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Robot controlled by Android Phone

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Oct 20, 2009
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Hi Guys

I made a robot that can be controlled by using an Android phone as a steering wheel. When the phone is tilted forward it moves forward, if you tilt it to the left it turns left and so on...

You can find the details on my blog. There is a video, some explanation on how it works and you can download the source code.

Let me know what you think of it.

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good work i want to do same project using bluetooth mate +arduino2009 from ( can you help me
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Sure, I think there should be no problem to do this. The bluetooth mate should do the same thing my bluetooth modules does, and the arduino board can take over from the dwengo board. I don’t have much experience with the arduino board though. The andoid app does not have to be changed.

That seems a lot more difficult, but maybe I'm wrong. One thing's for sure, bluetooth modules are peanuts. ;-)
any serial data ranging from 9600 -115200 can be read by bluetooth mate if any serial from android is transmitted between these range can be easily interface with arduino kit
but i don't know android mobile programming

Programming for Android is actually not that difficult if you know a little java. This was my first project for android and after one sunday I had something that worked (sometimes ;-) ). It needed some cleaning up though, but now it seems to be bugfree.

To get started just install eclipse and the android ADT plugin. There are some links in my blog post that will get you on the right track. The android developer website has lots of good info. Maybe you should take some of the tutorials there.

Then download my source code and try to understand it. I tried to make it as simple as possible. I also made sure that the bluetooth connection stuff can easily be reused. I made a BluetoothSPPConnection class that hides all the threads and message passing stuff from the user. Using this class it should be easy to setup a connection to any SPP bluetooth module.

hello.. am studying communication engineering and am working on my graduation project..
which is called "real-time mobile application"
in other words.. i have to get the analog signal sent by a temperature sensor and digitize it using PIC (16f84 or 16f877) and transmit the data using a bluetooth circuit ( BC352239A) .. this signal must be received by an ANDROID mobile java application via bluetooth where the user can read the readings of the sensor..
i have the android sdk and the eclipse platform.. but i really need help in what to do and how to start ..

Do you need help with the android app or the bluetooth chip?
The android app , which will read the data sent by the bluetooth chip :)
thanks in advance

If you have never written an Android app before, I suggest that you take some of the **broken link removed** on the Android developpers site. Afterwards you can download the code from my site and try to understand it.

I took a quick look at the datasheet of the chip and saw that you will also need/can to write some some program for the chip. If you can implement an SPP profile on the chip (maybe they have a code example) I think it will be possible to reuse my BluetoothSPPConnection class which will make your life a little easier.

i started in those tutorials and designed some apps using eclipse and droidraw...
but never got into bluetooth communications in Java..
i will tell you if i needed some help .. thank you so much Mr. Slorn :)

i want to control robot by using mobile. do the wifi is suitable to this or no??
if yes how i can use the wifi network??????????

thank you.

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