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Communication based Project

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communication based projects

Can anyone give me an idea on what project to do for final year of B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. I just need an idea.


projects based on communication

try desinging a Viterbi Decoder .. it's good and feasible for graduation ..
U can also design an FFT/IFFT chip .. take any IEEE standard like IEEE 802.11a Wireless LAN standard and read the specs of the Viterbi Decoder of FFT/IFFT .. and start compiling them in a hardware design specs .. then EXECUTE :)
project based on communication

I think u r from india
DO u really want to do the project or posting here this message means u want some ready made fianl project
If u want I can send u mine.
It was automatic petrol deispencing machine
If u really want to do somethig.
Try to do in matlab
or model any standard in simulink
I can send u OFDM implementation in MATLAB
communication based project

Hi Mukul,
As I mentioned in my first post, ready-made project is not my first criteria. I am just searching for project ideas in which communication plays a major part. I will be able to implement it in hardware as I've already done Diploma in Electronics as well as have good experience of doing over 20 successful microcontroller based major projects.

I cannot do completely software based project as you mentioned to do in MATLAB. Something has to be implemented in hardware.
Even control system projects are not allowed to us. More stress is given on communication. And at this point I am not able to think of any idea.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

omara007, thanks for your idea. I'll ask my instructor for its approval.

projects based on communication

one good idea,
would be to capture some parameters like temp or humidity and bring it to microcontroller. process the data
and transmit it witrelessly to remote
u can use one wire n/w for that , tini microcontroller and mobile application to transmit data
this is actually a weather station implimentation
but in that case u need to know java for programing tini
otherwise if u can do this using any other microcontroller then very good
If i got some new idea i will inform u later
communication based projects

u can try something on wireless communication between two pc's may be using a laser or FM.
this sort of project will help u for higher studies also as this area is still hot in telecomm section.
communication base project

I have read some where about Vheical Tracking System. At student level this is another good projects that also involves wirless communcations. You can use mobile phones or GSM modems for this purpose.
PC side tracking software is involved in this project. Also there is much to do at microcontroller side...
So this may be a good project for you according to my idea......

projects based on communications

Dani, that is a good project. I have one doub't. How do I send vehicle location data to main computer? Is SMS the only way or can I send raw binary information too through cellular phones?
Kindly throw some light on this topic please!

major project related to communication

CMOS try using BlueTooth Serial Transmitter. Cell Phones have bluetooth so also you can buy a receiver for PC.

The transmitter you can control it via PIC microcontroller.

Try for example logging and establishing a link between a normal answering machine your cell phone nearby, forwarding the call via Bluetooth. Who knows there are endless possibilities.
microcontroller based communication projects

djalli said:
Who knows there are endless possibilities.
Yess djAlli you are very right.........................................

At present, As far as I know this task can be implemented through SMS and I think this is the best way to do a project at student level.. djAlli very beautifully said...

Who knows there are endless possibilities

Also read this article which was written by one of my friends... for gps based tracking system
or or or or......... :wink:


gsm based projects

that article was good.:)

in that he uses an gps receiver & a gsm module.

cannot we do a sort of crude thing which uses only the gps module with the gsm module, instead of using the gps receiver.

that would cut the costs, a BIG criterion for students projects in INDIA. 8)

what i meant to say was may be we can use a gps front end module like the max2680.

major project based on communication

i am an engg student hunting for a project. does anyone know how 2 do file transfer thru pabx.

recent projects based on communication

try to build appliances for smart home.

communicatin based projects


Do a project in the area in which you know most and feel at home. Do not take a project in which you spend too much time in searching and procuring components. Do a project that can be realized readily with hardware from local sources and takes less time in troubleshooting. Try to spend more time in laying out a good problem and think about possible solutions. Think about resources you need to deliver such as software tools that you already know of or can get your hands on quickly. You know your weaknesses and streangths, thus you are the best judge of what you can do best.

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serial djalli


Try designing a wireless modem


communication system base project

Why not use laser to connect two PCs. Such transmission cannot be easily intercepted. You may also develop your own protocol and also use encryption techniques to secure the data. If you cannot do the encryption at the software level, do it at the microcontroller level.

communication based final year projects

My single answer to your query is try RFID, the hot technology for today in wireless projects.

RFID is seen as a developing technology and hence would add impact to your resume and your career.

Try finding something about this technology if you haven't yet. This forum has lots of material for you.

communication based projects

Comapre to RF ID , Wireless networking is in demand.

For wireless networking, zigbee or wifi can be used.

project based on commnication

Try the project of a DSP based modulator gor GSM or CDMA
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