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A Universe from Nothing

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Oct 5, 2004
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This could be the most interesting lecture ever posted on Virtual Professors. In fact, if this lecture does not blow your mind, we will refund your money…oh wait, this site is free already. This lecture on the universe by Lawrence Krauss has been referred to in many religious debates by Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, and we guarantee it will change the way you think about everything.

Lawrence Krauss, a Professor of Physics at Arizona State University and author of The Physics of Star Trek, describes the wonders and poetic nature of the universe in terms of science. For example, did you know we are all made from stardust? Krauss explains how every atom in your body has come from an exploding star. In other words, stars died so you could be here today. But if that makes you feel important, Krauss will still remind you of your insignificance.

Also, there is no doubt you have wondered how that, what seems like something, could come from nothing — but Krauss also provides an answer to that. He says we live in a flat universe. And in these flat universes, energy is equal to zero. This allows our universe to begin from nothing — where no energy is necessary. And according to quantum mechanics, if you have nothing, you’ll always get something.

So sit down and sit back, because you are about to be blown away.

A Universe from Nothing a free lecture on quantum phyics by Lawrence Krauss | Virtual Professors

Enjoy ..

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Thanks! Its great (and hard) keeping up with the latest thinking in physics.
Has me wondering now how the experiment with virtual particles is going at the Hardon collider.

Its a pity that so much of the population just wants a ready made answer from religion - lazy!!
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I have always heard that gravity existed because space was curved.
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I’d say 'the Universe is flat' on absolutely large scales, once the mass has been smoothed ..
This means that in almost every location in our Universe space is not flat in that for instance the curvature of space-time produced by the Sun keeps the planets in orbit ..


Its a pity that so much of the population just wants a ready made answer from religion - lazy!!
religion is not just a "ready made answer".
If you actually looked at the Bible you would see how perfectly it matches up with modern science.
just how many unanswered questions are there with the big bang and evolution?
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As an addition to the previous post, Hugh Ross has written several books on this subject. He was a Ph.D. astronomer and worked at Caltech's jet propulsion laboratory.

If you actually looked at the Bible you would see how perfectly it matches up with modern science.
just how many unanswered questions are there with the big bang and evolution?

The cosmology (science) of the Bible is just what you would expect from a primitive desert tribe ..

Otherwise, please list the chapters and verses where the Bible provides the functional equivalence, or gives us any hint of the insight on matter, energy, space, and time that we have gained from twentieth century physics ..


---------- Post added at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 ----------

As an addition to the previous post, Hugh Ross has written several books on this subject. He was a Ph.D. astronomer and worked at Caltech's jet propulsion laboratory.

Hugh Ross as a PhD physicist and astronomer, is writing from a position of ignorance ..
After reading some of his works (eg. "The Creator and the Cosmos") I can't comment otherwise ..

The cosmology (science) of the Bible is just what you would expect from a primitive desert tribe ..

Otherwise, please list the chapters and verses where the Bible provides the functional equivalence, or gives us any hint of the insight on matter, energy, space, and time that we have gained from twentieth century physics ..


Time had a beginning 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2, 1 Corinthians 2:7
The universe had a beginning Genesis 1:1, 2:4, Isaiah 42:5
The universe was created from the invisible Hebrews 11:3
The dimensions of the universe were created Romans 8:38-39
The universe is expanding Job 9:8, Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 42:5, Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 45:12, Isaiah 48:13, Isaiah 51:13, Jeremiah 10:12, Jeremiah 51:15, Zechariah 12:1
Creation of matter and energy has ended in the universe (refutes steady-state theory) Genesis 2:3-4
The universe is winding down and will "wear out" (second law of thermodynamics ensures that the universe will run down due to "heat death"-maximum entropy) Psalm 102:25-27
Describes the correct order of creation Genesis 1 (see Day-Age Genesis One Interpretation)
Number of stars exceeds a billion Genesis 22:17, Jeremiah 33:22
Every star is different 1 Corinthians 15:41
Pleiades and Orion as gravitationally bound star groups Job 38:31
Light is in motion Job 38:19-20
The earth is controlled by the heavens Job 38:33
Earth is a sphere Isaiah 40:22 Job 26:10
At any time, there is day and night on the Earth Luke 17:34-35
Earth is suspended in space Job 26:7

Earth Sciences
Earth began as a waterworld. Formation of continents by tectonic activity described Genesis 1:2-9, Psalm 104:6-9, Proverbs 3:19, Proverbs 8:27-29, Job 38:4-8, 2 Peter 3:5
Water cycle described Ecclesiastes 1:7; Isaiah 55:10, Job 36:27-28
Valleys exist on the bottom of the sea 2 Samuel 22:16
Vents exist on the bottom of the sea Job 38:16
Ocean currents in the sea Psalm 8:8
Air has weight Job 28:25
Winds blow in circular paths Ecclesiastes 1:6

The chemical nature of human life Genesis 2:7, 3:19
Life of creatures are in the blood Leviticus 17:11
The nature of infectious diseases Leviticus 13:46
Importance of sanitation to health Numbers 19, Deuteronomy 23:12-13, Leviticus 7-9

this is modern science.

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:27 ----------

so just try and wrap your humongous brain around that, and tell me to my face that the bible is a lie.
Your naive reading of the bible is fooling both, science and religion.
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so just try and wrap your humongous brain around that, and tell me to my face that the bible is a lie.

You cannot just take the latest scientific ideas and then troll through the Bible/Quran for some vague verse which if twisted out of context just might agree with it and then claim the text miraculous ..

Those quotes can be interpreted in any number of ways, just like any other theological man-made scripture ..
did you actually read these verses, or did you just look at the references?

consider that the book of job is the oldest known scripture out there, and look at how many of these references are in job. and the "ancient civilizations"(circa 1000b.c.-circa 1000a.d.) thought stupid things that we now know different, like the earth is flat, bleeding someone heals them, etc. you can't just dismiss these things as false.

---------- Post added at 13:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

Your naive reading of the bible is fooling both, science and religion.

well, please tell me what you believe.
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I believe, that the book is a source of wisdom. It's speaking of problems, that occupied human life thousands of year ago and do still today. But (in my view), it doesn't claim to answer the problems of modern physics and astronomy.
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it doesn't claim to answer the problems of modern physics and astronomy.

i'm not saying that it answers problems of science, i'm just saying that these things help prove the validity of the bible.

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

i'm just trying to tell these people out there that say that the bible is a bunch of el crapo, that it's real, it's true, and there is no way that they can disprove it.
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i'm not saying that it answers problems of science, i'm just saying that these things help prove the validity of the bible.

much of the stories in early part of bible are similiar to those of an earlier civilization - the Sumerians. So lots of plagiarism there. There is evidence they are the oldest civilization, also the beginnings of written text, for book keeping. What is the most important thing when many people co-exist ? and specialize and need to trade? records of course, and with that the need to date time, hence the Sumerians came up with the calendar of 12months. This they did with there interest in astronomy to track time.
Evidence shows that the Sumerians did indeed make some accurate conclusions about the solar system etc.

The Sumerians were at constant war with other tribes in the region - Hebrews for one. Eventually loosing out, but interesting thing the Semite tribes absorbed vast amounts of the Sumerian culture -religion,writing,governing, law and astronomy.
The Sumerian religion is understood to be very different. Anyway, its older,
so its got to be more correct, its dog *** is first. So your following the wrong religion anyway:twisted:

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

i'm just trying to tell these people out there that say that the bible is a bunch of el crapo, that it's real, it's true, and there is no way that they can disprove it.

Well, if your the one making claims for the bible then you have to prove it,
but not by circular references back to the bible, it can't verify itself.
So yes its crap, all the doog *** did this and did that BS.

Tell me, when did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
Your parents told you, "if you don't behave yourself Santa will not be bringing any rewards"

Did it work? Well until you find that Santa is a fake.

Just goes to show that the dog *** belief system is a powerful method of control, it has been discovered so by priests in ancient times,
and by crikey the trick still bloody works today!:x
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A Universe from Nothing a free lecture on quantum phyics by Lawrence Krauss | Virtual Professors

Enjoy ..

Lurker emerges from shadows ...

Just because I have not seen anyone else post it yet here ...

I am not saying the bellow is my personal view ... in fact it is not ... but that is a different story ... in any case here it is.

This Quantum Mechanics Theory of The Universe from Nothing contradicts Relativity based Big Bang Theory.

In the Relativity based Big Bang Theory the Big Bang did not happen as a point in empty space ... space itself started at the Big Bang ... there was no empty space prior to the Big Bang ... this is the loop hole Relativity Based Big Bang Theory uses in order to explain the some of the collected data which would otherwise contradict the Relativity based Big Bang Theory... which would otherwise have objects older than the universe itself ... or would have required objects to travel faster than the speed of light ... in order to avoid both possibilities which violate Relativity ... Relativity Based Big Bang Theory instead adopts the concept of Cosmic Inflation , and that there was no empty space prior to the Big Bang.

As the video link suggests ... Quantum Mechanics of empty space can allow for 'something from nothing' ... but Quantum Mechanics requires there first to be empty space itself before the Quantum Mechanical processes of empty space can apply ... which according to Relativity based Big Bang Theory there was no Empty Space Prior to the Big Bang... thus the two Theories are in conflict.

Of course if you look into it deeper that there are several things Quantum Mechanics and Relativity are in conflict on ... and neither one of them is always right ... sometimes Relativity predicts correctly where Quantum Mechanics did not ... and sometimes Quantum Mechanics Predicts Correctly where Relativity did not.... which is why some people continue to look for , 'A Unified Field Theory'.

Lurker ... withdrawals back into shadows...
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There is also the problem of using analysis tools beyond their range of validity. Back at school many years ago my E&M professor wrote one of Maxwell's equations on the board. Then he took the second derivative of both sides and then did some shuffling of the terms. The final equation said that time runs backwards.
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did you actually read these verses, or did you just look at the references?
Reading just verses is the biggest mistake one can make .. one has to read the whole text ..
And, yes, I read that stuff ..
There is an article on “mixing science with religion” that clearly states what is what ..
Here is a sample:
There are many unanswered questions in the basic understanding of the universe. Why can't the verses of scripture throw any light on them?
For example we don't at this time know for sure if the universe is closed, open or flat ..
Nobody has dared any prediction to that effect based on any revelation ..
But if the Answer is ever found out by science I am sure someone will dig out some vague words of a verse from some book of some religion and claim to " see" the answer there that science has finally managed to find ..
Its always AFTER the fact that these semblances are found ..
It has never been found BEFORE the scientific discovery ..
If you want to read the whole thing goto:
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If you don’t want to become a scientist, fine ..
There are plenty of professions that do not involve scientists ..
But economies are scientifically and technologically driven ..
If you’re coming in saying that there was Adam and Eve, you’re not going to get past the front door ..

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If you want to know about the universe then ask experts, that is what I believe in.(and that is what my religion ordered me to do)

I believe the lecture was useful, and as an addition to this topic I introduce the lectures of Professor Stephen Hawking.(One of the most respected scientists that I've heard about even though I sometimes disagree with some of his ideas)

This is the Wikipedia page talking about him:
Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "it's also available in Arabic"

and this is the movie about his life and his most famous book:"Stephen.Hawking.A.Brief.History.of.Time"

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and this is a 6-ep tv series that talks about his explanations of the universe:
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and this is a mini series by him:
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If you want to know about the universe then ask experts, that is what I believe in.(and that is what my religion ordered me to do)

I believe the lecture was useful, and as an addition to this topic I introduce the lectures of Professor Stephen Hawking.(One of the most respected scientists that I've heard about even though I sometimes disagree with some of his ideas)

This is the Wikipedia page talking about him:
Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "it's also available in Arabic"

and this is the movie about his life and his most famous book:"Stephen.Hawking.A.Brief.History.of.Time"

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and this is a 6-ep tv series that talks about his explanations of the universe:
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and this is a mini series by him:
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---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------

If you want to know about the universe then ask experts, that is what I believe in.(and that is what my religion ordered me to do)

This is the Wikipedia page talking about Stephen Hawking:
Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this is the movie about his life and his most famous book:"Stephen.Hawking.A.Brief.History.of.Time"

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and this is a 6-ep tv series that talks about his explanations of the universe:
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and this is a mini series by him:
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Grown ups that still believe their imaginary friends are real should be in mental
hospitals not walking around freely.

They are a danger to themselves and to others.
And that's a fact you can verify in most news reports every day of the week.

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