  mapped to the first 8 words of our RAM.  Next, each bank's words in the upper
//  half of the bank are mapped to the RAM in a contiguous manner:
//      PIC View        Our RAM
//   bank location      Address
//     00 01rrr  =>     0  -   7   (common words)
//     00 10rrr  =>     8  -  15
//     00 11rrr  =>    16  -  23
//     01 01rrr  =>     0  -   7   (common words)
//     01 10rrr  =>    24  -  31
//     01 11rrr  =>    32  -  39
//     10 01rrr  =>     0  -   7   (common words)
//     10 10rrr  =>    40  -  47
//     10 11rrr  =>    48  -  55
//     11 01rrr  =>     0  -   7   (common words)
//     11 10rrr  =>    56  -  63
//     11 11rrr  =>    64  -  71 <-- last four locations are not implemented
module regs (clk, reset, we, re, bank, location, din, dout);

input		clk;
input		reset;//synthesis attribute keep of reset is true 
input		we;
input		re;//synthesis attribute keep of re is true 
//inout    ena;
input  [1:0]	bank;		// Bank 0,1,2,3
input  [4:0]	location;	// Location
input  [7:0]	din;		// Input 
output [7:0]	dout;		// Output 
// The top-level modulke, piccpu, is supposed to garuntee that re and we
// are asserted for only valid locations.  So, we don't need to worry about
// safely mapping invalid addresses.

reg [6:0]	final_address;

// Instatiate the final memory model.
dram dram (
   .clk		(clk),
   .address	(final_address),
   .we		(we),
   .din		(din),
   .dout	(dout)

// The final_address is our remapped address.  This combinational logic
// is performed immediate on the input address signals, before any latching.
// This is because a WRITE doesn't use the latched values whereas the READ does.
always @(bank or location) begin
   casex ({bank, location})
      // First, let's handle the locations that all get mirrored back
      // into the bank #0 words from 8-15.
      7'b00_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
      7'b01_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
      7'b10_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
      7'b11_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
      // Now, handle words in the upper halves of each bank.
      // Bank #0
      7'b00_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0001, location[2:0]};
      7'b00_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0010, location[2:0]};

      // Bank #1
      7'b01_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0011, location[2:0]};
      7'b01_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0100, location[2:0]};
      // Bank #2
      7'b10_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0101, location[2:0]};
      7'b10_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0110, location[2:0]};
      // Bank #3
      7'b11_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0111, location[2:0]};
      7'b11_11XXX: final_address = {4'b1000, location[2:0]};
      default:     final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: 
// Engineer: 
// Create Date:    22:33:02 04/15/2011 
// Design Name: 
// Module Name:    dram-dupe 
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision: 
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments: 
// picdram stands for PIC "Data" RAM.
// Synchronous Data RAM, 8 bits wide, N words deep.
//    This is so that we can do a Read/Modify/Write in one cycle which
//    is required to do something like this:
//       incf 0x20, f   // M[20] <= M[20] + 1
//       incf 0x22, f   // M[22] <= M[22] + 1
//       incf 0x18, f   // M[18] <= M[18] + 1
// Replace with your actual memory model..
module dram (

input		clk;
input [6:0]	address;
input		we;
input [7:0]	din;
output [7:0]	dout;

// Number of data memory words.  This is somewhat tricky, since remember
// that lowest registers (e.g. special registers) are not really in this
// data memory at all, but are explicit registers at the top-level.  Also,
// the banking scheme has some of the other registers in each bank being
// mapped to the same physical registers.  The bottom line is that for
// the 16C57, you at most need to set this to 72.  Note we are reserving
// the last 2 words for our little "expansion circuit" so we really want
// only 70.

parameter word_depth = 70; // Maximum minus 2 words for expansion circuit demo
//parameter word_depth = 24;  // This would be like a 16C54 

// reg [6:0]	address_latched; <--- NO!  We need ASYNCHRONOUS READs

// Instantiate the memory array itself.
reg [7:0]	mem[0:word_depth-1];

// Latch address <--- NO! 
//always @(posedge clk)
//   address_latched <= address;
//assign dout = mem[address_latched];

assign dout = mem[address];

always @(posedge clk)
   if (we) mem[address] <= din;


I do agree with you, i could see the message which you have reported.

Its a bug in XST, i dont see any logic corruption, Its akind of misleading message from the tool
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    Points: 2
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... Verilog has a "default net-type" of a 1b wire, so mis-named signals don't always cause syntax errors. you can specify "`default_nettype none" to prevent this behavior, though it can break code written by other developers.

Thanks for that one! For some reason I never noticed that before.

I had to change the verilog-somenumber style port declarations to make the wires explicit, but small price to pay! :)

While changing the modules for a project I found it useful to start the file with a `default_nettype none , and then at the end of the file do a `default_nettype wire. That way at the end of each file you reset the default_nettype to the default value XST uses, so it doesn't break any other modules you haven't fixed yet. SO you can change the project files one at a time. And now when I make a small typo in a variable, no more sneaky implicit wire declarations.

Thanks permute! :)

`default_nettype none

module example (
    input  wire clk,
    input  wire a,
    output reg b = 0

always @(posedge clk) begin
    b <= a;

endmodule // example

`default_nettype wire

@blooz: what of test_cpu_pram? if reset is not correctly passed to cpu, then you might see this issue. eg, it looks like reset is used in cpu, so maybe reset never gets to cpu.

@blooz: what of test_cpu_pram? if reset is not correctly passed to cpu, then you might see this issue. eg, it looks like reset is used in cpu, so maybe reset never gets to cpu.

Hi Permute

The Interesting Fact is that I was able to verify the Project in spartan 3 Using Chip scope ...And the reset works perfectly ,but still the warning persists ....As Dcreddy has pointed out it might be a bug in XST ? ....I am not sure about this but i was able to get the result .

Hi blooz,

Just for the fun of it I decided to try it. I get the same warning, and the warning is correct.

From the synthesis logs:

Synthesizing Unit <regs>.
    Related source file is "/mnt/nfs4/xilinx/ise_13_linux/projects/cpu_test/src/regs.v".
    Set property "KEEP = TRUE" for signal <reset>.
    Set property "KEEP = TRUE" for signal <re>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <re> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
	no macro.
Unit <regs> synthesized.

So the warning is for the module regs, and when you take a look at this module then you see that it does have "reset" as input and it is totally unused in this module. Hence the warning.

On the subject of warnings, I also see a lot of "Result of 9-bit expression is truncated to fit in 8-bit target." ... If you want you can prevent such warnings by a slight change in coding style.

For example in cpu.v, line 610:
        casex (option[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
//         4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;    // old, warning not very useful
           4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1'd1; // new, this will prevent the truncation warning
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    Points: 2
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Hi blooz,

Just for the fun of it I decided to try it. I get the same warning, and the warning is correct.

From the synthesis logs:

Synthesizing Unit <regs>.
    Related source file is "/mnt/nfs4/xilinx/ise_13_linux/projects/cpu_test/src/regs.v".
    Set property "KEEP = TRUE" for signal <reset>.
    Set property "KEEP = TRUE" for signal <re>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <re> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
	no macro.
Unit <regs> synthesized.

So the warning is for the module regs, and when you take a look at this module then you see that it does have "reset" as input and it is totally unused in this module. Hence the warning.

On the subject of warnings, I also see a lot of "Result of 9-bit expression is truncated to fit in 8-bit target." ... If you want you can prevent such warnings by a slight change in coding style.

For example in cpu.v, line 610:
        casex (option[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
//         4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;    // old, warning not very useful
           4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1'd1; // new, this will prevent the truncation warning

Hi MrFlibble

You are right and pointed out An important fact , ....The real Bug Was reset of the module regs.......So it was a big mistake while naming the ports ...this particular reset should have been named as reset_regs ....if it had been renamed the warning would have been easier to analyze .
4'b1XXX: tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1'd1;
Yet another fine suggestion.....

Also, in cpu.v ...

                // Return instructions
                 16'b1000_????_????_0000: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // {shouldn't happen}
                 16'b1000_????_????_0001: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // Go back to no CALL in progress
                 16'b1000_????_????_0010: stacklevel <= 4'b0001;  // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
                 16'b1000_????_????_0011: stacklevel <= 4'b0010;  // Go Back to 2 CALL in progress 
                 16'b1000_????_????_0100: stacklevel <= 4'b0011;  // Go Back to 3 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0101: stacklevel  <=4'b0100;  // Go Back to 4 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0110: stacklevel  <=4'b0101;  // Go Back to 5 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0111: stacklevel  <=4'b0110;  // Go back to 6 CALL  in progress

doesn't do anything, since the case statement is

              casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case

inst is 12 bits, stacklevel is 3 bit, so that is a 15 bit casex argument. So these 16 bit cases never happen.
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Reactions: blooz


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Also, in cpu.v ...

                // Return instructions
                 16'b1000_????_????_0000: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // {shouldn't happen}
                 16'b1000_????_????_0001: stacklevel <= 4'b0000;  // Go back to no CALL in progress
                 16'b1000_????_????_0010: stacklevel <= 4'b0001;  // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
                 16'b1000_????_????_0011: stacklevel <= 4'b0010;  // Go Back to 2 CALL in progress 
                 16'b1000_????_????_0100: stacklevel <= 4'b0011;  // Go Back to 3 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0101: stacklevel  <=4'b0100;  // Go Back to 4 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0110: stacklevel  <=4'b0101;  // Go Back to 5 CALL  in progress
        			16'b1000_????_????_0111: stacklevel  <=4'b0110;  // Go back to 6 CALL  in progress

doesn't do anything, since the case statement is

              casex ({inst, stacklevel}) // synopsys parallel_case

inst is 12 bits, stacklevel is 3 bit, so that is a 15 bit casex argument. So these 16 bit cases never happen.

...oops this is old version of the code ..and Between ....fixed this error already ...But again you have found another good point ......

Hi Flibble
....It was a good experience With The RISC core and as the project is complete ...And I would be glad to hear your opinion about a Vector proccessor ALU ?

currentlly plan to use

operations like

Dot product
Cross product
Scalar product
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