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Mikroc pro for PIC hex file problem

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Sep 1, 2010
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Hi everyone!
I have problem; i think in hex file, i am just trying to burn pic16f877a using picpgm software, a error message appears "various error occur" what is about that?Also i check my code in isis there is no problem in my code also it is under 2k limit (demo limit). please help me out.

i doubt the problem is in the Hex file as you said, it worked in ISIS, so it's not the hex code... maybe config bits but...

if picpgm said that there are errors, they are programming errors, maybe your programmer doesn't work at all! (i think you are using a simple JDM right?)
please tell us about your programmer, programming software, PIc configuration and previous experience about PIC programming...

it is multi-pic programmer; i programmed pic16f628a and pic16f84a with my programmer, it is working well. software is picpgm; can detect programmer and ucontroller automatically.
using 4MHz crystal and conf bits are:
OSC is XT, only brown out detect is enable every thing else is off or disable
also i tried pic16f628a but the same errors!!!

how is that you programmed a pic16f628a

and after you had same errors with this same pic?

did you change from serial port? change of PC? change of Windows? o probing another programmer?

where did you get that 'multi-pic programmer' (add url or diy circuit)

are you sure your pic16f628a is the same? or that is working?

Hay i changed the program in hi-tech format (for pic16f877a) and tried to burn; this time no error message occurs, seems like the problem is in hex of mikroc. i wonder then how can isis able to simulate it?????
by the way my prog. is Electronics EveryWhere: Multi PIC Programmer

that's very interesting!
maybe the HEX generated by mikroc is scrambled, and the one of hitech is ordered....
if you don't mind, could you post both of the hex files?
i would like to see how much different they are (and how scrambled...)

a little bit change in code.

hex of mikroc (water)

hex of hi-tech (lcd&amp)

check it out size difference!!!


  • water.txt
    4.2 KB · Views: 82
  • lcd&motor.txt
    2.3 KB · Views: 83
Last edited:

forget to tell you another interesting thing, when i assemble the circuit at

breadboard for testing purpose and applied supply; nothing happens!!! than

accidentally i touch the vcc of PS; circuit start working. when i removed

my finger, again, circuit seems dead. now when i touch my finger either vcc

or vss circuit start working and when i removed it circuit not operates.i

checked the connections, ground all seems ok. also my PS is good; i think i

am running out of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(

any idea????

mmmm.. maybe a long used breadboard...
do you touch VCC directly on the PowerSupply? or the powersupply cable at the breadboard... maybe it doesn't connect well to the breadboard...
are you sure the voltage gets the PIC? (maybe it reachs the breadboard, but a bad cable doesn't make it reach the VDD on pIC)
also don't forget the MCLR pull-up resistor!!!
do you have a capacitor of 100uF at VCC and GND?

sometimes you need to wire it again in a new breadboard... try if other things fails...
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